Up: cl-cffi-gtk API documentation

Package gtk

This is the API documentation of a Lisp binding to GTK. GTK is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. It works on many UNIX-like platforms, Windows, and OS X. GTK is released under the GNU Library General Public License (GNU LGPL), which allows for flexible licensing of client applications. GTK has a C-based object-oriented architecture that allows for maximum flexibility. Bindings for many other languages have been written, including C++, Objective-C, Guile/Scheme, Perl, Python, TOM, Ada95, Free Pascal, and Eiffel.

About This Package

Application support
Interface builder
Layout Containers
Display Widgets
Buttons and Toggles
Numeric and Text Data Entry
Multiline Text Editor
Tree, List and Icon Grid Widgets
Combo Box
Selectors (Color, File and Font)
Shortcuts Overview
Abstract Base Classes
Cross-process Embedding
Recently Used Documents
Choosing from installed applications
Gestures and event handling
GTK Core Reference
Theming in GTK
Symbols not implemented or exported

Application support


Application class.

Types of user actions that may be blocked by the gtk-application-inhibit function. ...

The gtk-application class handles many important aspects of a GTK application in a convenient fashion, without enforcing a one-size-fits-all application model. ...

Accessor of the active-window slot of the gtk-application class. ...

Accessor of the app-menu slot of the gtk-application class. ...

Accessor of the menubar slot of the gtk-application class. ...

Accessor of the register-session slot of the gtk-application class. ...

Accessor of the screensaver-active slot of the gtk-application class. ...

Creates a new application. ...

Adds a window to the application. ...

Remove a window from the application. ...

Gets a list of the windows associated with the application. ...

Returns the application window with the given ID. ...

Inform the session manager that certain types of actions should be inhibited. ...

Removes an inhibitor that has been established with the gtk-application-inhibit function. ...

Determines if any of the actions specified in the flags argument are currently inhibited, possibly by another application. ...

Determines if the desktop environment in which the application is running would prefer an application menu be shown. ...

Gets a menu from automatically loaded resources. ...

Lists the detailed action names which have associated accelerators. ...

Accessor of the accelerators that are associated with the given action. ...

Returns the list of actions, possibly empty, that the given accelerator maps to. ...


A gtk-window subclass with gtk-application support.

The gtk-application-window class is a gtk-window subclass that offers some extra functionality for better integration with gtk-application features. ...

Accessor of the show-menubar slot of the gtk-application-window class. ...

Creates a new application window. ...

Returns the unique ID of the application window. If the application window has not yet been added to a gtk-application instance, returns 0. ...

Accessor of the shortcuts window associated with the application window. ...

Interface builder


Build an interface from an XML UI definition.

Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while parsing the gtk-builder UI definition. ...

A gtk-builder object is an auxiliary object that reads textual descriptions of a user interface and instantiates the described objects. ...

Accessor of the translation-domain slot of the gtk-builder class. ...

Creates a new builder object. ...

Builds the gtk-builder UI definition from a user interface description file. ...

Builds the gtk-builder UI definition from a resource path. ...

Builds the user interface described by string in the gtk-builder UI definition format. ...

Parses a file containing a gtk-builder UI definition and merges it with the current contents of the builder. ...

Parses a resource file containing a gtk-builder UI definition and merges it with the current contents of the builder. ...

Parses a string containing a gtk-builder UI definition and merges it with the current contents of the builder. ...

Parses a file containing a gtk-builder UI definition building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of builder. ...

Parses a string containing a gtk-builder UI definition building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of builder. ...

Parses a resource file containing a gtk-builder UI definition building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of builder. ...

Gets the object named name from the gtk-builder UI definition. ...

Gets all objects that have been constructed by the builder. ...

Adds an object to the builder object pool so it can be referenced just like any other object built by the builder. ...

This is the signature of a callback function used to connect signals. ...

This method is a simpler variation of the gtk-builder-connect-signals-full function. ...

This function can be thought of the interpreted language binding version of the gtk-builder-connect-signals function. ...

Accessor of the application associated with the builder. ...

Looks up a type by name, using the virtual function that the gtk-builder class has for that purpose. ...



Toplevel which can contain other widgets.

An enumeration for the possible types of a gtk-window widget. ...

Window placement can be influenced using this enumeration. ...

A gtk-window widget is a toplevel window which can contain other widgets. ...

Accessor of the accept-focus slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the application slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the attached-to slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the decorated slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the default-height slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the default-width slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the deletable slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the destroy-with-parent slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the focus-on-map slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the focus-visible slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the gravity slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the has-resize-grip slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the has-toplevel-focus slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the hide-titlebar-when-maximized slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the icon slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the is-active slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the is-maximized slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the mnemonics-visible slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the modal slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the opacity slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the resizable slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the resize-grip-visible slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the role slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the screen slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the skip-pager-hint slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the skip-taskbar-hint slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the startup-id slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the transient-for slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the type slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the type-hint slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the urgency-hint slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Accessor of the window-position slot of the gtk-window class. ...

Creates a new window, which is a toplevel window that can contain other widgets. ...

Associate an accelerator group with the window, such that calling the gtk-accel-group-activate function on the window will activate accelerators in the accelerator group. ...

Reverses the effects of the gtk-window-add-accel-group function. ...

Activates the current focused widget within the window. ...

Activates the default widget for the window, unless the current focused widget has been configured to receive the default action. ...

Accessor of the default size of a gtk-window widget. ...

Like the gtk-window-default-size function, but the width and height arguments are interpreted in terms of the base size and increment set with the gtk-window-set-geometry-hints function. ...

This function sets up hints about how a window can be resized by the user. ...

Returns a list of all existing toplevel windows. ...

Adds a mnemonic to the window. ...

Removes a mnemonic from the window. ...

Activates the targets associated with the mnemonic. ...

Activates mnemonics and accelerators for the window. ...

Propagate a key press or release event to the focus widget and up the focus container chain until a widget handles the event. ...

Accessor of the focus widget of the window. ...

Accessor of the default widget of the window. ...

Presents a window to the user. ...

Presents a window to the user in response to a user interaction. ...

Requests that the window is closed, similar to what happens when a window manager Close button is clicked. ...

Asks to iconify, i.e. minimize, the specified window. ...

Asks to deiconify, i.e. unminimize, the specified window. ...

Asks to stick the window, which means that it will appear on all user desktops. ...

Asks to unstick the window, which means that it will appear on only one of the desktops of the user. ...

Asks to maximize the window, so that it becomes full screen. ...

Asks to unmaximize the window. ...

Asks to place the window in the fullscreen state. ...

Asks to place the window in the fullscreen state. ...

Asks to toggle off the fullscreen state for the window. ...

Asks to keep the window above, so that it stays on top. ...

Asks to keep the window below, so that it stays in bottom. ...

Starts resizing a window. ...

Starts moving a window. ...

Accessor of the modifier mask used to activate mnemonics on the window. ...

Accessor of the icon list of the window. ...

Accessor of the default icon name of the window. ...

Accessor of the icon list of the window. ...

This function returns the position you need to pass to the gtk-window-move function to keep the window in its current position. ...

Obtains the current size of the window. ...

Returns the window group for the window or the default window group, if the window argument is nil or if the window argument does not have an explicit window group. ...

Returns whether the window has an explicit window group. ...

Asks the window manager to move the window to the given position. ...

Parses a standard X Window System geometry string. ...

Resizes the window as if the user had done so, obeying geometry constraints. ...

Like the gtk-window-resize function, but width and height are interpreted in terms of the base size and increment set with the gtk-window-set-geometry-hints function. ...

Sets an icon to be used as fallback for windows that have not had the gtk-window-icon function called on them from a pixbuf. ...

Sets an icon to be used as fallback for windows that have not had the gtk-window-icon-list function called on them from a file on disk. ...

Sets the icon for the window. ...

Call this function to disable the automatic startup notification. ...

Accessor of the custom titlebar widget of the window. ...

Opens or closes the interactive debugger, which offers access to the widget hierarchy of the application and to useful debugging tools. ...


Create popup windows.

Flags used to influence the gtk-dialog widget construction. ...

Predefined values for use as response IDs in the gtk-dialog-add-button function. ...

Dialogs are a convenient way to prompt the user for a small amount of input, e.g. to display a message, ask a question, or anything else that does not require extensive effort on the part of the user. ...

Accessor of the use-header-bar slot of the gtk-dialog class. ...

Creates a new dialog. ...

Creates a new dialog with title title, or nil for the default title, see the gtk-window-title function, and transient parent parent, or nil for none, see the gtk-window-transient-for function. ...

Blocks in a recursive main loop until the dialog either emits the "response" signal, or is destroyed. ...

Emits the "response" signal with the given response ID. ...

Adds a button with the given text and sets things up so that clicking the button will emit the "response" signal with the given response value. ...

Adds more buttons, same as calling the gtk-dialog-add-button function repeatedly. ...

Adds an activatable child widget to the action area of the dialog, connecting a signal handler that will emit the "response" signal on the dialog when the child widget is activated. ...

Sets the last widget in the action area of the dialog with the given response value as the default widget for the dialog. ...

Calls the gtk-widget-sensitive function for each widget in the action area of the dialog with the given response value. ...

Gets the response ID of the widget in the action area of the dialog. ...

Gets the button that uses the given response ID in the action area of the dialog. ...

Returns the action area of the dialog. ...

Returns the content area of the dialog. ...

Returns the header bar of the dialog. ...


A convenient message window.

The type of message being displayed in the message dialog. ...

Prebuilt sets of buttons for the dialog. ...

A gtk-message-dialog widget presents a dialog with some message text. ...

Accessor of the buttons slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the image slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the message-area slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the message-type slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-text slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-use-markup slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the use-markup slot of the gtk-message-dialog class. ...

Creates a new message dialog, which is a simple dialog with some text the user may want to see. ...

Creates a new message dialog, which is a simple dialog with some text which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. ...

Sets the text of the message dialog to be text, which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. ...

Sets the secondary text of the message dialog to be message with the arguments in args. ...

Sets the secondary text of the message dialog to be message with the arguments in args, which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. ...


Display information about an application.

The type of license for an application. ...

The gtk-about-dialog widget offers a simple way to display information about a program like its logo, name, copyright, website and license. ...

Accessor of the artists slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the authors slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the comments slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the copyright slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the documenters slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the license slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the license-type slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the logo slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the logo-icon-name slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the program-name slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the translator-credits slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the version slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the website slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the website-label slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-license slot of the gtk-about-dialog class. ...

Creates a new about dialog. ...

Creates a new section in the Credits page. ...

This is a convenience function for showing the about dialog of an application. ...


A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations.

An enumeration for determining the page role inside the gtk-assistant widget. It is used to handle buttons sensitivity and visibility. ...

A gtk-assistant widget is used to represent a generally complex operation splitted in several steps, guiding the user through its pages and controlling the page flow to collect the necessary data. ...

Accessor of the use-header-bar slot of the gtk-assistant class. ...

Accessor of the complete child property of the gtk-assistant class. ...

Accessor of the has-padding child property of the gtk-assistant class. ...

Accessor of the page-type child property of the gtk-assistant class. ...

Accessor of the title child property of the gtk-assistant class. ...

Creates a new assistant. ...

Accessor of the current page of the assistant. ...

Returns the number of pages in the assistant. ...

Returns the child widget contained in the assistant with the given page index. ...

Prepends a page to the assistant. ...

Appends a page to the assistant. ...

Inserts a page in the assistant at a given position. ...

Removes the page with the given page index from the assistant. ...

A callback function used by the gtk-assistant-set-forward-page-func function to know which is the next page given a current one. ...

Sets the page forwarding function to be func. ...

Accessor of the page type of a page in the assistant. ...

Accessor of the title for the page in the assistant. ...

Accessor of the completeness status of the page in the assistant. ...

Accessor of the has padding status of the page in the assistant. ...

Adds a child widget to the action area of the assistant. ...

Removes a child widget from the action area of the assistant. ...

Forces the assistant to recompute the buttons state. ...

Erases the visited page history so the Back button is not shown on the current page, and removes the Cancel button from subsequent pages. ...

Navigate to the next page. ...

Navigate to the previous visited page. ...


A widget which is not displayed.

The gtk-invisible widget is used internally in GTK, and is probably not very useful for application developers. ...

Accessor of the screen slot of the gtk-invisible class. ...

Creates a new invisible widget. ...

Creates a new invisible widget for a specified screen. ...


A toplevel widget to manage offscreen rendering of child widgets.

The gtk-offscreen-window widget is strictly intended to be used for obtaining snapshots of widgets that are not part of a normal widget hierarchy. ...

Creates a toplevel container widget that is used to retrieve snapshots of widgets without showing them on the screen. ...

Retrieves a snapshot of the contained widget in the form of a cairo-surface-t instance. ...

Retrieves a snapshot of the contained widget in the form of a gdk-pixbuf object. ...


Limit the effect of grabs.

A gtk-window-group object restricts the effect of grabs to windows in the same group, thereby making window groups almost behave like separate applications. ...

Creates a new window group. ...

Adds a window to a window group. ...

Removes a window from a window group. ...

Returns a list of windows that belong to the window group. ...

Gets the current grab widget of the given window group. ...

Returns the current grab widget for device, or nil if none. ...

Layout Containers


A container box.

The gtk-box widget arranges child widgets into a single row or column, depending upon the :horizontal or :vertical value of its inherited orientation property. ...

Accessor of the baseline-position slot of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous slot of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the expand child property of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the fill child property of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the pack-type child property of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the padding child property of the gtk-box class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-box class. ...

Creates a new box with the given orientation and an optional value for the spacing property. ...

Adds a child widget to the box, packed with reference to the start of the box. ...

Adds a child widget to the box, packed with reference to the end of the box. ...

Moves the child widget to a new position in the list of the box children. ...

Obtains information about how the child widget is packed into the box. ...

Sets the way the child widget is packed into the box. ...

Accessor of the center widget of the gtk-box class. ...


Pack widgets in a rows and columns.

The gtk-grid widget is a container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns, with arbitrary positions and horizontal/vertical spans. ...

Accessor of the baseline-row slot of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the column-homogeneous slot of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the column-spacing slot of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the row-homogeneous slot of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the row-spacing slot of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the height child property of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the left-attach child property of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the top-attach child property of the gtk-grid class. ...

Accessor of the width child property of the gtk-grid class. ...

Creates a new grid container. ...

Adds a child widget to the grid. ...

Adds a child widget to the grid. ...

Gets the child of the grid whose area covers the grid cell whose upper left corner is at left, top. ...

Inserts a row at the specified position. ...

Inserts a column at the specified position. ...

Removes a row from the grid. ...

Removes a column from the grid. ...

Inserts a row or column at the specified position. ...

Accessor of the baseline position of the gtk-grid widget. ...


Hide and show with animation.

These enumeration values describe the possible transitions when the child widget of a gtk-revealer widget is shown or hidden. ...

The gtk-revealer widget is a container which animates the transition of its child widget from invisible to visible. ...

Accessor of the child-revealed slot of the gtk-revealer class. ...

Accessor of the reveal-child slot of the gtk-revealer class. ...

Accessor of the transition-duration slot of the gtk-revealer class. ...

Creates a new revealer. ...


A list container.

The gtk-list-box widget is a vertical container that contains gtk-list-box-row children. ...

Accessor of the activate-on-single-click slot of the gtk-list-box class. ...

Accessor of the selection-mode slot of the gtk-list-box class. ...

Creates a new list box. ...

Prepend a child widget to the list box. ...

Insert the child widget into the list box at the given position. ...

Make row the currently selected row. ...

Unselects a single row of the list box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Select all children of the list box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Unselect all children of the list box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Gets the selected row. ...

A callback function used by the gtk-list-box-selected-foreach function. ...

Calls a function for each selected child. ...

Creates a list of all selected rows in the list box. ...

Accessor of the adjustment the list box uses for vertical scrolling. ...

Sets the placeholder that is shown in the list box when it does not display any visible children. ...

Gets the n-th child in the list box (not counting headers). ...

Gets the row at the y position in the list box. ...

Update the filtering for all rows. ...

Update the separators for all rows. ...

Update the sorting for all rows. ...

Will be called whenever the row changes or is added and lets you control if the row should be visible or not. ...

By setting a filter function on the list box one can decide dynamically which of the rows to show. ...

Whenever row changes or which row is before row changes this is called, which lets you update the header on row. ...

By setting a header function on the list box one can dynamically add headers in front of rows, depending on the contents of the row and its position in the list box. ...

The type of the callback function that compares two rows to determine which should be first. ...

By setting a sort function on the list box one can dynamically reorder the rows of the list, based on the contents of the rows. ...

This is a helper function for implementing drag and drop onto a list box. ...

If a row has previously been highlighted via the gtk-list-box-drag-highlight-row function it will have the highlight removed. ...

Called for list boxes that are bound to a g-list-model object with the gtk-list-box-bind-model function for each item that gets added to the model. ...

Binds a model to the list box. ...

The gkt-list-box-row widget is a child widget for the gtk-list-box widget. ...

Accessor of the activatable slot of the gtk-list-box-row class. ...

Accessor of the selectable slot of the gtk-list-box class. ...

Creates a new list box row, to be used as a child widget of a list box. ...

Marks row as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated. ...

Returns a boolean whether the child is currently selected in its list box container. ...

Accessor of the header widget of a list box row. ...

Gets the current index of the row in its list box. ...


A container that allows reflowing its children.

A gtk-flow-box widget positions child widgets in sequence according to its orientation. ...

Accessor of the activate-on-single-click slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the column-spacing slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the max-children-per-line slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the min-children-per-line slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the row-spacing slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Accessor of the selection-mode slot of the gtk-flow-box class. ...

Creates a new flow box. ...

Inserts the child widget into the flow box at a given position. ...

Gets the nth child widget in the flow box. ...

Gets the child widget in the flow box at the given coordinates. ...

Hooks up an adjustment to focus handling in the flow box. ...

Hooks up an adjustment to focus handling in the flow box. ...

A callback function used by the gtk-flow-box-selected-foreach function. ...

Calls a function for each selected child widget in the flow box. ...

Creates a list of all selected children. ...

Selects a single child widget of the flow box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Unselects a single child widget of the flow box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Select all children of the flow box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

Unselect all children of the flow box, if the selection mode allows it. ...

A function that will be called whenever a child widget changes or is added. ...

By setting a filter function on the flow box one can decide dynamically which of the children to show. ...

Updates the filtering for all children in the flow box. ...

A function to compare two children to determine which should come first. ...

By setting a sort function on the flow box, one can dynamically reorder the children of the flow box, based on the contents of the children. ...

Updates the sorting for all children in the flow box. ...

Called for flow boxes that are bound to a g-list-model object with the gtk-flow-box-bind-model function for each item that gets added to the model. ...

Binds a model to the flow box. ...

The gtk-flow-box-child widget is the kind of widget that can be added to a gtk-flow-box widget. ...

Creates a new gtk-flow-box-child widget, to be used as a child widget of a gtk-flow-box widget. ...

Gets the current index of the child widget in its flow box. ...

Returns whether the child widget is currently selected in its flow box. ...

Marks the child widget as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated. ...


A stacking container.

These enumeration values describe the possible transitions between pages in a gtk-stack widget. ...

The gtk-stack widget is a container which only shows one of its children at a time. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the hhomogeneous slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the interpolate-size slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the transition-duration slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the transition-type slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the transition-running slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the vhomogeneous slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the visible-child slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the visible-child-name slot of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name child property of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the name child property of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the needs-attention child property of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-stack class. ...

Accessor of the title child property of the gtk-stack class. ...

Creates a new stack. ...

Adds a child page to the stack. ...

Adds a child page to the stack. ...

Finds the child page of the stack with the name given as the argument. ...

Makes the child page with the given name visible. ...


A controller for the gtk-stack widget.

The gtk-stack-switcher widget acts as a controller for a gtk-stack widget. It shows a row of buttons to switch between the various pages of the associated stack widget. ...

Accessor of the icon-size slot of the gtk-stack-switcher class. ...

Accessor of the stack slot of the gtk-stack-switcher class. ...

Creates a new stack switcher. ...


An automatic sidebar widget

A gtk-stack-sidebar widget enables you to quickly and easily provide a consistent "sidebar" object for your user interface. ...

Accessor of the stack slot of the gtk-stack-sidebar class. ...

Creates a new stack sidebar. ...


A full width bar for presenting contextual actions

The gtk-action-bar widget is designed to present contextual actions. ...

Accessor of the pack-type child property of the gtk-action-bar class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-action-bar class. ...

Creates a new action bar. ...

Adds the child widget to the action bar, packed with reference to the start of the action bar. ...

Adds the child widget to the action bar, packed with reference to the end of the action bar. ...

Accessor of the center widget of the action bar. ...


A box with a centered child.

The gtk-header-bar widget is similar to a horizontal gtk-box widget. It allows children to be placed at the start or the end. In addition, it allows a title and subtitle to be displayed. ...

Accessor of the custom-title slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the decoration-layout slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the decoration-layout-set slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the has-subtitle slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the show-close-button slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the subtitle slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the pack-type child property of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-header-bar class. ...

Creates a new header bar. ...

Adds a child widget to the header bar, packed with reference to the start of the header bar. ...

Adds a child widget to the header bar, packed with reference to the end of the header bar. ...


A container which overlays widgets on top of each other.

The gtk-overlay widget is a container which contains a single main widget, on top of which it can place overlay widgets. ...

Accessor of the index child property of the gtk-overlay class. ...

Accessor of the pass-through child property of the gtk-overlay class. ...

Creates a new overlay container. ...

Adds a child widget to the overlay container. ...

Moves a child widget to a new index in the list of overlay children. ...


A container for arranging buttons

Used to dictate the style that a gtk-button-box widget uses to layout the buttons it contains. ...

A gtk-button-box widget should be used to provide a consistent layout of buttons throughout your application. ...

Accessor of the layout-style slot of the gtk-button-box class. ...

Accessor of the non-homogeneous child property of the button box. ...

Accessor of the secondary child property of the button box. ...

Creates a new button box. ...

Accessor of the layout style of the button box. ...


A widget with two adjustable panes.

The gtk-paned widget has two panes, arranged either horizontally or vertically. ...

Accessor of the max-position slot of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the min-position slot of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the position slot of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the position-set slot of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the wide-handle slot of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the resize child property of the gtk-paned class. ...

Accessor of the shrink child property of the gtk-paned class. ...

Creates a new paned widget. ...

Adds a child widget to the top or left pane with default parameters. ...

Adds a child widget to the bottom or right pane with default parameters. ...

Adds a child widget to the top or left pane. ...

Adds a child widget to the bottom or right pane. ...

Obtains the first child widget of the paned widget. ...

Obtains the second child widget of the paned widget. ...

Returns the GDK window of the handle. ...


Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing.

The gtk-layout widget is similar to the gtk-drawing-area widget in that it is a "blank slate" and does not do anything but paint a blank background by default. ...

Accessor of the height slot of the gtk-layout class. ...

Accessor of the width slot of the gtk-layout class. ...

Accessor of the x child property of the gtk-layout class. ...

Accessor of the child property y of the gtk-layout class. ...

Creates a new layout. ...

Adds a child widget to the layout, at the given position in pixels. ...

Moves a child widget of the layout to a new position in pixels. ...

Accessor of the width and height of the scrollable area. ...

Retrieve the GDK window of the layout used for drawing operations. ...


A tabbed notebook container.

The values of this enumeration are used as arguments of the "focus-tab" signal. ...

The gtk-notebook widget is a gtk-container widget whose children are pages that can be switched between using tab labels along one edge. ...

Accessor of the enable-popup slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the group-name slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the page slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the scrollable slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the show-border slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the show-tabs slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the tab-pos slot of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the detachable child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the child property menu-label of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the reorderable child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the tab-expand child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the tab-fill child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Accessor of the tab-label child property of the gtk-notebook class. ...

Creates a new notebook with no pages. ...

Inserts a page into the notebook depending on the value of the position keyword argument with the :end default value: ...

Appends a page to the notebook. ...

Appends a page to the notebook, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu. ...

Prepends a page to the notebook. ...

Prepends a page to the notebook, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu. ...

Insert a page into the notebook at the given position. ...

Insert a page into the notebook at the given position, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu. ...

Removes a page from the notebook given the page widget or its index in the notebook. ...

Removes the child page from the notebook. ...

Finds the index of the page which contains the given child widget. ...

Switches to the next page. ...

Switches to the previous page. ...

Reorders the page containing the child, so that it appears in the given position. ...

Enables the popup menu. ...

Disables the popup menu. ...

Accessor of the current page of the notebook. ...

Accessor of the menu label of the notebook. ...

Returns the child widget contained in page number num. ...

Gets the number of pages in a notebook. ...

Accessor of the tab label of the notebook child. ...

Accessor of the text of the menu label. ...

Accessor of the label text of the tab label widget. ...

Accessor of the reorderable child property of the notebook page. ...

Accessor of the detachable child property of the notebook. ...

Accessor of the action widget of the notebook. ...


A container which can hide its child.

A gtk-expander widget allows the user to hide or show its child by clicking on an expander triangle similar to the triangles used in a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Accessor of the expanded slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the label-fill slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the label-widget slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the resize-toplevel slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the use-markup slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Accessor of the use-underline slot of the gtk-expander class. ...

Creates a new expander using label as the text of the label. ...

Creates a new expander using label as the text of the label. ...


A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio.

The gtk-aspect-frame widget is useful when you want pack a widget so that it can resize but always retains the same aspect ratio. ...

Accessor of the obey-child slot of the gtk-aspect-frame class. ...

Accessor of the ratio slot of the gtk-aspect-frame class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-aspect-frame class. ...

Accessor of the yalign slot of the gtk-aspect-frame class. ...

Create a new aspect frame container. ...

Set parameters for an existing aspect frame. ...


A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates.

The gtk-fixed widget is a container which can place child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes, given in pixels. ...

Accessor of the x child property of the gtk-fixed class. ...

Accessor of the y child property of the gtk-fixed class. ...

Creates a new fixed widget. ...

Adds a child widget to a fixed widget at the given position. ...

Moves a child widget of a fixed widget to the given position. ...

Display Widgets


A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text.

The gtk-label widget displays a small amount of text. ...

Accessor of the angle slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the attributes slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the cursor-position slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the ellipsize slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the justify slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the lines slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the max-width-chars slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the mnemonic-keyval slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the mnemonic-widget slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the pattern slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the selectable slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the selection-bound slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the single-line-mode slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the track-visited-links slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the use-markup slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the use-underline slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the width-chars slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the wrap slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-mode slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Accessor of the yalign slot of the gtk-label class. ...

Creates a new label with the given text inside it. ...

Accessor of the text in the label. ...

Parses text which is marked up with the Pango text markup language, setting the text of the label and attribute list based on the parse results. ...

Parses text which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. ...

Accessor of the line wrap setting of the label. ...

Accessor of the line wrap mode of the label. ...

Obtains the coordinates where the label will draw the pango-layout object representing the text in the label. ...

Creates a new gtk-label widget, containing the given. ...

Selects a range of characters in the label, if the label is selectable. ...

Sets the text of the label from the string text. ...

Gets the Pango layout used to display the label. ...

Gets the selected range of characters in the label. ...

Returns the URI for the currently active link in the label. ...


A widget displaying an image.

The cairo-surface structure represents a Cairo surface in GTK. ...

Describes the image data representation used by a gtk-image widget. ...

The gtk-image widget displays an image. ...

Accessor of the file slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the gicon slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the icon-set slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the icon-size slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf-animation slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the pixel-size slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the stock slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the stock slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the storage-type slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the surface slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Accessor of the use-fallback slot of the gtk-image class. ...

Gets the gdk-pixbuf-animation object being displayed by the gtk-image widget. ...

Gets the icon name and icon size being displayed by the image. ...

Gets the g-icon icon and icon size being displayed by the image. ...

Creates an image displaying the file. ...

Creates an image displaying pixbuf. ...

Creates a image displaying the given animation. ...

Creates an image displaying an icon from the current icon theme. ...

Creates an image displaying an icon from the current icon theme. ...

Creates an image displaying the resource file in resource. ...

Creates a new image displaying surface. ...

See the gtk-image-new-from-file function for details. ...

Creates an image displaying pixbuf. ...

Causes the image to display the given animation, or display nothing, if you set the animation to nil. ...

See the gtk-image-new-from-icon-name function for details. ...

See the gtk-image-new-from-gicon function for details. ...

See the gtk-image-new-from-resource function for details. ...

See the gtk-image-new-from-surface function for details. ...

Resets the image to be empty. ...

Creates a new image. ...


Show a spinner animation.

A gtk-spinner widget displays an icon size spinning animation. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-spinner class. ...

Returns a new spinner. Not yet started. ...

Starts the animation of the spinner. ...

Stops the animation of the spinner. ...


Report important messages to the user.

The gtk-info-bar widget can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog. ...

Accessor of the message-type slot of the gtk-info-bar class. ...

Accessor of the revealed slot of the gtk-info-bar class. ...

Accessor of the show-close-button slot of the gtk-info-bar class. ...

Creates a new info bar. ...

Creates a new info bar with buttons. ...

Add an activatable widget to the action area of an info bar, connecting a signal handler that will emit the "response" signal on the message area when the widget is activated. ...

Adds a button with the given text, and sets things up so that clicking the button will emit the "response" signal with the given response ID. ...

Adds more buttons, same as calling the gtk-info-bar-add-button function repeatedly. ...

Calls the gtk-widget-sensitive function for each widget in the action area of the info bar with the given response ID. ...

Sets the last widget in the action area of the info bar with the given response ID as the default widget for the info bar. ...

Emits the "response" signal with the given response ID. ...

Returns the action area of the info bar. ...

Returns the content area of the info bar. ...


A widget which indicates progress visually.

The gtk-progress-bar widget is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation. ...

Accessor of the ellipsize slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Accessor of the fraction slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Accessor of the inverted slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Accessor of the pulse-step slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Accessor of the show-text slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-progress-bar class. ...

Creates a new progress bar. ...

Indicates that some progress has been made, but you do not know how much. ...


A bar that can be used as a level indicator.

Describes how the gtk-level-bar widget contents should be rendered. ...

The gtk-level-bar widget is a bar widget that can be used as a level indicator. ...

Accessor of the inverted slot of the gtk-level-bar class. ...

Accessor of the max-value slot of the gtk-level-bar class. ...

Accessor of the min-value slot of the gtk-level-bar class. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gtk-level-bar class. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gtk-level-bar class. ...

Creates a new level bar. ...

Utility constructor that creates a new level bar for the specified interval. ...

Adds a new offset marker on the level bar at the position specified by value. ...

Removes an offset marker previously added with the gtk-level-bar-add-offset-value function. ...

Fetches the value specified for the offset marker name in the level bar, returning nil in case an offset named name was not found. ...


Report messages of minor importance to the user.

A gtk-statusbar widget is usually placed along the bottom of the main gtk-window widget of the application. It may provide a regular commentary of the status of the application as is usually the case in a web browser, for example, or may be used to simply output a message when the status changes, when an upload is complete in an FTP client, for example. ...

Creates a new statusbar ready for messages. ...

Returns a new context identifier, given a description of the actual context. ...

Pushes a new message onto the stack of the statusbar. ...

Removes the first message in the stack of the statusbar with the given context ID. ...

Forces the removal of a message from the stack of the statusbar. ...

Forces the removal of all messages from the stack of the statusbar with the exact context identifier. ...

Retrieves the box containing the label widget. ...


A label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text.

The gtk-accel-label widget is a subclass of the gtk-label class that also displays an accelerator key on the right of the label text, e.g. "Ctrl+Q". ...

Accessor of the accel-closure slot of the gtk-accel-label class. ...

Accessor of the accel-widget slot of the gtk-accel-label class. ...

Creates a new accel label. ...

Returns the width needed to display the accelerator key(s). ...

Manually sets a keyval and modifier mask as the accelerator rendered by label. ...

Gets the keyval and modifier mask set with the gtk-accel-label-set-accel function. ...

Recreates the string representing the accelerator keys. ...

Buttons and Toggles


A widget that emits a signal when clicked on.

A widget that emits a signal when clicked on. ...

Accessor of the always-show-image slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the focus-on-click slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the image slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the image-position slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the relief slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-stock slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-underline slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Accessor of the yalign slot of the gtk-button class. ...

Creates a new button. ...

Creates a button with a label containing the given text in label. ...

Creates a new button widget containing a label with a mnemonic. ...

Creates a new button containing an icon from the current icon theme. ...

Emits a "clicked" signal to the given button. ...

Returns the GDK event window of the button if it is realized, nil otherwise. ...


Create widgets with a discrete toggle button.

A gtk-check-button widget places a discrete gtk-toggle-button widget next to a widget, usually a gtk-label widget. ...

Creates a new check button. ...

Creates a new check button with a gtk-label widget to the right of it. ...

Creates a new check button widget containing a label. ...


A choice from multiple check buttons.

A single radio button performs the same basic function as a gtk-check-button widget, as its position in the object hierarchy reflects. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gtk-radio-button class. ...

Creates a new radio button. ...

Creates a new radio button, adding it to the same group as member. ...

Creates a new radio button with a text label. ...

Creates a new radio button with a text label, adding it to the same group as member. ...

Creates a new radio button containing a label, adding it to the same group as group. ...

Creates a new radio button containing a label. ...

Sets a the group of the radio button. ...

Retrieves the group assigned to a radio button. ...

Joins a radio button to the group of another radio button widget. ...


Create buttons which retain their state.

A gtk-toggle-button widget is a gtk-button widget which will remain "pressed-in" when clicked. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-toggle-button class. ...

Accessor of the draw-indicator slot of the gtk-toggle-button class. ...

Accessor of the inconsistent slot of the gtk-toggle-button class. ...

Creates a new toggle button. ...

Creates a new toggle button with a text label. ...

Creates a new toggle button containing a label. ...

Accessor of the mode of the toggle button. ...

Emits the "toggled" signal on the toggle button. ...


Create buttons bound to a URL.

A gtk-link-button widget is a gtk-button widget with a hyperlink, similar to the one used by web browsers, which triggers an action when clicked. It is useful to show quick links to resources. ...

Accessor of the uri slot of the gtk-link-button class. ...

Accessor of the visited slot of the gtk-link-button class. ...

Creates a new link button with the URI as its text. ...

Creates a new link button containing a label. ...


A widget that shows a popup when clicked on.

Used to indicate the direction in which an arrow should point in a gtk-menu-button widget. ...

The gtk-menu-button widget is used to display a popup when clicked on. ...

Accessor of the align-widget slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Accessor of the direction slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Accessor of the menu-model slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Accessor of the popover slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Accessor of the popup slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-popover slot of the gtk-menu-button class. ...

Creates a new menu button with downwards pointing arrow as the only child. ...


A "light switch" style toggle.

The gtk-switch widget is a widget that has two states: on or off. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-switch class. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gtk-switch class. ...

Creates a new switch. ...


A button which pops up a scale.

The gtk-scale-button widget provides a button which pops up a scale widget. ...

Accessor of the adjustment slot of the gtk-scale-button class. ...

Accessor of the icons slot of the gtk-scale-button class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-scale-button class. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gtk-scale-button class. ...

Creates a scale button, with a range between min and max, with a stepping of step. ...

Retrieves the popup of the scale button. ...

Retrieves the plus button of the scale button. ...

Retrieves the minus button of the scale button. ...


A button which pops up a volume control.

The gtk-volume-button class is a subclass of the gtk-scale-button class that has been tailored for use as a volume control widget with suitable icons, tooltips and accessible labels. ...

Accessor of the use-symbolic slot of the gtk-volume-button class. ...

Creates a volume button, with a range between 0.0 and 1.0, with a stepping of 0.02. ...


A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations.

The gtk-lock-button widget is a widget that can be used in control panels or preference dialogs to allow users to obtain and revoke authorizations needed to operate the controls. ...

Accessor of the permission slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Accessor of the text-lock slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Accessor of the text-unlock slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-lock slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-lock slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-lock slot of the gtk-lock-button class. ...

Creates a new lock button which reflects the permission. ...


A button that uses a GAction as model.

The role specifies the desired appearance of a gtk-model-button widget. ...

The gtk-model-button class is a button class that can use a g-action object as its model. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the centered slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the icon slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the iconic slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the inverted slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-markup slot of the gtk-model-button class. ...

Creates a new model button widget. ...

Numeric and Text Data Entry


A single line text entry field.

Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed. ...

Describes primary purpose of the input widget. ...

Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications. ...

The gtk-entry widget is a single line text entry widget. ...

Accessor of the activates-default slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the attributes slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the buffer slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the caps-lock-warning slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the completion slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the cursor-position slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the editable slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the enable-emoji-completion slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the has-frame slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the im-module slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the inner-border slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the input-hints slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the slot input-purpose of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the invisible-char slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the invisible-char-set slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the max-length slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the max-width-chars slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the overwrite-mode slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the placeholder-text slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the populate-all slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-activatable slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-gicon slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-name slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-pixbuf slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-sensitive slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-stock slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-storage-type slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-tooltip-markup slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the primary-icon-tooltip-text slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the progress-fraction slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the progress-pulse-step slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the scroll-offset slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-activatable slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-gicon slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-name slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-pixbuf slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-sensitive slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-stock slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-storage-type slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-tooltip-markup slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the secondary-icon-tooltip-text slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the selection-bound slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the show-emoji-icon slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the tabs slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the text-length slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the truncate-multiline slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the visibility slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the width-chars slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-entry class. ...

Creates a new entry. ...

Creates a new entry with the specified text buffer. ...

Gets the area where the text of the entry is drawn. ...

Unsets the invisible char previously set with the gtk-entry-invisible-char function. ...

Accessor of the horizontal positioning of the entry. ...

Gets the Pango layout used to display the entry. ...

Obtains the position of the Pango layout used to render text in the entry, in widget coordinates. ...

Converts from a position in the entry contents, returned by the gtk-entry-text function, to a position in the Pango layout of the entry, returned by the gtk-entry-layout function, with text retrieved via the pango-layout-text function. ...

Converts from a position in the Pango layout of the entry, returned by the gtk-entry-layout function, to a position in the entry contents, returned by the gtk-entry-text function. ...

Accessor of the horizontal cursor adjustment for the entry. ...

Indicates that some progress is made, but you do not know how much. ...

Allow the entry input method to internally handle key press and release events. ...

Reset the input method context of the entry if needed. ...

Sets the icon shown in the specified position using a pixbuf. ...

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from a stock image. ...

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme. ...

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme. ...

Gets the type of representation being used by the icon to store image data. ...

Retrieves the image used for the icon. ...

Retrieves the stock ID used for the icon, or nil if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method, e.g., by pixbuf, icon name or gicon. ...

Retrieves the icon name used for the icon, or nil if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method, e.g., by pixbuf, stock or gicon. ...

Retrieves the g-icon used for the icon, or nil if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method, e.g., by stock, pixbuf, or icon name. ...

Accessor of the activatable property of the icon in the entry. ...

Accessor of the sensitive property of the icon in the entry. ...

Finds the icon at the given position and return its index. ...

Accessor of the tooltip text on the icon in the entry. ...

Accessor of the tooltip markup on the icon in the entry. ...

Sets up the icon at the given position so that GTK will start a drag operation when the user clicks and drags the icon. ...

Returns the index of the icon which is the source of the current DND operation, or -1. ...

Gets the area where the icon of the entry at pos is drawn. ...


Text buffer for gtk-entry.

The gtk-entry-buffer object contains the actual text displayed in a gtk-entry widget. ...

Accessor of the length slot of the gtk-entry-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the max-length slot of the gtk-entry-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-entry-buffer class. ...

Create a new entry buffer. ...

Retrieves the length in bytes of the buffer. ...

Inserts text into the contents of the entry buffer, at the given position. ...

Deletes a sequence of characters from the entry buffer. ...

Used when subclassing gtk-entry-buffer. ...

Used when subclassing gtk-entry-buffer object. ...


Completion functionality for GtkEntry.

gtk-entry-completion is an auxiliary object to be used in conjunction with gtk-entry to provide the completion functionality. It implements the gtk-cell-layout interface, to allow the user to add extra cells to the gtk-tree-view with completion matches. ...

Accessor of the cell-area slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the inline-completion slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the inline-selection slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the minimum-key-length slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the popup-completion slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the popup-set-width slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the popup-single-match slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Accessor of the text-column slot of the gtk-entry-completion class. ...

Creates a new entry completion. ...

Creates a new entry completion using the specified area to layout cells in the underlying gtk-tree-view-column for the drop-down menu. ...

Gets the entry the entry completion has been attached to. ...

A callback function which decides whether the row indicated by iter matches a given key, and should be displayed as a possible completion for key. ...

Sets the match function for the entry completion to be func. ...

Computes the common prefix that is shared by all rows in completion that start with key. ...

Requests a completion operation, or in other words a refiltering of the current list with completions, using the current key. ...

Get the original text entered by the user that triggered the completion or nil if there is no completion ongoing. ...

Requests a prefix insertion. ...

Inserts an action in the entry completion's action item list at position index with the given text. ...

Inserts an action in the entry completion's action item list at position index with the given markup. ...

Deletes the action at index from the entry completion's action list. ...


A slider widget for selecting a value from a range.

A gtk-scale widget is a slider control used to select a numeric value. ...

Accessor of the digits slot of the gtk-scale class. ...

Accessor of the draw-value slot of the gtk-scale class. ...

Accessor of the has-origin slot of the gtk-scale class. ...

Accessor of the value-pos slot of the gtk-scale class. ...

Creates a new scale widget. ...

Creates a new scale widget with the given orientation that lets the user input a number between min and max, including min and max, with the increment step. ...

Gets the Pango layout used to display the scale. ...

Obtains the coordinates where the scale will draw the Pango layout representing the text in the scale. ...

Adds a mark at value. ...

Removes any marks that have been added with the gtk-scale-add-mark function. ...


Retrieve an integer or floating point number from the user.

The spin button update policy determines whether the spin button displays values even if they are outside the bounds of its adjustment. See the function gtk-spin-button-update-policy. ...

The values of the gtk-spin-type enumeration are used to specify the change to make in the function gtk-spin-button-spin. ...

A gtk-spin-button widget is an ideal way to allow the user to set the value of some attribute. ...

Accessor of the adjustment slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the climb-rate slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the digits slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the numeric slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the snap-to-ticks slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the update-policy slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Accessor of the wrap slot of the gtk-spin-button class. ...

Changes the properties of an existing spin button. ...

Creates a new spin button. ...

This is a convenience constructor that allows creation of a numeric spin button without manually creating an adjustment. ...

Accessor of the step and page increments of the spin button. ...

Accessor of the minimum and maximum value of the spin button. ...

Gets the value of the spin button represented as an integer. ...

Increment or decrement a spin button's value in a specified direction by a specified amount. ...

Manually force an update of the spin button. ...


An entry which shows a search icon.

The gtk-search-entry class is a subclass of the gtk-entry class that has been tailored for use as a search entry. ...

Creates a search entry, with a find icon when the search field is empty, and a clear icon when it is not. ...

This function should be called when the toplevel window which contains the search entry received a key event. ...


A toolbar to integrate a search entry with.

gtk-search-bar is a container made to have a search entry built-in, possibly with additional connex widgets, such as drop-down menus, or buttons. ...

Accessor of the search-mode-enabled slot of the gtk-search-bar class. ...

Accessor of the show-close-button slot of the gtk-search-bar class. ...

Creates a search bar. ...

Connects the entry widget passed as the one to be used in this search bar. ...

This function should be called when the toplevel window which contains the search bar received a key event. ...


Interface for text-editing widgets.

The gtk-editable interface is an interface which should be implemented by text editing widgets, such as gtk-entry and gtk-spin-button. It contains functions for generically manipulating an editable widget, a large number of action signals used for key bindings, and several signals that an application can connect to to modify the behavior of a widget. ...

Selects a region of text. ...

Retrieves the selection bound of the editable. ...

Inserts new-text into the contents of the widget, at position position. ...

Deletes a sequence of characters. ...

Retrieves a sequence of characters. ...

Removes the contents of the currently selected content in the editable and puts it on the clipboard. ...

Copies the contents of the currently selected content in the editable and puts it on the clipboard. ...

Pastes the content of the clipboard to the current position of the cursor in the editable. ...

Deletes the currently selected text of the editable. ...

Accessor of the cursor position in the editable. ...

Accessor of the editable property of the editable. ...

Multiline Text Editor

Conceptual Overview
GTK has a powerful framework for multiline text editing. The primary objects involved in the process are the gtk-text-buffer object, which represents the text being edited, and the gtk-text-view widget, a widget which can display a gtk-text-buffer object. Each text buffer can be displayed by any number of views.

One of the important things to remember about text in GTK is that it is in the UTF-8 encoding. This means that one character can be encoded as multiple bytes. Character counts are usually referred to as offsets, while byte counts are called indexes. If you confuse these two, things will work fine with ASCII, but as soon as your text buffer contains multibyte characters, bad things will happen.

Text in a text buffer can be marked with tags. A tag is an attribute that can be applied to some range of text. For example, a tag might be called "bold" and make the text inside the tag bold. However, the tag concept is more general than that. Tags do not have to affect appearance. They can instead affect the behavior of mouse and key presses, "lock" a range of text so the user cannot edit it, or countless other things. A tag is represented by a gtk-text-tag object. One gtk-text-tag object can be applied to any number of text ranges in any number of text buffers.

Each tag is stored in a gtk-text-tag-table object. A tag table defines a set of tags that can be used together. Each text buffer has one tag table associated with it. Only tags from that tag table can be used with the text buffer. A single tag table can be shared between multiple text buffers, however.

Tags can have names, which is convenient sometimes. For example, you can name your tag that makes things bold "bold"), but they can also be anonymous, which is convenient if you are creating tags on-the-fly.

Most text manipulation is accomplished with iterators, represented by a gtk-text-iter instance. An iterator represents a position between two characters in the text buffer. The gtk-text-iter structure is a structure designed to be allocated on the stack. It is guaranteed to be copiable by value and never contain any heap-allocated data. Iterators are not valid indefinitely. Whenever the text buffer is modified in a way that affects the number of characters in the text buffer, all outstanding iterators become invalid. Note that deleting 5 characters and then reinserting 5 still invalidates iterators, though you end up with the same number of characters you pass through a state with a different number.

Because of this, iterators cannot be used to preserve positions across buffer modifications. To preserve a position, the gtk-text-mark object is ideal. You can think of a mark as an invisible cursor or insertion point. It floats in the text buffer, saving a position. If the text surrounding the mark is deleted, the mark remains in the position the text once occupied. If text is inserted at the mark, the mark ends up either to the left or to the right of the new text, depending on its gravity. The standard text cursor in left-to-right languages is a mark with right gravity, because it stays to the right of inserted text.

Like tags, marks can be either named or anonymous. There are two marks built-in to the gtk-text-buffer class. These are named "insert" and "selection_bound" and refer to the insertion point and the boundary of the selection which is not the insertion point, respectively. If no text is selected, these two marks will be in the same position. You can manipulate what is selected and where the cursor appears by moving these marks around. If you want to place the cursor in response to a user action, be sure to use the function gtk-text-buffer-place-cursor, which moves both at once without causing a temporary selection. Moving one then the other temporarily selects the range in between the old and new positions.

Text buffers always contain at least one line, but may be empty, that is, buffers can contain zero characters. The last line in the text buffer never ends in a line separator (such as newline). The other lines in the text buffer always end in a line separator. Line separators count as characters when computing character counts and character offsets. Note that some Unicode line separators are represented with multiple bytes in UTF-8, and the two-character sequence "rn" is also considered a line separator.

Simple Example
A simple usage of the gtk-text-view widget might look like this:
(defun example-text-view-simple ()
    (let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
                                  :type :toplevel
                                  :title "Example Simple Text View"
                                  :default-width 350))
           (view (make-instance 'gtk-text-view))
           (buffer (gtk-text-view-buffer view)))
      (g-signal-connect window "destroy"
          (lambda (widget)
            (declare (ignore widget))
            (let ((start (gtk-text-buffer-start-iter buffer))
                  (end (gtk-text-buffer-end-iter buffer))
                  (include-hidden-chars t))
              (print (gtk-text-buffer-get-text buffer
      (setf (gtk-text-buffer-text buffer) "Some text for the text view.")
      (gtk-container-add window view)
      (gtk-widget-show-all window))))    
In many cases it is also convenient to first create the buffer with the function gtk-text-buffer-new, then create a widget for that text buffer with the function gtk-text-view-new-with-buffer. Or you can change the buffer the widget displays after the widget is created with the function gtk-text-view-buffer.

Example of Changing Text Attributes
The way to affect text attributes in the gtk-text-view widget is to apply tags that change the attributes for a region of text. For text features that come from the theme - such as font and foreground color - use CSS to override their default values.
(defun example-text-view-attributes ()
    (let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
                                  :type :toplevel
                                  :title "Example Text View Attributes"
                                  :default-width 350))
           (provider (gtk-css-provider-new))
           (view (make-instance 'gtk-text-view))
           (buffer (gtk-text-view-buffer view)))
      (g-signal-connect window "destroy"
                        (lambda (widget)
                          (declare (ignore widget))
      (setf (gtk-text-buffer-text buffer) "Hello, this is some text.")
      ;; Change default font and color throughout the widget
      (gtk-css-provider-load-from-data provider
                                       "textview, text {
                                          color : Green;
                                          font : 20px Purisa; }")
      (gtk-style-context-add-provider (gtk-widget-style-context view)
      ;; Change left margin throughout the widget
      (setf (gtk-text-view-left-margin view) 30)
      ;; Use a tag to change the color for just one part of the widget
      (let ((tag (gtk-text-buffer-create-tag buffer
                                             :foreground "blue"))
            (start (gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-offset buffer 7))
            (end (gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-offset buffer 12)))
        ;; Apply the tag to a region of the text in the buffer
        (gtk-text-buffer-apply-tag buffer tag start end))
      ;; Add the view to the window and show all
      (gtk-container-add window view)
      (gtk-widget-show-all window))))    
The gtk-demo application that comes with GTK contains more example code for the gtk-text-view widget.


Text buffer iterator.

Flags affecting how a search is done. ...

Most text manipulation is accomplished with iterators, represented by a gtk-text-iter instance. ...

Returns the text buffer this iterator is associated with. ...

Creates a copy of an iterator. ...

Assigns the value of other to iter. ...

Accessor of the character offset of the iterator. ...

Accessor of the line number containing the iterator. ...

Accessor of the character offset relative to the start of the current line of the iterator. ...

Accessor of the byte offset relative to the start of the current line of the iterator. ...

Accessor of the character offset relative to the start of the current line of the iterator. ...

Accessor of the byte index relative to the start of the current line of the iterator. ...

Returns a Unicode character at this iterator, or 0 if the iterator is not dereferenceable. ...

Returns a string with the text in the given range. ...

Returns a string with the text in the given range. ...

Like the function gtk-text-iter-slice, but invisible text is not included. ...

Like the function gtk-text-iter-text, but invisible text is not included. ...

If the element at the iterator is a pixbuf, the pixbuf is returned. ...

Returns a list of all text marks at this location. ...

Returns a list of tags that are toggled on or off at this point. ...

If the location at the iterator contains an anchor, the anchor is returned. ...

Returns true if the tag is toggled on at exactly this point. ...

Returns true if tag is toggled on at exactly this point. ...

Returns true if tag is toggled off at exactly this point. ...

Tells you whether a range with tag applied to it begins or ends at the iterator. ...

Returns true if the iterator is within a range tagged with tag. ...

Returns a list of tags that apply to the iterator. ...

Returns whether the character at the iterator is within an editable region of text. ...

Considering the default editability of the text buffer, and tags that affect editability, determines whether text inserted at the iterator would be editable. ...

Determines whether the iterator begins a natural-language word. ...

Determines whether the iterator ends a natural-language word. ...

Determines whether the iterator is inside a natural-language word, as opposed to say inside some whitespace. ...

Returns true if the iterator begins a paragraph, i.e. if the function gtk-text-iter-line-offset would return 0. ...

Returns true if the iterator points to the start of the paragraph delimiter characters for a line. ...

Determines whether the iterator begins a sentence. ...

Determines whether the iterator ends a sentence. ...

Determines whether the iterator is inside a sentence, as opposed to in between two sentences, e.g. after a period and before the first letter of the next sentence. ...

See the function gtk-text-iter-forward-cursor-position, the pango-log-attr structure or the function pango-default-break for details on what a cursor position is. ...

Returns the number of characters in the line containing the iterator, including the paragraph delimiters. ...

Returns the number of bytes in the line containing the iterator, including the paragraph delimiters. ...

A convenience wrapper around the function gtk-text-iter-attributes, which returns the language in effect at the iterator. ...

Returns true if the iterator is the end iterator, i.e. one past the last dereferenceable iterator in the text buffer. ...

Returns true if the iterator is the first iterator in the text buffer, that is if the iterator has a character offset of 0. ...

This is a convenience function of the Lisp implementation, which replaces the functions to move the iterator in the text buffer. ...

Moves the iterator forward by one character offset. ...

Moves count characters if possible. ...

Moves backward by one character offset. ...

Moves count characters backward if possible. ...

Moves the iterator to the start of the next line. ...

Moves count lines forward, if possible. ...

Moves the iterator to the start of the previous line. ...

Moves count lines backward, if possible. ...

Moves forward to the next word end. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-forward-word-end up to count times. ...

Moves backward to the previous word start. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-backward-word-start up to count times. ...

Moves the iterator forward by a single cursor position. ...

Moves up to count cursor positions. ...

Like the function gtk-text-iter-forward-cursor-position, but moves backward. ...

Moves up to count cursor positions. ...

Moves forward to the next sentence end. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-forward-sentence-end count times, or until the function gtk-text-iter-forward-sentence-end returns false. ...

Moves backward to the previous sentence start. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-backward-sentence-start up to count times, or until it returns false. ...

Moves forward to the next visible word end. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-word-end up to count times. ...

Moves backward to the previous visible word start. ...

Calls the function gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-word-start up to count times. ...

Moves the iterator forward to the next visible cursor position. ...

Moves up to count visible cursor positions. ...

Moves the iterator forward to the previous visible cursor position. ...

Moves up to count visible cursor positions. ...

Moves the iterator to the start of the next visible line. ...

Moves count visible lines forward, if possible. ...

Moves the iterator to the start of the previous visible line. ...

Moves count visible lines backward, if possible. ...

Moves the iterator forward to the "end iterator", which points one past the last valid character in the text buffer. ...

Moves the iterator to point to the paragraph delimiter characters, which will be either a newline, a carriage return, a carriage return/newline in sequence, or the Unicode paragraph separator character. ...

Moves forward to the next toggle (on or off) of tag, or to the next toggle of any tag if tag is nil. ...

Moves backward to the next toggle (on or off) of the tag, or to the next toggle of any tag if tag is nil. ...

A callback function used by the function gtk-text-iter-find-char to search a char in the text buffer. ...

This is a convenience function of the Lisp implementation which combines the functions gtk-text-iter-forward-find-char and gtk-text-iter-backward-find-char into one single function. ...

Advances the iterator, calling the function pred on each character. ...

Same as the function gtk-text-iter-forward-find-char, but goes backward from the iterator. ...

This is a convenience function of the Lisp implementation which combines the functions gtk-text-iter-forward-search and gtk-text-iter-backward-search into one single function. ...

Searches forward for str. ...

Same as the function gtk-text-iter-forward-search, but moves backward. ...

Tests whether two iterators are equal, using the fastest possible mechanism. ...

A qsort()-style function that returns negative if lhs is less than rhs, positive if lhs is greater than rhs, and 0 if they are equal. ...

Checks whether the iterator falls in the range [start, end). ...

Swaps the value of first and second if second comes before first in the text buffer. ...


A position in the buffer preserved across buffer modifications.

A gtk-text-mark object is like a bookmark in a text buffer. ...

Accessor of the left-gravity slot of the gtk-text-mark class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-text-mark class. ...

Creates a text mark. ...

Accessor for the visibility of a text mark. ...

Returns true if the text mark has been removed from its text buffer with the function gtk-text-buffer-delete-mark. ...

Gets the text buffer this text mark is located inside, or nil if the mark is deleted. ...


Stores attributed text for display in a gtk-text-view widget.

These values are used as "info" for the targets contained in the lists returned by the gtk-text-buffer-copy-target-list and gtk-text-buffer-paste-target-list functions. ...

You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together. ...

Accessor of the copy-target-list slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the cursor-position slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the has-selection slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the paste-target-list slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the tag-table slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-text-buffer class. ...

Creates a new text buffer. ...

Obtains the number of lines in the text buffer. ...

Gets the number of characters in the text buffer. ...

Inserts text in the text buffer. ...

Copies text, tags, and pixbufs between the start and end iterators, the order of start and end does not matter, and inserts the copy at the iter iterator. ...

Inserts text into the text buffer at the position iter, applying the list of tags to the newly inserted text. ...

Inserts the text in markup at the position of the iterator. ...

Deletes text between the start and end iterators. ...

Performs the appropriate action as if the user hit the delete key with the cursor at the position specified by iter. ...

Returns the text in the range [start, end). ...

Returns the text in the range [start, end). ...

Inserts an image into the text buffer at iter. ...

Inserts a child widget anchor into the text buffer at iter. ...

This is a convenience function which simply creates an anchor with the gtk-text-child-anchor-new function and inserts it into the text buffer with the gtk-text-buffer-insert-child-anchor function. ...

Creates a mark at position pos. ...

Moves the mark to the new location pos. ...

Adds the mark at the given position. ...

Deletes the mark, so that it is no longer located anywhere in the text buffer. ...

Returns the mark named name in the text buffer, or nil if no such mark exists in the text buffer. ...

Returns the mark that represents the cursor (insertion point). ...

Returns the mark that represents the selection bound. ...

This function moves the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks simultaneously. ...

This function moves the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks simultaneously. ...

Emits the "apply-tag" signal on the text buffer. ...

Emits the "remove-tag" signal. ...

Removes all tags in the range between the start and end iterators. ...

Creates a tag and adds it to the tag table for the text buffer. ...

Obtains an iterator pointing to offset within the given line. ...

Initializes the returned iterator to a position offset chars from the start of the entire text buffer. ...

Initializes the returned iterator to the start of the given line. ...

Obtains an iterator pointing to index within the given line. ...

Returns the iterator with the current position of mark. ...

Obtains the location of anchor within the text buffer. ...

Returns an iterator with the first position in the text buffer. ...

Returns an iterator with the "end iterator", one past the last valid character in the text buffer. ...

Retrieves the first and last iterators in the text buffer, i.e. the entire text buffer lies within the range [start, end). ...

Returns true if the text buffer has been modified. ...

Deletes the range between the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks, that is, the currently selected text. ...

Pastes the contents of a clipboard at the insertion point, or at override. ...

Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard. ...

Copies the currently selected text to a clipboard, then deletes the text if it is editable. ...

Returns the start and end iterators if some text is selected. ...

Called to indicate that the text buffer operations between here and a call to the gtk-text-buffer-end-user-action function are part of a single user visible operation. ...

Should be paired with a call to the gtk-text-buffer-begin-user-action function. ...

Adds a clipboard to the list of clipboards in which the selection contents of the text buffer are available. ...

Removes a clipboard added with the gtk-text-buffer-add-selection-clipboard function. ...

A function that is called to deserialize rich text that has been serialized with the gtk-text-buffer-serialize function, and insert it at iter. ...

This function deserializes rich text in format and inserts it at iter. ...

Use this function to allow a rich text deserialization function to create new tags in the receiving text buffer. ...

This function registers a rich text deserialization function along with its MIME type with the passed text buffer. ...

This function registers internal rich text serialization format of GTK with the passed text buffer. ...

A function that is called to serialize the content of a text buffer. It must return the serialized form of the content. ...

This function serializes the portion of text between the start and end iterator in the rich text format represented by format. ...

This function registers a rich text serialization function along with its MIME type with the passed text buffer. ...

This function registers the internal rich text serialization format of GTK with the passed text buffer. ...

This function returns the rich text deserialize formats registered with the text buffer using the gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-format or gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-tagset functions. ...

This function returns the rich text serialize formats registered with buffer using the gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-format or gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-tagset functions. ...

This function unregisters a rich text format that was previously registered using the gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-format or gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-tagset functions. ...

This function unregisters a rich text format that was previously registered using the gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-format or gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-tagset functions. ...


A tag that can be applied to text in a gtk-text-buffer object.

Describes a type of line wrapping. ...

You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together. ...

Accessor of the accumulative-margin slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background-full-height slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background-full-height-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background-gdk slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background-rgba slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the background-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the direction slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the editable slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the editable-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the fallback slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the fallback-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the family slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the family-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the font slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the font-desc slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the font-features slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the font-features-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the foreground slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-gdk slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-rgba slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the indent slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the indent-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the invisible slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the invisible-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the justification slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the justification-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the language slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the language-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the left-margin slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the left-margin-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the letter-spacing slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the letter-spacing-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the paragraph-background slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the paragraph-background-gdk slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the paragraph-background-rgba slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the paragraph-background-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-above-lines slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-above-lines-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-below-lines slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-below-lines-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-inside-wrap slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-inside-wrap-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the right-margin slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the right-margin-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the rise slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the rise-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the scale slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the scale-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the size-points slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the size-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the stretch slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the stretch-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough-rgba slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough-rgba-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the style slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the style-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the tabs slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the tabs-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the underline slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the underline-rgba slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the underline-rgba-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the underline-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the variant slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the variant-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the weight slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the weight-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-mode slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-mode-set slot of the gtk-text-tag class. ...

Creates a new tag. ...

Accessor for the priority of a gtk-text-tag object. ...

Emits the "event" signal on the tag object. ...

Emits the "tag-changed" signal on the gtk-text-tag-table object where the tag is included. ...


Collection of tags that can be used together.

A tag table defines a set of tags that can be used together. ...

Creates a new tag table. ...

Adds a tag to the tag table. ...

Remove a tag from the tag table. ...

Look up a named tag. ...

The type of callback function passed to the gtk-text-table-foreach function. ...

Calls func on each tag in the tag table. ...

Returns the size of the number of tags in the tag table. ...


Widget that displays a gtk-text-buffer object.

Used to reference the parts of the gtk-text-view widget. ...

Granularity types that extend the text selection. ...

A gtk-text-child-anchor object is a spot in the text buffer where child widgets can be "anchored", inserted inline, as if they were characters. ...

GTK has a powerful framework for multiline text editing. ...

Accessor of the accepts-tab slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the bottom-margin slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the buffer slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the cursor-visible slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the editable slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the im-module slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the indent slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the input-hints slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the input-purpose slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the justification slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the left-margin slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the monospace slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the overwrite slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-above-lines slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-below-lines slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the pixels-inside-wrap slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the populate-all slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the right-margin slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the tabs slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the top-margin slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-mode slot of the gtk-text-view class. ...

Creates a new text view. ...

Creates a new text view displaying the text buffer. ...

Scrolls the text view so that the mark is on the screen in the position indicated by the xalign and yalign arguments. ...

Scrolls the text view so that the iterator is on the screen in the position indicated by the xalign and yalign arguments. ...

Scrolls the text view the minimum distance such that the mark is contained within the visible area of the widget. ...

Moves a the mark within the text buffer so that it is located within the currently visible text area. ...

Moves the cursor to the currently visible region of the text buffer, if it is not there already. ...

The currently visible region of the text buffer, in text buffer coordinates. ...

Gets a rectangle which roughly contains the coordinates of the character at the position of the iterator. ...

Given an iterator within a text layout, determine the positions of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that iterator. ...

Gets the gtk-text-iter iterator at the start of the line containing the coordinate y. ...

Gets the y coordinate of the top of the line containing iter, and the height of the line. ...

Retrieves the iterator at text buffer coordinates x and y. ...

Retrieves the iterator pointing to the character at text buffer coordinates x and y. ...

Converts the text buffer coordinates (xbuffer, ybuffer) to window coordinates (xwindow, ywindow) for the text view window of type wtype. ...

Converts window coordinates (xwindow, ywindow) on the text view window identified by wtype to text buffer coordinates (xbuffer, ybuffer). ...

Retrieves the GDK window corresponding to an area of the text view. ...

Usually used to find out which GDK window an event corresponds to. ...

Accessor of the border window size of the text view. ...

Moves the given iter by one display (wrapped) line. ...

Determines whether iter is at the start of a display line. ...

Move the iterator a given number of characters visually, treating it as the strong cursor position. ...

Adds a child widget in the text buffer, at the given anchor. ...

Creates a new gtk-text-child-anchor object. ...

Gets a list of all widgets anchored at the anchor. ...

Determines whether a anchor has been deleted from the text buffer. ...

Adds a child widget at fixed coordinates in one of the windows of the text view. ...

Updates the position of a child widget, as for the gtk-text-view-add-child-in-window function. ...

Ensures that the cursor is shown, i.e. not in an 'off' blink interval, and resets the time that it will stay blinking, or visible, in case blinking is disabled. ...

Allow the text view input method to internally handle key press and release events. ...

Reset the input method context of the text view if needed. ...

Tree, List and Icon Grid Widgets

Overview of gtk-tree-model, gtk-tree-view, and friends.

To create a tree or list in GTK, use the gtk-tree-model interface in conjunction with the gtk-tree-view widget. This widget is designed around a Model/View/Controller design and consists of four major parts: The View is composed of the first three objects, while the last is the Model. One of the prime benefits of the MVC design is that multiple views can be created of a single model. For example, a model mapping the file system could be created for a file manager. Many views could be created to display various parts of the file system, but only one copy need be kept in memory.

The purpose of the cell renderers is to provide extensibility to the widget and to allow multiple ways of rendering the same type of data. For example, consider how to render a boolean variable. Should it render it as a string of "True" or "False", "On" or "Off", or should it be rendered as a checkbox?

Creating a model
GTK provides two simple models that can be used: the gtk-list-store and the gtk-tree-store. gtk-list-store is used to model list widgets, while the gtk-tree-store models trees. It is possible to develop a new type of model, but the existing models should be satisfactory for all but the most specialized of situations. Creating the model is quite simple:
GtkListStore *store = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);      
This creates a list store with two columns: a string column and a boolean column. Typically the 2 is never passed directly like that; usually an enum is created wherein the different columns are enumerated, followed by a token that represents the total number of columns. The next example will illustrate this, only using a tree store instead of a list store. Creating a tree store operates almost exactly the same.

GtkTreeStore *store = gtk_tree_store_new (N_COLUMNS, /* Total number of columns */ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Book title */ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Author */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); /* Is checked out? */
Adding data to the model is done using gtk-tree-store-set or gtk-list-store-set, depending upon which sort of model was created. To do this, a gtk-tree-iter must be acquired. The iterator points to the location where data will be added.

Once an iterator has been acquired, gtk-tree-store-set is used to apply data to the part of the model that the iterator points to. Consider the following example:
GtkTreeIter   iter;

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, NULL); /* Acquire an iterator */

gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, TITLE_COLUMN, "The Principle of Reason", AUTHOR_COLUMN, "Martin Heidegger", CHECKED_COLUMN, FALSE, -1);
Notice that the last argument is -1. This is always done because this is a variable-argument function and it needs to know when to stop processing arguments. It can be used to set the data in any or all columns in a given row.

The third argument to gtk-tree-store-append is the parent iterator. It is used to add a row to a gtk-tree-store as a child of an existing row. This means that the new row will only be visible when its parent is visible and in its expanded state. Consider the following example:
GtkTreeIter iter1;  /* Parent iter */
GtkTreeIter iter2;  /* Child iter  */

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter1, NULL); /* Acquire a toplevel iterator */ gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter1, TITLE_COLUMN, "The Art of Computer Programming", AUTHOR_COLUMN, "Donald E. Knuth", CHECKED_COLUMN, FALSE, -1);

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter2, &iter1); /* Acquire a child iterator */ gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter2, TITLE_COLUMN, "Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms", -1);

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter2, &iter1); gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter2, TITLE_COLUMN, "Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", -1);

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter2, &iter1); gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter2, TITLE_COLUMN, "Volume 3: Sorting and Searching", -1);

Creating the view component
While there are several different models to choose from, there is only one view widget to deal with. It works with either the list or the tree store. Setting up a gtk-tree-view is not a difficult matter. It needs a gtk-tree-model to know where to retrieve its data from.
GtkWidget *tree;

tree = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));

Columns and cell renderers
Once the gtk-tree-view widget has a model, it will need to know how to display the model. It does this with columns and cell renderers.

Cell renderers are used to draw the data in the tree model in a way. There are a number of cell renderers that come with GTK 2.x, including the gtk-cell-renderer-text, gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf and the gtk-cell-renderer-toggle. It is relatively easy to write a custom renderer.

A gtk-tree-view-column is the object that gtk-tree-view uses to organize the vertical columns in the tree view. It needs to know the name of the column to label for the user, what type of cell renderer to use, and which piece of data to retrieve from the model for a given row.
GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
GtkTreeViewColumn *column;

renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Author", renderer, "text", AUTHOR_COLUMN, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), column);
At this point, all the steps in creating a displayable tree have been covered. The model is created, data is stored in it, a tree view is created and columns are added to it.

Selection handling
Most applications will need to not only deal with displaying data, but also receiving input events from users. To do this, simply get a reference to a selection object and connect to the "changed" signal.
/* Prototype for selection handler callback */
static void tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer data);

/* Setup the selection handler */ GtkTreeSelection *select;

select = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree)); gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (select, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (select), "changed", G_CALLBACK (tree_selection_changed_cb), NULL);
Then to retrieve data for the row selected:
static void
tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer data)
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        GtkTreeModel *model;
        gchar *author;

if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter)) { gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, AUTHOR_COLUMN, &author, -1);

g_print ("You selected a book by %sn", author);

g_free (author); } }

Simple Example
Here is a simple example of using a gtk-tree-view widget in context of the other widgets. It simply creates a simple model and view, and puts them together. Note that the model is never populated with data - that is left as an exercise for the reader. More information can be found on this in the GtkTreeModel section.

void setup_tree (void) { GtkTreeStore *store; GtkWidget *tree; GtkTreeViewColumn *column; GtkCellRenderer *renderer;

/* Create a model. We are using the store model for now, though we * could use any other GtkTreeModel */ store = gtk_tree_store_new (N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);

/* custom function to fill the model with data */ populate_tree_model (store);

/* Create a view */ tree = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));

/* The view now holds a reference. We can get rid of our own * reference */ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store));

/* Create a cell render and arbitrarily make it red for demonstration * purposes */ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); g_object_set (G_OBJECT (renderer), "foreground", "red", NULL);

/* Create a column, associating the "text" attribute of the * cell_renderer to the first column of the model */ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Author", renderer, "text", AUTHOR_COLUMN, NULL);

/* Add the column to the view. */ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), column);

/* Second column.. title of the book. */ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Title", renderer, "text", TITLE_COLUMN, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), column);

/* Last column.. whether a book is checked out. */ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Checked out", renderer, "active", CHECKED_COLUMN, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), column);

/* Now we can manipulate the view just like any other GTK widget */ ... }


The tree interface used by the gtk-tree-view widget.

Creates a new tree path. ...

Creates a tree path initialized to pathstr. ...

Creates a new tree path with indices as indices. ...

Generates a string representation of the tree path. ...

Creates a new tree path. ...

Appends a new index to the tree path. ...

Prepends a new index to the tree path. ...

Returns the current depth of the tree path. ...

Returns the current indices of the tree path. ...

Creates a new tree path as a copy of path. ...

Compares two paths. ...

Moves path to point to the next node at the current depth. ...

Moves the tree path to point to the previous node at the current depth, if it exists. ...

Moves the tree path to point to its parent node, if it has a parent. ...

Moves path to point to the first child of the current tree path. ...

Returns true if descendant is a descendant of path. ...

Returns true if path is a descendant of ancestor. ...

A gtk-tree-row-reference instance tracks model changes so that it always refers to the same row, a gtk-tree-path instance refers to a position, not a fixed row. ...

Creates a row reference based on path. ...

Returns the model that the row reference is monitoring. ...

Returns a path that the row reference currently points to, or nil if the path pointed to is no longer valid. ...

Returns true if reference is non-nil and refers to a current valid path. ...

Copies a tree row reference. ...

The gtk-tree-iter structure is the primary structure for accessing a gtk-tree-model object. Models are expected to put a unique integer in the stamp member, and put model specific data in the three user-data members. ...

These flags indicate various properties of a gtk-tree-model. ...

The gtk-tree-model interface defines a generic tree interface for use by the gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Returns a set of flags supported by this interface. ...

Returns the number of columns supported by model. ...

Returns the type of the column. ...

Returns a valid iterator pointing to path. ...

Returns a valid iterator pointing to pathstr, if it exists. ...

Returns the first iterator in the tree, the one at the path "0". ...

Returns a tree path referenced by the given iterator. ...

Returns the value at column. ...

Returns the iterator to the node following iter at the current level. ...

Returns the iterator to the previous node at the current level. ...

Returns the iterator to the first child of parent. ...

Returns true if iter has children, nil otherwise. ...

Returns the number of children that iter has. ...

Returns the iterator to the child of parent, using the given index. ...

Returns the iterator to the parent of child. ...

Generates a string representation of the iterator. ...

Gets the value of one or more cells in the row referenced by iter. ...

Type of the callback function passed to the gtk-tree-model-foreach function to iterate over the rows in a tree model. ...

Calls func on each node in model in a depth-first fashion. ...

Emits the "row-changed" signal on model. ...

Emits the "row-inserted" signal on model. ...

Emits the "row-has-child-toggled" signal on model. ...

Emits the "row-deleted" signal on model. ...

Emits the "rows-reordered" signal on model. ...


The selection object for gtk-tree-view.

The gtk-tree-selection object is a helper object to manage the selection for a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gtk-tree-selection class. ...

A callback function used by the gtk-tree-selection-set-select-function function to filter whether or not a row may be selected. ...

A callback function used by the function gtk-tree-selection-selected-foreach to map all selected rows. ...

Sets the selection function. ...

Returns the current selection function. ...

Returns the tree view associated with selection. ...

Returns the iterator to the currently selected node if the selection mode is set to the values :single or :browse of the gtk-selection-mode enumeration. ...

Calls a function for each selected node. ...

Creates a list of path of all selected rows. ...

Returns the number of rows that have been selected in the tree. ...

Select the row at path. ...

Unselects the row at path. ...

Returns true if the row pointed to by path is currently selected. ...

Selects the specified iterator. ...

Unselects the specified iterator. ...

Returns true if the row at iter is currently selected. ...

Selects all the nodes. ...

Unselects all the nodes. ...

Selects a range of nodes, determined by start-path and end-path inclusive. ...

Unselects a range of nodes, determined by start-path and end-path inclusive. ...


A visible column in a gtk-tree-view widget.

The sizing method the tree view column uses to determine its width. ...

The gtk-tree-view-column object represents a visible column in a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Accessor of the alignment slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the cell-area slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the clickable slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the expand slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the fixed-width slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the max-width slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the min-width slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the reorderable slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the resizable slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the sizing slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the sort-column-id slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the sort-indicator slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the sort-order slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the visible slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the widget slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the width slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Accessor of the x-offset slot of the gtk-tree-view-column class. ...

Creates a new tree view column. ...

Creates a new tree view column using area to render its cells. ...

Creates a new tree view column with a number of default values. ...

Packs the cell renderer into the beginning of the tree view column. ...

Packs the cell renderer to the end of the tree view column. ...

Unsets all the mappings on all cell renderers on the tree view column. ...

Adds an attribute mapping to the list in the tree view column. ...

Sets the attributes in the list as the attributes of the tree view column. ...

A function to set the properties of a cell instead of just using the straight mapping between the cell and the model. ...

Sets the callback function to use for the tree view column. ...

Clears all existing attributes previously set e.g. with the function gtk-tree-view-column-set-attributes. ...

Emits the "clicked" signal on the tree view column. ...

Returns the button used in the tree view column header. ...

Sets the cell renderer based on the tree model and iter. ...

Obtains the width and height needed to render the column. ...

Obtains the horizontal position and size of a cell in a tree view column. ...

Returns true if any of the cells packed into the tree view column are visible. ...

Sets the current keyboard focus to be at cell, if the column contains 2 or more editable and activatable cells. ...

Flags the tree view column, and the cell renderers added to this column, to have their sizes renegotiated. ...

Returns the tree view wherein the tree view column has been inserted. ...


A widget for displaying both trees and lists.

An enumumeration for determining where a dropped row goes in a tree view. ...

Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view. ...

Widget that displays any object that implements the gtk-tree-model interface. ...

Accessor of the activate-on-single-click slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the enable-grid-lines slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the enable-search slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the enable-tree-lines slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the expander-column slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the fixed-height-mode slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the headers-clickable slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the headers-visible slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the hover-expand slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the hover-selection slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the level-indentation slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the reorderable slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the rubber-banding slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the rules-hint slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the search-column slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the show-expanders slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-column slot of the gtk-tree-view class. ...

Creates a new tree view. ...

Creates a new tree view with the model initialized to model. ...

Gets the tree selection associated with the tree view. ...

Resizes all columns to their optimal width. ...

Appends column to the list of columns in the tree view. ...

Removes a column from the tree view. ...

This inserts the column into the view at the given position. ...

Creates a new gtk-tree-view-column object and inserts it into the tree view at position. ...

Convenience function that inserts a new column into the tree view with the given cell renderer and a gtk-tree-cell-data-func callback to set cell renderer attributes (normally using data from the model). ...

Queries the number of columns in the given tree view. ...

Gets the tree view column at the given position in the tree view. ...

Returns a list of all the tree view columns currently in the tree view. ...

Moves column to be after to base. ...

Callback function type for determining whether column can be dropped in a particular spot as determined by prev and next. ...

Sets a user callback function of type gtk-tree-view-column-drop-func for determining where a column may be dropped when dragged. ...

Scrolls the tree view such that the top-left corner of the visible area is tx, ty, where tx and ty are specified in tree coordinates. ...

Moves the alignments of the tree view to the position specified by column and path. ...

Sets the current keyboard focus to be at path, and selects it. ...

Sets the current keyboard focus to be at path, and selects it. ...

Returns path and focus with the current path and focus column. ...

Activates the cell determined by path and column. ...

Recursively expands all nodes in the tree view. ...

Recursively collapses all visible, expanded nodes in the tree view. ...

Expands the row at path. ...

Opens the row so its children are visible. ...

Collapses a row (hides its child rows, if they exist). ...

Callback function used for the function gtk-tree-view-map-expanded-rows. ...

Calls func on all expanded rows. ...

Returns true if the node pointed to by path is expanded in the tree view. ...

Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to the bin window coordinates. ...

Determine whether the point (x, y) in the tree view is blank, that is no cell content nor an expander arrow is drawn at the location. ...

Returns the bounding rectangle in bin window coordinates for the cell at the row specified by path and the column specified by column. ...

Returns the bounding rectangle in the bin window coordinates for the cell at the row specified by path and the column specified by column. ...

Returns the rectangle with the currently visible region of the tree view buffer, in tree view coordinates. ...

Returns start and end to be the first and last visible path. ...

Returns the window that the tree view renders to. ...

Converts bin window coordinates to coordinates for the tree view (the full scrollable area of the tree view). ...

Converts bin window coordinates, see the function gtk-tree-view-bin-window, to widget relative coordinates. ...

Converts tree view coordinates, coordinates in full scrollable area of the tree view, to bin window coordinates. ...

Converts tree view coordinates, coordinates in full scrollable area of the tree, to widget coordinates. ...

Converts widget coordinates to coordinates for the bin window, see the function gtk-tree-view-bin-window. ...

Converts widget coordinates to coordinates for the tree view, the full scrollable area of the tree view. ...

Turns the tree view into a drop destination for automatic DND. ...

Turns the tree view into a drag source for automatic DND. ...

Undoes the effect of the function gtk-tree-view-enable-model-drag-source. ...

Undoes the effect of the function gtk-tree-view-enable-model-drag-dest. ...

Sets the row that is highlighted for feedback. ...

Gets information about the row that is highlighted for feedback. ...

Determines the destination row for a given position. ...

Creates a cairo-surface-t representation of the row at path. ...

A callback function used for checking whether a row in model matches a search key string entered by the user. ...

Sets the compare callback function for the interactive search capabilities. ...

Accessor of the gtk-entry widget which is currently in use as interactive search entry for the tree view. ...

No documentation. ...

Sets the callback function to use when positioning the search dialog. ...

Callback function type for determining whether the row pointed to by iter should be rendered as a separator. ...

Sets the row separator function, which is used to determine whether a row should be drawn as a separator. ...

Returns whether a rubber banding operation is currently being done in the tree view. ...

Accessor of the gtk-tree-view-grid-lines value. ...

Sets the tip area of tooltip to be the area covered by the row at path. ...

Sets the tip area of tooltip to the area path, column and renderer have in common. ...

This function is supposed to be used in a "query-tooltip" signal handler for gtk-tree-view. ...

GtkTreeView drag and drop

Interfaces for drag-and-drop support in gtk-tree-view widgets.

GTK supports drag and drop in tree views with a high-level and a low-level API. ...

Asks the gtk-tree-drag-source object to delete the row at path, because it was moved somewhere else via drag-and-drop. ...

Asks the gtk-tree-drag-source object to fill in data with a representation of the row at path. ...

Asks the gtk-tree-drag-source object whether a particular row can be used as the source of a DND operation. ...

GTK supports Drag-and-Drop in tree views with a high-level and a low-level API. ...

Asks the gtk-tree-drag-dest object to insert a row before the path dest, deriving the contents of the row from data. ...

Determines whether a drop is possible before the given dest, at the same depth as dest. ...

Sets selection data of target type GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW. ...

Obtains a tree_model and path from selection data of target type GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW. ...


A widget displaying a single row of a gtk-tree-model object.

A gtk-cell-view widget displays a single row of a gtk-tree-model object using a gtk-cell-area object and gtk-cell-area-context object. ...

Accessor of the background slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the background-gdk slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the background-rgba slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the background-set slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the cell-area slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the cell-area-context slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the draw-sensitive slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the fit-model slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-cell-view class. ...

Creates a new cell view. ...

Creates a new cell view with a specific cell area to layout cells and a specific cell area context. ...

Creates a new cell view, adds a gtk-cell-renderer-text object to it, and makes its show text. ...

Creates a new cell view, adds a gtk-cell-renderer-text object to it, and makes it show markup. ...

Creates a new cell view, adds a gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf object to it, and makes its show pixbuf. ...

The function gtk-cell-view-display-row returns a gtk-tree-path instance referring to the currently displayed row. ...

Returns the size needed by the cell view to display the model row pointed to by path. ...


A widget which displays a list of icons in a grid.

An enumeration for determining where a dropped item goes. ...

The gtk-icon-view class provides an alternative view on a gtk-tree-model object. ...

Accessor of the activate-on-single-click slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the cell-area slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the column-spacing slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the columns slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the item-orientation slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the item-padding slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the item-width slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the margin slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the markup-column slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf-column slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the reorderable slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the row-spacing slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the selection-mode slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the text-column slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-column slot of the gtk-icon-view class. ...

Creates a new icon view. ...

Creates a new icon view using the specified area to layout cells inside the icons. ...

Creates a new icon view with the model model. ...

Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to the bin window coordinates. ...

Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to the window coordinates. ...

Converts widget coordinates to coordinates for the bin window, as expected by e.g. the function gtk-icon-view-path-at-pos. ...

Sets the current keyboard focus to be at path, and selects it. ...

Returns the current cursor path and focus cell. ...

A callback function used by the function gtk-icon-view-selected-foreach to map all selected rows. ...

Calls a function for each selected icon. ...

Returns the bounding rectangle in widget coordinates for the cell specified by path and cell. ...

Selects the row at path. ...

Unselects the row at path. ...

Returns true if the icon pointed to by path is currently selected. ...

Creates a list of paths of all selected items. ...

Selects all the icons. ...

Unselects all the icons. ...

Activates the item determined by path. ...

Moves the alignments of view to the position specified by path. ...

Returns start and end to be the first and last visible path. ...

Sets the tip area of tooltip to be the area covered by the item at path. ...

Sets the tip area of the tooltip to the area which cell occupies in the item pointed to by path. ...

This function is supposed to be used in a "query-tooltip" signal handler for a gtk-icon-view widget. ...

Gets the row in which the item path is currently displayed. ...

Gets the column in which the item path is currently displayed. ...

Turns the icon view into a drag source for automatic DND. ...

Turns the icon view into a drop destination for automatic DND. ...

Undoes the effect of the function gtk-icon-view-enable-model-drag-source. ...

Undoes the effect of the function gtk-icon-view-enable-model-drag-dest. ...

Sets the item that is highlighted for feedback. ...

Gets information about the item that is highlighted for feedback. ...

Determines the destination item for a given position. ...

Creates a cairo-surface-t representation of the item at path. ...


The interface for sortable models used by gtk-tree-view widgets.

The default sort column ID can be used to make a gtk-tree-sortable object use the default sort function. ...

The unsorted sort column ID can be used to make a gtk-tree-sortable object use no sorting. ...

The gtk-tree-sortable interface is an interface to be implemented by tree models which support sorting. ...

Emits a "sort-column-changed" signal on sortable. ...

Accessor of the sort column ID and the sort order of the tree sortable. Returns the current sort column and the order. ...

A gtk-tree-iter-compare-func callback function should return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if iter1 sorts before iter2, iter1 sorts with iter2, or iter1 sorts after iter2 respectively. ...

Sets the comparison function used when sorting to be func. ...

Sets the default comparison callback function used when sorting to be func. ...

Returns true if the model has a default sort function. ...


A gtk-tree-model object which makes an underlying tree model sortable.

The gtk-tree-model-sort object is a model which implements the gtk-tree-sortable interface. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-tree-model-sort class. ...

Creates a new tree model, with model as the child model. ...

Converts path to a path relative to model. ...

Returns the iterator to the row in model that corresponds to the row pointed at by iter. ...

Converts path to a path on the child model of model. ...

Converts iter to point to a row on model. ...

This resets the default sort function to be in the 'unsorted' state. ...

This function should almost never be called. It clears the model of any cached iterators that have not been reffed with the function gtk-tree-model-ref-node. ...

Checks if the given iter is a valid iter for this gtk-tree-model-sort object. ...


A gtk-tree-model object which hides parts of an underlying tree model.

A gtk-tree-model-filter object is a tree model which wraps another tree model. ...

Accessor of the child-model slot of the gtk-tree-model-filter class. ...

Accessor of the virtual-root slot of the gtk-tree-model-filter class. ...

Creates a new gtk-tree-model object, with child as the child model and root as the virtual root. ...

A callback function which decides whether the row indicated by iter is visible. ...

Sets the visible function used when filtering the filter to be func. ...

A callback function which calculates display values from raw values in the model. ...

With types parameters, you give a list of column types for this model, which will be exposed to the parent model/view. ...

Sets column of the child model to be the column where filter should look for visibility information. ...

Returns the child model of the filter. ...

Returns an interator to point to the row in filter that corresponds to the row pointed at by child-iter. ...

Returns the iterator to point to the row pointed to by filter-iter. ...

Converts child-path to a path relative to filter. ...

Converts filter-path to a path on the child model of filter. ...

Emits the signal "row_changed" for each row in the child model, which causes the filter to re-evaluate whether a row is visible or not. ...

This function clears the filter of any cached iterators that have not been reffed with the function gtk-tree-model-ref-node. ...


An interface for packing cells.

The gtk-cell-layout interface is an interface to be implemented by all objects which want to provide a gtk-tree-view-column object like API for packing cells, setting attributes and data functions. ...

Packs cell into the beginning of layout. ...

Adds cell to the end of layout. ...

Returns the underlying cell area which might be layout if called on a gtk-cell-area object or might be nil if no cell area is used by layout. ...

Returns the cell renderers which have been added to the cell layout. ...

Reinserts cell at the given position. ...

Unsets all the mappings on all renderers on layout and removes all renderers from layout. ...

Sets the attributes in the list as the attributes of layout. ...

Adds an attribute mapping to the list in layout. ...

A callback function which should set the value of layout's cell renderer(s) as appropriate. ...

Sets the callback function to use for layout. ...

Clears all existing attributes previously set with the function gtk-cell-layout-add-attribute. ...


An abstract class for laying out gtk-cell-renderer objects.

The gtk-cell-area class is an abstract class for gtk-cell-layout widgets, also referred to as "layouting widgets", to interface with an arbitrary number of gtk-cell-renderer objects and interact with the user for a given gtk-tree-model row. ...

Accessor of the edit-widget slot of the gtk-cell-area class. ...

Accessor of the edited-cell slot of the gtk-cell-area class. ...

Accessor of the focus-cell slot of the gtk-cell-area class. ...

Adds a cell renderer to the cell area with the default child cell properties. ...

Removes a cell renderer from the cell area. ...

Checks if the cell area contains renderer. ...

The type of the callback function used for iterating over the cell renderers of a gtk-cell-area object, see the gtk-cell-area-foreach function. ...

Calls a callback function for every cell renderer in the cell area. ...

The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell renderers of a gtk-cell-area object, see the gtk-cell-area-foreach-alloc function. ...

Calls the callback function for every gtk-cell-renderer object in the cell area with the allocated rectangle inside cell. ...

Delegates event handling to a cell area. ...

Renders the cells of the cell area according to the layout of the cell area onto widget at the given coordinates. ...

Derives the allocation of the cell renderer inside the cell area if cell were to be renderered in area. ...

Creates a cell area context to be used with area for all purposes. ...

This is sometimes needed for cases where rows need to share alignments in one orientation but may be separately grouped in the opposing orientation. ...

Gets whether the area prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout. ...

Retrieves an initial minimum and natural width of the cell area. ...

Retrieves a minimum and natural height of the cell area if it would be given the specified width. ...

Retrieves an initial minimum and natural height of the cell area. ...

Retrieves a minimum and natural width of the cell area if it would be given the specified height. ...

Gets the current gtk-tree-path string for the currently applied gtk-tree-iter iterator. ...

Applies any connected attributes to the renderers in the cell area by pulling the values from the tree model. ...

Connects an attribute to apply values from column for the tree model in use. ...

Disconnects attribute for the renderer in the cell area so that attribute will no longer be updated with values from the model. ...

Returns the model column that an attribute has been mapped to, or -1 if the attribute is not mapped. ...

Finds a cell property of a cell area type by name. ...

Returns the cell properties of a cell area class. ...

Adds renderer to area, setting cell properties at the same time. ...

Sets one or more cell properties for the cell in the cell area. ...

Gets the values of one or more cell properties for the cell renderer in the cell area. ...

Gets or sets the value of a cell property for the cell renderer inside the cell area. ...

Returns whether the cell area can do anything when activated, after applying new attributes to area. ...

Activates area, usually by activating the currently focused cell, however some subclasses which embed widgets in the area can also activate a widget if it currently has the focus. ...

This should be called by the owning layout widget of the cell area when focus is to be passed to area, or moved within area for a given direction and row data. ...

Adds sibling to focusable area of the cell renderer, focus will be drawn around renderer and all of its siblings if renderer can focus for a given row. ...

Removes sibling from the focus sibling list of the cell renderer. ...

Returns whether sibling is one of the focus siblings of the cell renderer. ...

Gets the focus sibling cell renderers for renderer. ...

Gets the cell renderer which is expected to be focusable for which renderer is, or may be a sibling. ...

This is used by gtk-cell-area subclasses when handling events to activate cells, the base gtk-cell-area class activates cells for keyboard events for free in its own GtkCellArea->activate() implementation. ...

Explicitly stops the editing of the currently edited cell. ...

This is a convenience function for gtk-cell-area implementations to get the inner area where a given gtk-cell-renderer object will be rendered. ...

This is a convenience function for gtk-cell-area implementations to request size for cell renderers. ...


A cell area that renders gtk-cell-renderer objects into a row or a column.

The gtk-cell-area-box renders cell renderers into a row or a column depending on its gtk-orientation. ...

Accessor of the spacing slot of the gtk-cell-area-box class. ...

Accessor of the align child property of the gtk-cell-area-box class. ...

Accessor of the expand child property of the gtk-cell-area-box class. ...

Accessor of the fixed-size child property of the gtk-cell-area-box class. ...

Accessor of the pack-type child property of the gtk-cell-area-box class. ...

Creates a new cell area box. ...

Adds a renderer to the cell area box, packed with reference to the start of the box. ...

Adds a renderer to cell area box, packed with reference to the end of the box. ...


Stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a gtk-cell-area.

The gtk-cell-area-context object is created by a given gtk-cell-area implementation via its create_context() virtual method and is used to store cell sizes and alignments for a series of gtk-tree-model rows that are requested and rendered in the same context. ...

Accessor of the area slot of the gtk-cell-area-context class. ...

Accessor of the minimum-height slot of the gtk-cell-area-context class. ...

Accessor of the minimum-width slot of the gtk-cell-area-context class. ...

Accessor of the natural-height slot of the gtk-cell-area-context class. ...

Accessor of the natural-width slot of the gtk-cell-area-context class. ...

Allocates a width and/or a height for all rows which are to be rendered with context. ...

Resets any previously cached request and allocation data. ...

Gets the accumulative preferred width for all rows which have been requested with this context. ...

Gets the accumulative preferred height for all rows which have been requested with this context. ...

Gets the accumulative preferred height for width for all rows which have been requested for the same said width with this context. ...

Gets the accumulative preferred width for height for all rows which have been requested for the same said height with this context. ...

Fetches the current allocation size for context. ...

Causes the minimum and/or natural width to grow if the new proposed sizes exceed the current minimum and natural width. ...

Causes the minimum and/or natural height to grow if the new proposed sizes exceed the current minimum and natural height. ...


An object for rendering a single cell.

Tells how a cell is to be rendererd. ...

Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell. ...

The gtk-cell-renderer class is a base class of a set of objects used for rendering a cell to a cairo-t context. ...

Accessor of the cell-background slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the cell-background-gdk slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the cell-background-rgba slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the cell-background-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the editing slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the height slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the is-expanded slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the is-expander slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the sensitive slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the visible of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the width slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the xpad slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the yalign slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Accessor of the ypad slot of the gtk-cell-renderer class. ...

Gets the aligned area used by cell inside area. ...

Obtains the width and height needed to render the cell. ...

Invokes the virtual render function of the cell renderer. ...

Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. ...

Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. ...

Informs the cell renderer that the editing is stopped. ...

The function gtk-cell-renderer-fixed-size returns width and height with the appropriate size of cell. ...

The function gtk-cell-renderer-alignment returns the appropriate xalign and yalign of cell. ...

The function gtk-cell-renderer-padding returns the appropriate xpad and ypad of the cell renderer. ...

Translates the cell renderer state to gtk-state-flags flags, based on the cell renderer and widget sensitivity, and the given gtk-cell-renderer-state flags. ...

Checks whether the cell renderer can do something when activated. ...

Retreives a cell renderer's natural size when rendered to widget. ...

Retreives a cell renderers's minimum and natural height if it were rendered to widget with the specified width. ...

Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a cell renderer taking into account the widget's preference for height-for-width management. ...

Retreives a cell renderer's natural size when rendered to widget. ...

Retreives a cell renderers's minimum and natural width if it were rendered to widget with the specified height. ...

Gets whether the cell renderer prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout. ...


Interface for widgets which can are used for editing cells.

The gtk-cell-editable interface must be implemented for widgets to be usable when editing the contents of a gtk-tree-view cell. ...

Begins editing on a cell editable. ...

Emits the "editing-done" signal. ...

Emits the "remove-widget" signal. ...


Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell.

Determines if the edited accelerators are GTK+ accelerators. ...

gtk-cell-renderer-accel displays a keyboard accelerator, i.e. a key combination like Control+a. ...

Accessor of the accel-key slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-accel class. ...

Accessor of the accel-mode slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-accel class. ...

Accessor of the accel-mods slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-accel class. ...

Accessor of the keycode slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-accel class. ...

Creates a new cell renderer accel object. ...


Renders a combobox in a cell.

gtk-cell-renderer-combo renders text in a cell like gtk-cell-renderer-text from which it is derived. ...

Accessor of the has-entry slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-combo class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-combo class. ...

Accessor of the text-column slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-combo class. ...

Creates a new cell renderer combo. ...


Renders a pixbuf in a cell.

A gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf object can be used to render an image in a cell. ...

Accessor of the follow-state slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the gicon slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf-expander-closed slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf-expander-open slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the stock-detail slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the stock-id slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the stock-size slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Accessor of the surface slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf class. ...

Creates a new cell renderer pixbuf. ...



Renders a spin button in a cell.

gtk-cell-renderer-spin renders text in a cell like gtk-cell-renderer-text from which it is derived. ...

Accessor of the adjustment slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spin class. ...

Accessor of the climb-rate slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spin class. ...

Accessor of the digits slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spin class. ...

Creates a new cell renderer spin object. ...


Renders text in a cell.

A gtk-cell-renderer-text object renders a given text in its cell, using the font, color and style information provided by its properties. ...

Accessor of the align-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the alignment slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the attributes slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the background slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the background-gdk slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the background-rgba slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the background-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the editable slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the editable-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the ellipsize slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the ellipsize-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the family slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the family-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the font slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the font-desc slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the slot foreground slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-gdk slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-rgba slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the foreground-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the language slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the language-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the markup slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the max-width-chars slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the placeholder-text slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the rise slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the rise-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the scale slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the scale-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the single-paragraph-mode slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the size-points slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the size-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the stretch slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the stretch-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the strikethrough-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the style slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the style-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the text slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the underline slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the underline-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the variant slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the variant-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the weight slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the weight-set slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the width-chars slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-mode slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Accessor of the slot wrap-width slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-text class. ...

Creates a new cell renderer text. ...

Sets the height of a renderer to explicitly be determined by the font and y-pad properties set on it. ...



Renders a spinning animation in a cell.

gtk-cell-renderer-spinner renders a spinning animation in a cell, very similar to gtk-spinner. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spinner class. ...

Accessor of the pulse slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spinner class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-cell-renderer-spinner class. ...

Returns a new cell renderer which will show a spinner to indicate activity. ...


A list-like data structure that can be used with the gtk-tree-view widget.

The gtk-list-store object is a list model for use with a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Creates a new list store as with each of the types passed in. ...

This function is meant primarily for GObjects that inherit from the gtk-list-store class, and should only be used when constructing a new gtk-list-store object. ...

Sets the values of one or more cells in the row referenced by iter. ...

Sets the data in the cell specified by iter and column. ...

Removes the given row from the list store. ...

Creates a new row at position. ...

Inserts a new row before sibling. ...

Inserts a new row after sibling. ...

Creates a new row at position. ...

Prepends a new row to store. ...

Appends a new row to the list store. ...

Removes all rows from the list store. ...

Checks if the given iter is a valid iterator for this gtk-list-store. ...

Reorders store to follow the order indicated by order. ...

Swaps a and b in store. ...

Moves iter in store to the position before position. ...

Moves iter in store to the position after position. ...


A tree-like data structure that can be used with the gtk-tree-view.

The gtk-tree-store object is a list model for use with a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

Creates a new tree store as with columns of the types passed in. ...

This function is meant primarily for GObjects that inherit from the gtk-tree-store class, and should only be used when constructing a new gtk-tree-store object. ...

Sets the values of one or more cells in the row referenced by iter. ...

Sets the data in the cell specified by iter and column. ...

Removes the given row from the tree store. ...

Creates a new row at position. ...

Inserts a new row before sibling. ...

Inserts a new row after sibling. ...

Creates a new row at position. ...

Prepends a new row to store. ...

Appends a new row to the tree store. ...

Returns true if iter is an ancestor of descendant. ...

Returns the depth of iter. ...

Removes all rows from the tree store. ...

Checks if the given iter is a valid iterator for this gtk-tree-store object. ...

Reorders the children of parent in store to follow the order indicated by order. ...

Swaps a and b in the same level of store. ...

Moves iter in store to the position before position. ...

Moves iter in store to the position after position. ...

Combo Box


A widget used to choose from a list of items.

A gtk-combo-box widget allows the user to choose from a list of valid choices. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the active-id slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the add-tearoffs slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the button-sensitivity slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the cell-area slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the column-span-column slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the entry-text-column slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the focus-on-click slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the has-entry slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the has-frame slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the id-column slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the popup-shown slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the row-span-column slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the tearoff-title slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Accessor of the wrap-width slot of the gtk-combo-box class. ...

Creates a new empty combo box. ...

Creates a new empty combo box with an entry. ...

Creates a new combo box with the model initialized to model. ...

Creates a new empty combo box with an entry and with the model initialized to model. ...

Creates a new empty combo box using area to layout cells. ...

Creates a new empty combo box with an entry. ...

Accessor of the active iterator of the combo box. ...

Pops up the menu or dropdown list of the combo box. ...

Pops up the menu or dropdown list of the combo box. ...

Hides the menu or dropdown list of the combo box. ...

Gets the accessible object corresponding to the combo box's popup. ...

Sets the row separator function, which is used to determine whether a row should be drawn as a separator. ...


A simple, text-only combo box.

The gtk-combo-box-text widget is a simple variant of the gtk-combo-box widget that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases. ...

Creates a new combo box text widget, which is a gtk-combo-box widget just displaying strings. ...

Creates a new combo box text widget, which is a gtk-combo-box widget just displaying strings. ...

Appends text to the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Prepends text to the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Inserts text at the given position in the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Appends text to the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Prepends text to the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Inserts text at the given position in the list of strings stored in the combo box. ...

Removes the string at position from the combo box. ...

Removes all the text entries from the combo box. ...

Returns the currently active text in the combo box, or nil if none is selected. ...



A base class for menu objects.

An enumeration representing directional movements within a menu. ...

The gtk-menu-shell class is the abstract base class used to derive the gtk-menu and gtk-menu-bar subclasses. ...

Accessor of the take-focus slot of the gtk-menu-shell class. ...

Adds a new menu item to the end of the menu shell's item list. ...

Adds a new menu item to the beginning of the menu shell's item list. ...

Adds a new menu item to the menu shell's item list at the position indicated by position. ...

Deactivates the menu shell. ...

Selects the menu item from the menu shell. ...

Select the first visible or selectable child widget of the menu shell. ...

Deselects the currently selected item from the menu shell, if any. ...

Activates the menu item within the menu shell. ...

Cancels the selection within the menu shell. ...

Gets the currently selected item. ...

Gets the parent menu shell. ...

Establishes a binding between a menu shell and a menu model. ...


A menu widget

Used to specify the placement of scroll arrows in scrolling menus. ...

A gtk-menu widget is a gtk-menu-shell widget that implements a drop down menu consisting of a list of gtk-menu-item widgets which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions. ...

Accessor of the accel-group slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the accel-path slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the anchor-hints slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the attach-widget slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the menu-type-hint slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the monitor slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the rect-anchor-dx slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the rect-anchor-dy slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the reserve-toggle-size slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the tearoff-state slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the tearoff-title slot of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the bottom-attach child property of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the left-attach child property of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the right-attach child property of the gtk-menu class. ...

Accessor of the top-attach child property of the gtk-menu class. ...

Creates a new menu. ...

Creates a menu and populates it with menu items and submenus according to model. ...

Sets the screen on which the menu will be displayed. ...

Moves child to a new position in the list of menu children. ...

Adds a menu item to a (table) menu. ...

Displays menu and makes it available for selection. ...

A user function supplied when calling the gtk-menu-popup function which controls the positioning of the menu when it is displayed. ...

Displays a menu and makes it available for selection. ...

Displays a menu and makes it available for selection. ...

Removes the menu from the screen. ...

Repositions the menu according to its position function. ...

Attaches the menu to the widget and provides a callback function that will be invoked when the menu calls the gtk-menu-detach function during its destruction. ...

Detaches the menu from the widget to which it had been attached. ...

Returns a list of the menus which are attached to a widget. ...


A subclass of the gtk-menu-shell class which holds gtk-menu-item widgets.

Determines how widgets should be packed insided menubars and menuitems contained in menubars. ...

The gtk-menu-bar class is a subclass of the gtk-menu-shell class which contains one or more gtk-menu-item widgets. ...

Accessor of the child-pack-direction slot of the gtk-menu-bar class. ...

Accessor of the pack-direction slot of the gtk-menu-bar class. ...

Creates a new menu bar. ...

Creates a new menu bar and populates it with menu items and submenus according to the menu model. ...


The widget used for item in menus.

The gtk-menu-item widget and the derived widgets are the only valid childs for menus. Their function is to correctly handle highlighting, alignment, events and submenus. ...

Accessor of the accel-path slot of the gtk-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the right-justified slot of the gtk-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the submenu slot of the gtk-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the use-underline slot of the gtk-menu-item class. ...

Creates a new menu item. ...

Creates a new menu item whose child is a gtk-label widget. ...

Creates a new menu item containing a label. ...

Emits the "select" signal on the given menu item. ...

Emits the "deselect" signal on the given menu item. ...

Emits the "activate" signal on the given menu item. ...

Emits the "toggle-size-request" signal on the given menu item. ...

Emits the "toggle-size-allocate" signal on the given item. ...

Accessor of the reserve indicator of the menu item. ...


A menu item with a check box.

A gtk-check-menu-item is a menu item that maintains the state of a boolean value in addition to a gtk-menu-item usual role in activating application code. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-check-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the draw-as-radio slot of the gtk-check-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the inconsistent slot of the gtk-check-menu-item class. ...

Creates a new check menu item. ...

Creates a new check menu item with a label. ...

Creates a new check menu item containing a label. ...

Emits the "toggled" signal. ...


A choice from multiple check menu items

A radio menu item is a check menu item that belongs to a group. At each instant exactly one of the radio menu items from a group is selected. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gtk-radio-menu-item class. ...

Creates a new radio menu item. ...

Creates a new radio menu item whose child is a simple gtk-label widget. ...

Creates a new radio menu item containing a label. ...

Creates a new radio menu item adding it to the same group as group-member. ...

Creates a new radio menu item whose child is a simple gtk-label widget. ...

Creates a new radio menu item containing a label. ...

Sets the group of a radio menu item, or changes it. ...

Returns the group to which the radio menu item belongs, as a list of gtk-radio-menu-item widgets. ...

Joins a radio menu item to the group of another radio menu item. ...


A separator used in menus.

The gtk-separator-menu-item widget is a separator used to group items within a menu. ...

Creates a new separator menu item. ...



Interface for containers containing GtkToolItem widgets.

The gtk-tool-shell interface allows container widgets to provide additional information when embedding gtk-tool-item widgets. ...

Retrieves the current ellipsize mode for the tool shell. ...

Retrieves the icon size for the tool shell. ...

Retrieves the current orientation for the tool shell. ...

Returns the relief style of buttons on the tool shell. ...

Retrieves whether the tool shell has text, icons, or both. ...

Retrieves the current text alignment for the tool shell. ...

Retrieves the current text orientation for the tool shell. ...

Calling this function signals the tool shell that the overflow menu item for tool items have changed. ...

Retrieves the current text size group for the tool shell. ...


Create bars of buttons and other widgets.

Whether spacers are vertical lines or just blank. ...

A toolbar can contain instances of a subclass of gtk-tool-item widgets. ...

Accessor of the icon-size slot of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Accessor of the icon-size-set slot of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Accessor of the show-arrow slot of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Accessor of the toolbar-style slot of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Accessor of the expand child property of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous child property of the gtk-toolbar class. ...

Creates a new toolbar. ...

Insert a gtk-tool-item widget into the toolbar at position pos. ...

Returns the position of the tool item on the toolbar, starting from 0. ...

Returns the number of tool items on the toolbar. ...

Returns the nth tool item on the toolbar, or nil if the toolbar does not contain an nth tool item. ...

Returns the position corresponding to the indicated point on the toolbar. ...

Highlights the toolbar to give an idea of what it would look like if item was added to the toolbar at the position indicated by index. ...

Unsets icon size of the toolbar set with the gtk-toolbar-icon-size function, so that user preferences will be used to determine the icon size. ...

Returns the relief style of buttons on the toolbar. ...

Unsets a toolbar style set with the gtk-toolbar-toolbar-style function, so that user preferences will be used to determine the toolbar style. ...


The base class of widgets that can be added to gtk-tool-shell widget.

The gtk-tool-item widget is a widget that can appear on a toolbar. ...

Accessor of the is-important slot of the gtk-tool-item class. ...

Accessor of the visible-horizontal slot of the gtk-tool-item class. ...

Accessor of the visible-vertical slot of the gtk-tool-item class. ...

Creates a new tool item. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous property of the tool item. ...

Accessor of the expand property of the tool item. ...

Sets the text to be displayed as tooltip on the tool item. ...

Sets the markup text to be displayed as tooltip on the tool item. ...

Accessor of the use drag window property of the tool item. ...

Returns the ellipsize mode used for the tool item. ...

Returns the icon size used for the tool item. ...

Returns the orientation used for the tool item. ...

Returns the toolbar style used for the tool item. ...

Returns the relief style of the tool item. ...

Returns the text alignment used for the tool item. ...

Returns the text orientation used for the tool item. ...

Returns the gtk-menu-item widget that was last set by the gtk-tool-item-proxy-menu-item function, i.e. the gtk-menu-item widget that is going to appear in the overflow menu. ...

Accessor of the proxy menu item of the tool item. ...

Calling this function signals to the toolbar that the overflow menu item for the tool item has changed. ...

Emits the signal "toolbar-reconfigured" on the tool item. ...

Returns the size group used for labels in the tool item. ...


A tool palette with categories.

Flags used to specify the supported drag targets. ...

A gtk-tool-palette widget allows you to add gtk-tool-item widgets to a palette-like container with different categories and drag and drop support. ...

Accessor of the exclusive child property of the gtk-tool-palette class. ...

Accessor of the expand child property of the gtk-tool-palette class. ...

Creates a new tool palette. ...

Accessor of the index of the tool item group in the tool palette. ...

Unsets the tool palette icon size set with the function gtk-tool-palette-icon-size, so that user preferences will be used to determine the icon size. ...

Unsets a toolbar style set with the function gtk-tool-palette-toolbar-style, so that user preferences will be used to determine the toolbar style. ...

Sets the tool palette as drag source and sets a widget as a drag destination for drags from the tool palette. ...

Get the dragged item from selection. ...

Gets the target entry for a dragged gtk-tool-item-group widget. ...

Gets the target entry for a dragged gtk-tool-item widget. ...

Gets the group at position (x, y). ...

Gets the item at position (x, y). ...

Sets the tool palette as a drag source. ...


A sub container used in a tool palette.

A gtk-tool-item-group widget is used together with a gtk-tool-palette widget to add gtk-tool-item widgets to a palette like container with different categories and drag and drop support. ...

Accessor of the collapsed slot of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the ellipsize slot of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the header-relief slot of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the label-widget slot of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the expand child property of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the fill child property of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous child property of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the new-row child property of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-tool-item-group class. ...

Creates a new tool item group with label label. ...

Gets the tool item at position (x, y). ...

Gets the number of tool items in the tool item group. ...

Gets the tool item at index in the tool item group. ...

Inserts item at position in the list of children of the tool item group. ...


A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items.

A gtk-separator-tool-item widget is a gtk-tool-item widget that separates groups of other gtk-tool-item widgets. ...

Accessor of the draw slot of the gtk-separator-tool-item class. ...

Create a new separator tool item. ...


A gtk-tool-item subclass that displays buttons.

The gtk-tool-button widgets are gtk-tool-item widgets containing buttons. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Accessor of the icon-widget slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Accessor of the label-widget slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Accessor of the stock-id slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-underline slot of the gtk-tool-button class. ...

Creates a new tool button using icon as contents and label as label. ...

Creates a new tool button containing the image and text from a stock item. ...


A gtk-tool-item containing a button with an additional dropdown menu.

A gtk-menu-tool-button is a gtk-tool-item that contains a button and a small additional button with an arrow. ...

Accessor of the menu slot of the gtk-menu-tool-button class. ...

Creates a new menu tool button using icon-widget as icon and label as label. ...

Creates a new menu tool button. ...

Sets the tooltip text to be used as tooltip for the arrow button which pops up the menu. ...

Sets the tooltip markup text to be used as tooltip for the arrow button which pops up the menu. ...


A gtk-tool-item widget containing a toggle button.

A gtk-toggle-tool-button widget is a gtk-tool-item widget that contains a toggle button. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-toggle-tool-button class. ...

Returns a new toggle tool button. ...

Creates a new toggle tool button containing the image and text from a stock item. ...


A toolbar item that contains a radio button.

The gtk-radio-tool-button widget is a gtk-tool-item that contains a radio button, that is, a button that is part of a group of toggle buttons where only one button can be active at a time. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gtk-radio-tool-button class. ...

Creates a new radio tool button, adding it to group. ...

Creates a new radio tool button, adding it to group. ...

Creates a new radio tool button adding it to the same group as group. ...

Creates a new radio tool button adding it to the same group as group. ...

Returns the radio button group button belongs to. ...

Adds button to group, removing it from the group it belonged to before. ...



Context dependent bubbles.

Describes constraints to positioning of popovers. ...

A gtk-popover widget is a bubble-like context window, primarily meant to provide context-dependent information or options. ...

Accessor of the constrain-to slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Accessor of the modal slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Accessor of the pointing-to slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Accessor of the position slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Accessor of the relative-to slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Accessor of the transitions-enabled slot of the gtk-popover class. ...

Creates a new popover to point to relative-to. ...

Creates a popover and populates it according to model. ...

Establishes a binding between a popover and a menu model. ...

Pops the popover up. ...

Pops the popover down. ...

Accessor of the default widget. ...


Popovers to use as menus.

The gtk-popover-menu class is a subclass of the gtk-popover class that treats its children like menus and allows switching between them. ...

Accessor of the visible-submenu slot of the gtk-popover-menu class. ...

Accessor of the position child property of the gtk-popover-menu class. ...

Accessor of the submenu child property of the gtk-popover-menu class. ...

Creates a new popover menu. ...

Opens a submenu of the popover. ...

Selectors (Color, File and Font)


Interface implemented by widgets for choosing colors.

The gtk-color-chooser interface is an interface that is implemented by widgets for choosing colors. ...

Accessor of the rgba slot of the gtk-color-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the use-alpha slot of the gtk-color-chooser class. ...

Adds a palette to the color chooser. ...


A button to launch a color selection dialog.

The gtk-color-button widget is a button which displays the currently selected color and allows to open a color selection dialog to change the color. ...

Accessor of the alpha slot of the gtk-color-button class. ...

Accessor of the color slot of the gtk-color-button class. ...

Accessor of the rgba slot of the gtk-color-button class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-color-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-alpha slot of the gtk-color-button class. ...

Creates a new color button. ...

Creates a new color button. ...

Creates a new color button with the given RGBA color. ...


A widget for choosing colors.

The gtk-color-chooser-widget widget lets the user select a color. ...

Accessor of the show-editor slot of the gtk-color-chooser-widget class. ...

Creates a new color chooser widget. ...


A dialog for choosing colors.

The gtk-color-chooser-dialog widget is a dialog for choosing a color. ...

Accessor of the show-editor slot of the gtk-color-chooser-dialog class. ...

Creates a new color chooser dialog. ...


File chooser interface used by gtk-file-chooser-widget and gtk-file-chooser-dialog.

Describes whether a gtk-file-chooser widget is being used to open existing files or to save to a possibly new file. ...

Used as a return value of handlers for the "confirm-overwrite" signal of a gtk-file-chooser widget. ...

The gtk-file-chooser interface is an interface that can be implemented by file selection widgets. ...

Accessor of the action slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the create-folders slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the do-overwrite-confirmation slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the extra-widget slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the filter slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the local-only slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the preview-widget slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the preview-widget-active slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the select-multiple slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the show-hidden slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the use-preview-label slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the current name of a file chooser widget. ...

Accessor of the filename of a file chooser widget. ...

Selects a filename in the file chooser. ...

Unselects a currently selected filename. ...

Selects all files in the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Unselects all files in the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Lists all the selected files and subfolders in the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Accessor of the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Accessor of the currently selected URI. ...

Selects the file by uri. ...

Unselects the file referred to by uri. ...

Lists all the selected files and subfolders in the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Accessor of the URI for the current folder of the file chooser. ...

Gets the filename that should be previewed in a custom preview widget. ...

Gets the URI that should be previewed in a custom preview widget. ...

Adds a filter to the list of filters that the user can select between. ...

Removes a filter from the list of filters that the user can select between. ...

Lists the current set of user-selectable filters. ...

Adds a folder to be displayed with the shortcut folders in a file chooser. ...

Removes a folder from a file chooser's list of shortcut folders. ...

Queries the list of shortcut folders in the file chooser, as set by the function gtk-file-chooser-add-shortcut-folder. ...

Adds a folder URI to be displayed with the shortcut folders in a file chooser. ...

Removes a folder URI from a file chooser's list of shortcut folders. ...

Queries the list of shortcut folders in the file chooser, as set by the function gtk-file-chooser-add-shortcut-folder-uri. ...

Accessor of the current folder file of the file chooser. ...

Accessor of the file of the file chooser. ...

Lists all the selected files and subfolders in the current folder of the file chooser as a list of g-file objects. ...

Gets the g-file object that should be previewed in a custom preview. ...

Selects the file referred to by file. ...

Unselects the file referred to by file. ...


A button to launch a file selection dialog.

The gtk-file-chooser-button widget is a widget that lets the user select a file. ...

Accessor of the dialog slot of the gtk-file-chooser-button class. ...

Accessor of the focus-on-click slot of the gtk-file-chooser-button class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-file-chooser-button class. ...

Accessor of the width-chars slot of the gtk-file-chooser-button class. ...

Creates a new file selecting file chooser button widget. ...

Creates a file chooser button which uses dialog as its file picking window. ...


A native file chooser dialog, suitable for "File/Open" or "File/Save" commands.


A file chooser dialog, suitable for "File/Open" or "File/Save" commands.

The gtk-file-chooser-dialog widget is a dialog box suitable for use with "File/Open" or "File/Save as" commands. ...

Creates a new file chooser dialog. ...


File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets.

The gtk-file-chooser-widget widget is a widget for choosing files. ...

Accessor of the search-mode slot of the gtk-file-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the subtitle slot of the gtk-file-chooser-widget class. ...

Creates a new file chooser widget. ...


A filter for selecting a file subset.

These flags indicate what parts of a gtk-file-filter-info structure are filled or need to be filled. ...

A gtk-file-filter-info structure is used to pass information about the tested file to the function gtk-file-filter-filter. ...

Accessor of the contains slot of the gtk-file-filter-info structure. ...

Accessor of the filename slot of the gtk-file-filter-info structure. ...

Accessor of the uri slot of the gtk-file-filter-info structure. ...

Accessor of the display-name slot of the gtk-file-filter-info structure. ...

Accessor of the mime-type slot of the gtk-file-filter-info structure. ...

A gtk-file-filter class can be used to restrict the files being shown in a gtk-file-chooser widget. ...

Creates a new file filter with no rules added to it. ...

Accessor of the human readable name of the file filter. ...

Adds a rule allowing a given MIME type to the file filter. ...

Adds a rule allowing a shell style glob pattern to a file filter. ...

Adds a rule allowing image files in the formats supported by a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

The type of the callback function that is used with custom filters. ...

Adds rule to a filter that allows files based on a custom callback function. ...

Gets the fields that need to be filled in for the structure passed to the function gtk-file-filter-filter. ...

Tests whether a file should be displayed according to filter. ...

Deserialize a file filter from an a{sv} variant in the format produced by the function gtk-file-filter-to-gvariant. ...

Serialize a file filter to an a{sv} variant. ...


Interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts.

The gtk-font-chooser-level flags specifies the granularity of font selection that is desired in a font chooser. ...

The gtk-font-chooser interface is an interface that can be implemented by widgets displaying the list of fonts. ...

Accessor of the font slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the font-desc slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the font-features slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the language slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the level slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the preview-text slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the show-preview-entry slot of the gtk-font-chooser class. ...

Gets the Pango font family representing the selected font family. ...

Gets the Pango font face representing the selected font group details, i.e. family, slant, weight, width, etc. ...

The selected font size. ...

The callback function that is used for deciding what fonts get shown in a gtk-font-chooser object. ...

Adds a filter function that decides which fonts to display in the font chooser. ...

Accessor of the Pango font map of the font chooser widget. ...


A button to launch a font chooser dialog.

The gtk-font-button widget is a button which displays the currently selected font and allows to open a font chooser dialog to change the font. ...

Accessor of the font-name slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Accessor of the show-size slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Accessor of the show-style slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-font slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Accessor of the use-size slot of the gtk-font-button class. ...

Creates a new font picker widget. ...

Creates a new font picker widget. ...


A widget for selecting fonts.

The gtk-font-chooser-widget widget lists the available fonts, styles and sizes, allowing the user to select a font. ...

Accessor of the tweak-action slot of the gtk-font-chooser-widget class. ...

Creates a new font chooser widget. ...


A dialog for selecting fonts.

The gtk-font-chooser-dialog widget is a dialog for selecting a font. ...

Creates a new font chooser dialog. ...


Sidebar that displays frequently-used places in the file system.

These flags serve two purposes. ...

The gtk-places-sidebar is a widget that displays a list of frequently-used places in the file system: the user’s home directory, the user’s bookmarks, and volumes and drives. ...

Accessor of the local-only slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the location slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the open-flags slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the populate-all slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-connect-to-server slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-desktop slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-enter-location slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-other-locations slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-recent slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-starred-location slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...

Accessor of the show-trash slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class. ...



A bin with a decorative frame and optional label.

The frame widget is a gtk-bin widget that surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-frame class. ...

Accessor of the label-widget slot of the gtk-frame class. ...

Accessor of the label-xalign slot of the gtk-frame class. ...

Accessor of the label-yalign slot of the gtk-frame class. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-frame class. ...

Creates a new frame widget, with an optional label. ...

Accessor of the label-xalign and label-yalign properties of a frame widget. ...


A separator widget.

The gtk-separator widget is a horizontal or vertical separator widget, depending on the value of the orientation property of the gtk-orientable interface, used to group the widgets within a window. ...

Creates a new separator widget with the given orientation. ...



A Scrollbar.

The gtk-scrollbar widget is a horizontal or vertical scrollbar, depending on the value of the orientation property. ...

Creates a new scrollbar with the given orientation. ...


Adds scrollbars to its child widget.

Determines how the size should be computed to achieve one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars. ...

Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a gtk-scrolled-window widget. ...

The gtk-scrolled-window widget is a container that accepts a single child widget, makes that child scrollable using either internally added scrollbars or externally associated adjustments, and optionally draws a frame around the child. ...

Accessor of the hadjustment slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the hscrollbar-policy slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the kinetic-scrolling slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the max-content-height slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the max-content-width slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the min-content-height slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the min-content-width slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the overlay-scrolling slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the propagate-natural-height slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the propagate-natural-width slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the vadjustment slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the vscrollbar-policy slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the window-placement slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Accessor of the window-placement-set slot of the gtk-scrolled-window class. ...

Creates a new scrolled window. ...

Returns the horizontal scrollbar of the scrolled window. ...

Returns the vertical scrollbar of the scrolled window. ...

Accessor of the policy values of the srolled window. ...

Used to add children without native scrolling capabilities. ...

Accessor of the placement of the contents with respect to the scrollbars for the scrolled window. ...

Unsets the placement of the contents with respect to the scrollbars for the scrolled window. ...

Whether button presses are captured during kinetic scrolling. ...


An interface for scrollable widgets.

Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation. ...

The gtk-scrollable interface is an interface that is implemented by widgets with native scrolling ability. ...

Accessor of the hadjustment slot of the gtk-scrollable class. ...

Accessor of the vadjustment slot of the gtk-scrollable class. ...

Accessor of the hscroll-policy slot of the gtk-scrollable class. ...

Accessor of the vscroll-policy slot of the gtk-scrollable class. ...

Returns the size of a non-scrolling border around the outside of the scrollable. ...



High-level Printing API.

The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation. ...

The action parameter to the function gtk-print-operation-run determines what action the print operation should perform. ...

A value of this type is returned by the function gtk-print-operation-run. ...

Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK+ printing support. ...

gtk-print-operation is the high-level, portable printing API. ...

Accessor of the allow-async slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the current-page slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the custom-tab-label slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the default-page-setup slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the embed-page-setup slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the export-filename slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the has-selection slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the job-name slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the n-pages slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the n-pages-to-print slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the print-settings slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the show-progress of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the status slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the status-string slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the support-selection slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the track-print-status slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the unit slot of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Accessor of the use-full-page of the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Creates a new gtk-print-operation object. ...

Runs the print operation, by first letting the user modify print settings in the print dialog, and then print the document. ...

Cancels a running print operation. ...

Sets up the gtk-print-operation object to wait for calling of the function gtk-print-operation-draw-page-finish from the application. ...

A convenience function to find out if the print operation is finished, either successfully :finished or unsuccessfully :finished-aborted. ...

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page-setup. ...

The gtk-print-operation-preview interface is implemented by the gtk-print-operation class. ...

Ends a preview. ...

Returns whether the given page is included in the set of pages that have been selected for printing. ...

Renders a page to the preview, using the print context that was passed to the "preview" handler together with preview. ...


Encapsulates context for drawing pages.

A gtk-print-context encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing, such as the Cairo context and important parameters like page size and resolution. ...

Obtains the Cairo context that is associated with the print text. ...

Sets a new Cairo context on a print context. ...

Obtains the page setup that determines the page dimensions of the print context. ...

Obtains the width of the print context, in pixels. ...

Obtains the height of the print context, in pixels. ...

Obtains the horizontal resolution of the print context, in dots per inch. ...

Obtains the vertical resolution of the print context, in dots per inch. ...

Returns a pango-font-map that is suitable for use with the gtk-print-context object. ...

Creates a new Pango context that can be used with the print context. ...

Creates a new Pango layout that is suitable for use with the print context. ...

Obtains the hardware printer margins of the print context, in units. ...


Stores print settings.

See the function gtk-print-settings-duplex. ...

Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet. ...

See the function gtk-print-job-page-set. ...

A gtk-print-settings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system independent way. ...

Creates a new gtk-print-settings object. ...

Copies a gtk-print-settings object. ...

Returns true, if a value is associated with key. ...

Looks up the string value associated with key. ...

Associates value with key. ...

Removes any value associated with key. ...

Calls func for each key value pair of the print settings. ...

Accessor of the boolean value of a key in a print setting. ...

Accessor of the double float value of a key in a print setting. ...

Returns the floating point number represented by the value that is associated with key, or default if the value does not represent a floating point number. ...

Accessor of the length value of a key in a print setting. ...

Accessor of the integer value of a key in a print setting. ...

Returns the value of key, interpreted as an integer, or the default value. ...

Accessor of the printer name of a print setting. ...

Accessor of the "orientation" value of a print setting. ...

Accessor of the "paper-format" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of the paper width of a print setting, in units of unit. ...

Accessor of the paper height of a print setting, in units of unit. ...

Accessor of "use-color" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "collate" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "reverse" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "duplex" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "quality" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "n-copies" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "number-up" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "number-up-layout" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "resolution" of a print setting. ...

Gets the value of "resolution-x". ...

Gets the value of "resolution-y". ...

Accessor of "printer-lip" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "scale" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "print-pages" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "page-ranges" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "page-set" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "default-source" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "media-type" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "dither" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "finishings" of a print setting. ...

Accessor of "output-bin" of a print setting. ...

Reads the print settings from filename. ...

Reads the print settings from the group group-name in the key file. ...

Deserialize print settings from an a{sv} variant in the format produced by the function gtk-print-settings-to-gvariant. ...

Reads the print settings from file-name. ...

Reads the print settings from the group group-name in the key file. ...

This function saves the print settings from settings to file-name. ...

This function adds the print settings from the print settings to the key file. ...

Serialize print settings to an a{sv} variant. ...


Stores page setup information.

A gtk-page-setup object stores the page size, orientation and margins. ...

Creates a new page setup object. ...

Copies a page setup object. ...

Accessor for the page orientation of a page setup object. ...

Accessor for the paper size of a page setup object. ...

Accessor of the top margin of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Accessor of the bottom margin of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Accessor of the left margin of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Accessor of the right margin of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Sets the paper size of the page setup and modifies the margins according to the new paper size. ...

Returns the paper width of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Returns the paper height of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Returns the page width of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Returns the page height of the page setup in units of unit. ...

Reads the page setup from a file. ...

Reads the page setup from the group groupname in the key file. ...

Desrialize a page setup from an a{sv} variant in the format produced by the function gtk-page-setup-to-gvariant. ...

Reads the page setup from a file. ...

Reads the page setup from the group groupname in the key file. ...

The function saves the information from the page setup to a file. ...

The function adds the page setup from the page setup to a key file. ...

Serialize the page setup to an a{sv} variant. ...


Support for named paper sizes.

Enumeration for dimenstions of paper sizes. ...

The gtk-paper-size instance handles paper sizes. ...

Creates a new gtk-paper-size instance by parsing a PWG 5101.1-2002 paper name. ...

Creates a new gtk-paper-size instance by using PPD information. ...

Creates a new gtk-paper-size instance by using PPD information. ...

Creates a new gtk-paper-size instance with the given parameters. ...

Copies an existing gtk-paper-size instance. ...

Compares two gtk-paper-size instances. ...

Creates a list of known paper sizes. ...

Gets the name of the paper size. ...

Gets the human readable name of the paper size. ...

Gets the PPD name of the paper size, which may be nil. ...

Gets the paper width of the paper size, in units of unit. ...

Gets the paper height of the paper size, in units of unit. ...

Returns true if the paper size is an IPP standard paper size. ...

Returns true if size is not a standard paper size. ...

Changes the dimensions of a paper size to width x height. ...

Gets the default top margin for the paper size. ...

Gets the default bottom margin for the paper size. ...

Gets the default left margin for the paper size. ...

Gets the default right margin for the paper size. ...

Returns the name of the default paper size, which depends on the current locale. ...

Reads a paper size from the group groupname in the key file keyfile. ...

Deserialize a paper size from a a{sv} variant in the format produced by the function gtk-paper-size-to-gvariant. ...

This function adds the paper size from size to keyfile. ...

Serialize a paper size to a a{sv} variant instance. ...


Represents a printer.

No documentation. ...

A gtk-printer object represents a printer. ...

Accessor of the accepting-jobs slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the accepts-pdf slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the accepts-ps slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the backend slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the is-virtual slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the job-count slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the location slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the paused slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Accessor of the state-message slot of the gtk-printer class. ...

Creates a new printer. ...

Gets the description of the printer. ...

Returns whether the printer is currently active, i.e. accepts new jobs. ...

Returns whether the printer is currently paused. ...

Returns whether the printer is accepting jobs. ...

Returns whether the printer is the default printer. ...

Lists all the paper sizes the printer supports. ...

Compares two printers. ...

Returns whether the printer details are available. ...

Requests the printer details. ...

Returns the capabilities of the printer. ...

Returns the default page size of the printer. ...

Retrieve the hard margins of the printer, i.e. the margins that define the area at the borders of the paper that the printer cannot print to. ...

The type of function passed to the gtk-enumerate-printers function. ...

Calls a function for all printers. ...


Represents a print job.

A gtk-print-job object represents a job that is sent to a printer. ...

Accessor of the page-setup slot of the gtk-print-job class. ...

Accessor of the printer of the gtk-print-job class. ...

Accessor of the settings slot of the gtk-print-job class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-print-job class. ...

Accessor of the track-print-status slot of the gtk-print-job class. ...

Creates a new gtk-print-job object. ...

Gets the status of the print job. ...

Make the print job send an existing document to the printing system. ...

Gets a Cairo surface onto which the pages of the print job should be rendered. ...

The type of callback that is passed to the gtk-print-job-send function. ...

Sends the print job off to the printer. ...

Accessor of the page setting for the print job. ...

Accessor of the page ranges for the print job. ...

Accessor of the gtk-page-set setting for the print job. ...

Accessor of the number of copies for the print job. ...

Accessor of the scale for the print job. ...

Accessor of the n-up setting for the print job. ...

Accessor of the layout setting for the print job. ...

Accessor of the rotate setting for the print job. ...

Accessor of the collate setting of the print job. ...

Accessor of the reverse setting of the print job. ...


A print dialog.

An enum for specifying which features the print dialog should offer. ...

gtk-print-unix-dialog implements a print dialog for platforms which do not provide a native print dialog, like Unix. ...

Accessor of the current-page slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the embed-page-setup slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the has-selection slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the manual-capabilities slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the page-setup slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the print-settings slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the selected-printer slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the support-selection slot of the gtk-print-unix-dialog class. ...

Creates a new print dialog. ...

Accessor of the print settings of the print unix dialog. ...

Adds a custom tab to the print dialog. ...

Gets the page setup that is used by the print dialog. ...


A page setup dialog.

The gtk-page-setup-unix-dialog widget implements a page setup dialog for platforms which do not provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix. ...

Creates a new page setup dialog. ...

Accessor for the page setup of the page setup dialog. ...

Accesor for the print settings of the page setup dialog. ...

Shortcuts Overview


Toplevel which shows help for shortcuts

A gtk-shortcuts-window widget shows brief information about the keyboard shortcuts and gestures of an application. ...

Accessor of the section-name slot of the gtk-shortcuts-window class. ...

Accessor of the view-name slot of the gtk-shortcuts-window class. ...


Represents an application mode in a gtk-shortcuts-window widget.

A gtk-shortcuts-section widget collects all the keyboard shortcuts and gestures for a major application mode. ...

Accessor of the max-height slot of the gtk-shortcuts-section class. ...

Accessor of the section-name slot of the gtk-shortcuts-section class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-shortcuts-section class. ...


Represents a group of shortcuts in a gtk-shortcuts-window widget.

The gtk-shortcuts-group widget represents a group of related keyboard shortcuts or gestures. ...

Accessor of the accel-size-group slot of the gtk-shortcuts-group class. ...

Accessor of the height slot of the gtk-shortcuts-group class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-shortcuts-group class. ...

Accessor of the title-size-group slot of the gtk-shortcuts-group class. ...

Accessor of the view slot of the gtk-shortcuts-group class. ...


Represents a keyboard shortcut in a gtk-shortcuts-window widget.

gtk-shortcut-type specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described. ...

A gtk-shortcuts-shortcut represents a single keyboard shortcut or gesture with a short text. ...

Accessor of the accel-size-group slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the accelerator of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the action-name slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the direction slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the icon slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the shortcut-type slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the subtitle slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the subtitle-set slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...

Accessor of the slot title-size-group of the gtk-shortcuts-shortcut class. ...



A representation of an adjustable bounded value.

The gtk-adjustment object represents a value which has an associated lower and upper bound, together with step and page increments, and a page size. ...

Accessor of the lower slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Accessor of the page-increment slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Accessor of the page-size slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Accessor of the step-increment slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Accessor of the upper slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gtk-adjustment class. ...

Creates a new adjustment. ...

Updates the adjustment value to ensure that the range between lower and upper is in the current page. ...

Emits a "changed" signal from the gtk-adjustment. ...

Emits a "value_changed" signal from the adjustment. ...

Sets all properties of the adjustment at once. ...

Gets the smaller of step increment and page increment. ...


Displays a calendar and allows the user to select a date.

These options can be used to influence the display and behaviour of a gtk-calendar widget. ...

The gtk-calendar widget displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time. ...

Accessor of the day slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the detail-height-rows slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the detail-width-chars slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the month slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the no-month-change slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the show-day-names slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the show-details slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the show-heading slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the show-week-numbers slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Accessor of the year slot of the gtk-calendar class. ...

Creates a new calendar, with the current date being selected. ...

Shifts the calendar to a different month. ...

Selects a day from the current month. ...

Places a visual marker on a particular day. ...

Removes the visual marker from a particular day. ...

Returns if the day of the calendar is already marked. ...

Remove all visual markers. ...

Accessor of the display options of the calendar. ...

Obtains the selected date from the calendar. ...

This kind of functions provide Pango markup with detail information for the specified day. ...

Installs a function which provides Pango markup with detail information for each day. ...


A widget for custom user interface elements.

The gtk-drawing-area widget is used for creating custom user interface elements. It is essentially a blank widget. You can draw on it. ...

Creates a new drawing area. ...


A widget used to catch events for widgets which do not have their own window.

The gtk-event-box widget is a subclass of the gtk-bin class which also has its own window. ...

Accessor of the above-child slot of the gtk-event-box class. ...

Accessor of the visible-window slot of the gtk-event-box class. ...

Creates a new event box. ...


An input method context supporting table-based input methods.

gtk-im-context-simple is a simple input method context supporting table-based input methods. ...


An input method context supporting multiple, loadable input methods.

An input method context supporting multiple, loadable input methods. ...


Grouping widgets so they request the same size.

The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets. ...

gtk-size-group provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space. This is typically useful when you want a column of widgets to have the same size, but you cannot use a gtk-grid widget. ...

Accessor of the ignore-hidden slot of the gtk-size-group class. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gtk-size-group class. ...

Create a new size group. ...

Adds a widget to a gtk-size-group object. ...

Removes a widget from a size group. ...

Returns the list of widgets associated with the size group. ...


Add tips to your widgets.

Add tips to your widgets. ...

Sets the text of the tooltip to be markup, which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. ...

Sets the text of the tooltip to be text. ...

Sets the icon of the tooltip, which is in front of the text, to be pixbuf. ...

Sets the icon of the tooltip, which is in front of the text, to be the stock item indicated by stock-id with the size indicated by icon-size. ...

Sets the icon of the tooltip, which is in front of the text, to be the icon indicated by icon-name with the size indicated by icon-size. ...

Sets the icon of the tooltip, which is in front of the text, to be the icon indicated by gicon with the size indicated by icon-size. ...

Replaces the widget packed into the tooltip with custom-widget. ...

Triggers a new tooltip query on display, in order to update the current visible tooltip, or to show/hide the current tooltip. ...

Sets the area of the widget, where the contents of the tooltip apply, to be rectangle in widget coordinates. ...


An adapter which makes widgets scrollable.

The gtk-viewport widget acts as an adaptor class, implementing scrollability for child widgets that lack their own scrolling capabilities. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-viewport class. ...

Creates a new viewport with the given adjustments. ...

Gets the bin window of the viewport. ...

Gets the view window of the viewport. ...


not implemented



An interface for widgets that can be associated with actions.

This interface provides a convenient way of associating widgets with actions on a gtk-application-window widget or gtk-application instance. ...

Accessor of the action-name slot of the gtk-actionable inferface. ...

Accessor of the action-target slot of the gtk-actionable inferface. ...

Sets the action name and associated string target value of an actionable widget. ...


Interface for objects that can be built by a gtk-builder UI description.

Interface for objects that can be built by a gtk-builder UI description. ...

Accessor of the name of the buildable widget. ...

Adds a child widget to the buildable widget. ...

Gets the internal child widget called name of the buildable widget. ...


An interface for flippable widgets.

An interface for flippable widgets. ...

Accessor of the orientation slot of the gtk-orientable interface. ...

Abstract Base Classes


Base class for all widgets.

The cairo-context structure represents a Cairo context in GTK. ...

Kinds of widget-specific help used in the "show-help" signal handler. ...

Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management. ...

Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single x or y dimension. ...

A gtk-requisition structure represents the desired size of a widget. ...

Accessor of the width slot of the gtk-requisition structure. ...

Accessor of the height slot of the gtk-requisition structure. ...

Allocates a new gtk-requisition instance. ...

Copies a gtk-requisition instance. ...

The gtk-widget class is the base class all widgets in GTK derive from. It manages the widget life cycle, states and style. ...

Accessor of the app-paintable slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the can-default slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the can-focus slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the composite-child slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the double-buffered slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the events slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the expand slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the focus-on-click slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the halign slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the has-default slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the has-focus slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the has-tooltip slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the height-request slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the hexpand slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the hexpand-set slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the is-focus slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-bottom slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-end slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-left slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-right slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-start slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the margin-top slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the no-show-all slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the opacity slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the parent slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the receives-default slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

The gtk-widget-scale-factor slot access function retrieves the internal scale factor that maps from window coordinates to the actual device pixels. ...

Accessor of the sensitive slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the style slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-markup slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-text slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the valign slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the vexpand slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the vexpand-set slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the visible slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the width-request slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

Accessor of the window slot of the gtk-widget class. ...

This is a function for creating a widget and setting its properties in one go. ...

Destroys a widget. ...

Returns whether the widget is currently being destroyed. ...

Should be called by implementations of the remove method on a gtk-container implementation, to dissociate a child from the container. ...

Flags a widget to be displayed. ...

Shows a widget. ...

Reverses the effects of the gtk-widget-show function, causing the widget to be hidden, so it is invisible to the user. ...

Recursively shows a widget, and any child widgets if the widget is a container. ...

Causes a widget to be mapped if it is not already. ...

Causes a widget to be unmapped if it is currently mapped. ...

Creates the GDK resources associated with a widget. ...

Causes a widget to be unrealized. ...

Draws the widget to a Cairo Context. ...

Equivalent to calling the gtk-widget-queue-draw-area function for the entire area of a widget. ...

Flags a widget to have its size renegotiated. ...

This function works like the gtk-widget-queue-resize function, except that the widget is not invalidated. ...

Flags the widget for a rerun of the size_allocate function. ...

Obtains the frame clock for a widget. ...

Callback type for adding a function to update animations. ...

Queues an animation frame update and adds a callback function to be called before each frame. ...

Removes a tick callback function previously registered with the gtk-widget-add-tick-callback function. ...

This function is only used by gtk-container subclasses, to assign a size and position to their child widgets. ...

This function is only used by gtk-container subclasses, to assign a size, position and (optionally) baseline to their child widgets. ...

Installs an accelerator for this widget in the accelerator group that causes the signal to be emitted if the accelerator is activated. ...

Removes an accelerator from the widget, previously installed with the gtk-widget-add-accelerator function. ...

Given an accelerator group and an accelerator path sets up an accelerator in the accelerator group so whenever the key binding that is defined for path is pressed, the widget will be activated. ...

Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal identified by signal can currently be activated. ...

Rarely used function. This function is used to emit the event signals on a widget, those signals should never be emitted without using this function to do so. ...

For widgets that can be "activated", buttons, menu items, etc., this function activates them. ...

Computes the intersection of a widgets area and area, and returns the intersection as a rectangle if there was an intersection. ...

Causes the widget to have the keyboard focus for the gtk-window widget it is inside. ...

Causes the widget to become the default widget. ...

Accessor of the parent window of the widget. ...

Adds the events in the events bitfield to the event mask for the widget. ...

Accessor of the events mask for the widget corresponding to a specific device. ...

Adds the device events in the events bitfield to the event mask for the widget. ...

The gtk-widget-device-enabled function returns whether the device can interact with the widget and its children. ...

This function returns the topmost widget in the container hierarchy the widget is a part of. ...

Gets the first ancestor of the widget with type gtype. ...

Accessor of the visual be used to render the widget. ...

Determines whether the widget is somewhere inside ancestor, possibly with intermediate containers. ...

Translate coordinates relative to the allocation of src to coordinates relative to the allocations of dest. ...

Intended to be connected to the "delete-event" signal on a gtk-window widget. ...

Accessor of the text direction of the widget. ...

Accessor of the default reading direction. ...

Sets a shape for the GDK window of this widget. ...

Sets an input shape for the GDK window of the widget. ...

Accessor of the composite name of the widget. ...

Sets the background color to use for a widget. ...

Sets the color to use for a widget. ...

Sets the font to use for a widget. ...

Sets a symbolic color for a widget. ...

Sets the cursor color to use in a widget, overriding the "cursor-color" and "secondary-cursor-color" style properties. ...

Creates a new Pango context with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget. ...

Gets a Pango context with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for this widget. ...

The gtk-widget-font-options function returns the font options used for Pango rendering. ...

The gtk-widget-font-map function gets the font map that has been set. ...

Creates a new pango-layout object with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget. ...

Convenience function that calls the gtk-widget-queue-draw-region functionon the region created from the given coordinates. ...

Invalidates the rectangular area of widget defined by region by calling the gdk-window-invalidate-region function on the window of the widget and all its child windows. ...

Sets whether the entire widget is queued for drawing when its size allocation changes. ...

Emits the "mnemonic-activate" signal. ...

Installs a style property on a widget class. ...

Finds a style property of a widget class by property name. ...

Returns all style properties of a widget class. ...

Computes the intersection of the area of the widget and region, returning the intersection. ...

Gets the value of a style property of the widget. ...

Returns the accessible object that describes the widget to an assistive technology. ...

This function is used by custom widget implementations. ...

Emits a "child-notify" signal for the child property property on widget. ...

Stops emission of "child-notify" signals on the widget. ...

The gtk-widget-child-visible function returns true if the widget is mapped with the parent. ...

Gets the settings object holding the settings used for this widget. ...

Returns the clipboard object for the given selection to be used with the widget. ...

Get the display for the toplevel window associated with the widget. ...

Get the root window where the widget is located. ...

Get the screen from the toplevel window associated with the widget. ...

Checks whether there is a screen associated with the widget. ...

Accessor of the size request of the widget. ...

Reverts the effect of a previous call to the gtk-widget-freeze-child-notify function. ...

Returns a list of the widgets, normally labels, for which this widget is the target of a mnemonic. ...

Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. ...

Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. ...

Whether the widget can rely on having its alpha channel drawn correctly. ...

Notifies the user about an input-related error on this widget. ...

This function should be called whenever keyboard navigation within a single widget hits a boundary. ...

Accessor of the custom window of the current tooltip. ...

Triggers a tooltip query on the display where the toplevel of widget is located. ...

Registers a GDK window with the widget and sets it up so that the widget recieves events for it. ...

Unregisters a GDK window from the widget that was previously set up with the gtk-widget-register-window function. ...

This function is supposed to be called in "draw" implementations for widgets that support multiple windows. ...

Transforms the given Cairo context from widget-relative coordinates to window-relative coordinates. ...

Returns the width that has currently been allocated to widget. ...

Returns the height that has currently been allocated to widget. ...

Accessor of the allocation of the widget. ...

Returns the baseline that has currently been allocated to the widget. ...

The gtk-widget-clip function retrieves the clip area of the widget. ...

Accessor of the has window value of the gtk-widget object. ...

Returns the widgets effective sensitivity, which means it is sensitive itself and also its parent widget is sensitive. ...

Determines whether the widget and all its parents are marked as visible. ...

Accessor of the stage flags of the widget. ...

This function is for use in widget implementations. ...

Determines if the widget should show a visible indication that it has the global input focus. ...

Determines whether the widget is currently grabbing events, so it is the only widget receiving input events, keyboard and mouse. ...

Determines whether the widget can be drawn to. ...

Determines whether the widget is a toplevel widget. ...

The gtk-widget-support-multidevice function returns true if widget is multidevice aware. ...

The gtk-widget-realized function determines whether the widget is realized. ...

The gtk-widget-mapped function determines whether the widget is mapped. ...

Returns true if the device has been shadowed by a GTK device grab on another widget, so it would stop sending events to widget. ...

Returns the modifier mask the windowing system backend of the widget uses for a particular purpose. ...

Inserts group into widget. ...

Retrieves a list of strings containing the prefixes of the g-action-group objects available to the widget . ...

Retrieves the action group that was registered using prefix. ...

Returns the widget path representing the widget. ...

Returns the style context associated to the widget. ...

Updates the style context of the widget and all descendents by updating its widget path. ...

Accessor of the CSS name of the widget class. ...

Retrieves an initial minimum and natural height of the widget. ...

Retrieves an initial minimum and natural width of the widget. ...

Retrieves a minimum and natural height of the widget if it would be given the specified width. ...

Retrieves a minimum and natural width of the widget if it would be given the specified height. ...

Retrieves the minimum and natural height of the widget and the corresponding baselines if it would be given the specified width, or the default height if width is -1. ...

Gets whether the widget prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout. ...

Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a widget, taking into account the preference for height-for-width management of the widget. ...

Gets the value of the valign property, including the :baseline value. ...

Mark the widget as needing to recompute its expand flags. ...

Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space when possible. ...

Creates and initializes child widgets defined in templates. ...

This should be called at class initialization time to specify the gtk-builder XML to be used to extend a widget. ...

A convenience function to call the gtk-widget-class-set-template function. ...

Fetch an object build from the template XML for gtype in this widget instance. ...


Base class for widgets which contain other widgets.

An enumeration representing the values of the resize-mode property. ...

Base class for widgets which contain other widgets. ...

Accessor of the border-width slot of the gtk-container class. ...

Accessor of the child slot of the gtk-container class. ...

Accessor of the resize-mode slot of the gtk-container class. ...

Adds a child widget to the container. ...

Removes a child widget from the container. ...

Emits the "check-resize" signal on the container. ...

The type of the callback functions used for e.g. iterating over the children of a container, see the gtk-container-foreach function. ...

Invokes a function on each non-internal child of the container. ...

Invokes a function on each child of the container, including children that are considered "internal", implementation details of the container. ...

Returns a list with the non-internal children of the container. ...

Returns a newly created widget path representing all the widget hierarchy from the toplevel down to and including child. ...

Accessor of the current focused child widget in the container. ...

Accessor of the vertical focus adjustment of the container. ...

Accessor of the horizontal focus adjustment of the container. ...

Returns the type of the children supported by the container. ...

Gets the values of one or more child properties for a child widget of the container. ...

Sets one or more child properties for a child widget of the container. ...

Gets or sets the value of a child property for the child widget of the container. ...

Emits a "child-notify" signal for the property child property on widget. ...

Accessor of the focus chain widgets of the container. ...

Removes a focus chain explicitly set with the gtk-container-focus-chain function. ...

Finds a child property of a container type by name. ...

Returns the child properties of a container type. ...


A container with just one child.

The gtk-bin widget is a container with just one child. ...

Gets the child widget of the bin widget, or nil if the bin argument contains no child widget. ...


Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment

Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of stepper arrows at the end of range widgets. ...

The gtk-range class is the common base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment, e.g. the gtk-scale or gtk-scrollbar widgets. ...

Accessor of the adjustment slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the fill-level slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the inverted slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the lower-stepper-sensitivity slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the restrict-to-fill-level slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the round-digits slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the show-fill-level slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the upper-stepper-sensitivity slot of the gtk-range class. ...

Accessor of the value of the range. ...

Sets the step and page sizes for the range. ...

Sets the allowable values in the range, and clamps the range value to be between min and max. ...

Accessor of the flippable property of the range. ...

Accessor of the minimum size of the slider of the range. ...

This function returns the area that contains the trough of the range and its steppers, in widget window coordinates. ...

This function returns sliders range along the long dimension, in widget window coordinates. ...

Whether the slider of the range has a fixed size. ...


Base class for input method contexts.

gtk-im-context defines the interface for GTK input methods. An input method is used by GTK text input widgets like gtk-entry to map from key events to Unicode character strings. ...

Accessor of the input-hints slot of the gtk-im-context class. ...

Accessor of the input-purpose slot of the gtk-im-context class. ...

Cross-process Embedding


Toplevel for embedding into other processes.

Together with gtk-socket, gtk-plug provides the ability to embed widgets from one process into another process in a fashion that is transparent to the user. ...

Accessor of the embedded slot of the gtk-plug class. ...

Accessor of the socket-window slot of the gtk-plug class. ...

Creates a new plug widget inside the gtk-socket identified by socket-id. ...

Gets the window ID of a gtk-plug widget, which can then be used to embed this window inside another window, for instance with the function gtk-socket-add-id. ...


Container for widgets from other processes.

Together with gtk-plug, gtk-socket provides the ability to embed widgets from one process into another process in a fashion that is transparent to the user. ...

Create a new empty socket widget. ...

Adds an XEMBED client, such as a gtk-plug widget, to the gtk-socket. ...

Gets the window ID of a gtk-socket widget, which can then be used to create a client embedded inside the socket, for instance with the function gtk-plug-new. ...

Retrieves the window of the plug. ...

Recently Used Documents


Managing recently used files.

The gtk-recent-info structure constains all the meta-data associated with an entry in the recently used files list. ...

Error codes for gtk-recent-manager operations. ...

The gtk-recent-manager object provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files. ...

Accessor of the filename slot of the gtk-recent-manager class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-recent-manager class. ...

Creates a new recent manager object. ...

Gets a unique instance of the default recent manager. ...

Adds a new resource, pointed by uri, into the recently used resources list. ...

Removes a resource pointed by uri from the recently used resources list handled by a recent manager. ...

Searches for a URI inside the recently used resources list, and returns a structure containing informations about the resource like its MIME type, or its display name. ...

Checks whether there is a recently used resource registered with uri inside the recent manager. ...

Changes the location of a recently used resource from uri to new-uri. ...

Gets the list of recently used resources. ...

Purges every item from the recently used resources list. ...

Gets the URI of the resource. ...

Gets the name of the resource. ...

Gets the (short) description of the resource. ...

Gets the MIME type of the resource. ...

Gets the timestamp, seconds from system's Epoch, when the resource was added to the recently used resources list. ...

Gets the timestamp, seconds from system's Epoch, when the resource was last modified. ...

Gets the timestamp, seconds from system's Epoch, when the resource was last visited. ...

Gets the value of the "private" flag. ...

Gets the data regarding the application that has registered the resource pointed by info. ...

Retrieves the list of applications that have registered this resource. ...

Gets the name of the last application that have registered the recently used resource represented by info. ...

Checks whether an application registered this resource using name. ...

Creates a g-app-info object for the specified gtk-recent-info instance. ...

Returns all groups registered for the recently used item info. ...

Checks whether group appears inside the groups registered for the recently used item info. ...

Retrieves the icon of size size associated to the resource MIME type. ...

Retrieves the icon associated to the resource MIME type. ...

Computes a valid UTF-8 string that can be used as the name of the item in a menu or list. ...

Gets a displayable version of the resource's URI. ...

Gets the number of days elapsed since the last update of the resource pointed by info. ...

Checks whether the resource is local or not by looking at the scheme of its URI. ...

Checks whether the resource pointed by info still exists. ...

Checks whether two gtk-recent-info instances point to the same resource. ...


Interface implemented by widgets displaying recently used files.

These identify the various errors that can occur while calling gtk-recent-chooser functions. ...

Used to specify the sorting method to be applyed to the recently used resource list. ...

The gtk-recent-chooser interface is an interface that can be implemented by widgets displaying the list of recently used files. ...

Accessor of the filter slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the limit slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the local-only slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the recent-manager slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the select-multiple slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the slot show-icons of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the show-not-found slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the show-private slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the show-tips slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

Accessor of the sort-type slot of the gtk-recent-chooser class. ...

The callback function to set with the gtk-recent-chooser-set-sort-func function. ...

Sets the comparison function used when sorting to be func. ...

Accessor of the URI currently selected by chooser. ...

Gets the gtk-recent-info instance currently selected by chooser. ...

Selects uri inside chooser. ...

Unselects uri inside chooser. ...

Selects all the items inside chooser, if the chooser supports multiple selection. ...

Unselects all the items inside chooser. ...

Gets the list of recently used resources in form of gtk-recent-info instances. ...

Gets the URIs of the recently used resources. ...

Adds filter to the list of gtk-recent-filter objects held by chooser. ...

Removes filter from the list of gtk-recent-filter objects held by chooser. ...

Gets the gtk-recent-filter objects held by chooser. ...


Displays recently used files in a dialog.

gtk-recent-chooser-dialog is a dialog box suitable for displaying the recently used documents. ...

Creates a new gtk-recent-chooser-dialog with a specified recent manager. ...


Displays recently used files in a menu.

The gtk-recent-chooser-menu widget is a widget suitable for displaying recently used files inside a menu. ...

Creates a new gtk-recent-chooser-menu widget. ...

Creates a new gtk-recent-chooser-menu widget using manager as the underlying recently used resources manager. ...


Displays recently used files.

The gtk-recent-chooser-widget widget is a widget suitable for selecting recently used files. ...

Creates a new gtk-recent-chooser-widget widget. ...

Creates a new gtk-recent-chooser-widget widget with a specified recent manager. ...


A filter for selecting a subset of recently used files.

A gtk-recent-filter-info structure is used to pass information about the tested file to the gtk-recent-filter-filter function. ...

These flags indicate what parts of a gtk-recent-filter-info structure are filled or need to be filled. ...

A gtk-recent-filter object can be used to restrict the files being shown in a gtk-recent-chooser widget. ...

Creates a new gtk-recentFilter object with no rules added to it. ...

The gtk-recent-filter-name function gets the human readable name for the filter. ...

Adds a rule that allows resources based on their registered MIME type. ...

Adds a rule that allows resources based on a pattern matching their display name. ...

Adds a rule allowing image files in the formats supported by the gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Adds a rule that allows resources based on the name of the application that has registered them. ...

Adds a rule that allows resources based on the name of the group to which they belong. ...

Adds a rule that allows resources based on their age - that is, the number of days elapsed since they were last modified. ...

The type of function that is used with custom filters, see the gtk-recent-filter-add-custom function. ...

Adds a rule to a filter that allows resources based on a custom callback function. ...

Gets the fields that need to be filled in for the structure passed to the gtk-recent-filter-filter function. ...

Tests whether a file should be displayed according to filter. ...

Choosing from installed applications


Interface implemented by widgets for choosing an application.

gtk-app-chooser is an interface that can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose an application, typically for the purpose of opening a file. ...

Accessor of the content-type slot of the gtk-app-chooser interface. ...

Returns the currently selected application. ...

Reloads the list of applications. ...


A button to launch an application chooser dialog.

The gtk-app-chooser-button is a widget that lets the user select an application. It implements the gtk-app-chooser interface. ...

Accessor of the heading slot of the gtk-app-chooser-button class. ...

Accessor of the show-default-item slot of the gtk-app-chooser-button class. ...

Accessor of the show-dialog-item slot of the gtk-app-chooser-button class. ...

Creates a new application chooser button for applications that can handle content of the given type. ...

Appends a custom item to the list of applications that is shown in the popup. ...

Appends a separator to the list of applications that is shown in the popup. ...

Selects a custom item previously added with the function gtk-app-chooser-button-append-custom-item. ...


An application chooser dialog.

gtk-app-chooser-dialog shows a gtk-app-chooser-widget inside a gtk-dialog. ...

Accessor of the gfile slot of the gtk-app-chooser-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the heading slot of the gtk-app-chooser-dialog class. ...

Creates a new application chooser dialog for the provided g-file object, to allow the user to select an application for it. ...

Creates a new application chooser dialog for the provided content type, to allow the user to select an application for it. ...

Returns the application chooser widget of the dialog. ...


Application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets.

gtk-app-chooser-widget is a widget for selecting applications. It is the main building block for gtk-app-chooser-dialog. Most applications only need to use the latter. But you can use this widget as part of a larger widget if you have special needs. ...

Accessor of the default-text slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the show-all slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the show-default slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the show-fallback slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the show-other slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Accessor of the show-recommended slot of the gtk-app-chooser-widget class. ...

Creates a new application chooser widget for applications that can handle content of the given type. ...

Gestures and event handling


Self-contained handler of series of events.

Describes the stage at which events are fed into a gtk-event-controller. ...

gtk-event-controller is a base, low-level implementation for event controllers. ...

Accessor of the propagation-phase slot of the gtk-event-controller class. ...

Accessor of the widget slot of the gtk-event-controller class. ...

Feeds an events into the controller, so it can be interpreted and the controller actions triggered. ...

Resets the controller to a clean state. ...


Event controller for key events.

gtk-event-controller-key is an event controller meant for situations where you need access to key events. ...

Creates a new event controller. ...


Event controller for scroll events.

Describes the behavior of a gtk-event-controller-scroll. ...

gtk-event-controller-scroll is an event controller meant to handle scroll events from mice and touchpads. ...

Accessor of the flags slot of the gtk-event-controller-scroll class. ...

Creates a new event controller that will handle scroll events for the given widget. ...


Event controller for motion events

gtk-event-controller-motion is an event controller meant for situations where you need to track the position of the pointer. ...

Creates a new event controller that will handle motion events for the given widget. ...


Base class for gestures.

Describes the state of a gdk-event-sequence in a gtk-gesture. ...

gtk-gesture is the base object for gesture recognition, although this object is quite generalized to serve as a base for multi-touch gestures, it is suitable to implement single-touch and pointer-based gestures (using the special nil gdk-event-sequence value for these). ...

Accessor of the n-points slot of the gtk-gesture class. ...

Accessor of the window slot of the gtk-gesture class. ...

Returns true if the gesture is currently active. ...


Base class for mouse/single-touch gestures.

gtk-gesture-single is a subclass of gtk-gesture, optimized (although not restricted) for dealing with mouse and single-touch gestures. ...

Accessor of the button slot of the gtk-gesture-single class. ...

Accessor of the exclusive slot of the gtk-gesture-single class. ...

Accessor of the touch-only slot of the gtk-gesture-single class. ...

Returns the button number currently interacting with gesture, or 0 if there is none. ...

Returns the event sequence currently interacting with gesture. ...


Drag gesture

gtk-gesture-drag is a gtk-gesture implementation that recognizes drag operations. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes drags. ...

If the gesture is active, this function returns the drag start coordinates, in window-relative coordinates. ...

If the gesture is active, this function returns the coordinates of the current point, as an offset to the starting drag point. ...


"Press and Hold" gesture

gtk-gesture-long-press is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize long presses, triggering the "pressed" after the timeout is exceeded. ...

Accessor of the delay-factor slot of the gtk-gesture-long-press class. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes long presses. ...


Multipress gesture.

gtk-gesture-multi-press is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize multiple clicks on a nearby zone, which can be listened for through the "pressed" signal. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes single and multiple presses. ...

Accessor of the press area of the gesture. ...


Pan gesture

Describes the panning direction of a gtk-gesture-pan. ...

gtk-gesture-pan is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize pan gestures, those are drags that are locked to happen along one axis. ...

Accessor of the orientation slot of the gtk-gesture-pan class. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes pan gestures. ...


Swipe gesture

gtk-gesture-swipe is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize swipes, after a press/move/.../move/release sequence happens, the "swipe" signal will be emitted, providing the velocity and directionality of the sequence at the time it was lifted. ...

If the gesture is recognized, this function returns the recorded velocity, as per the last event(s) processed. ...


Rotate gesture.

gtk-gesture-rotate is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize 2-finger rotations, whenever the angle between both handled sequences changes, the "angle-changed" signal is emitted. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes 2-touch rotation gestures. ...

If the gesture is active, this function returns the angle difference in radians since the gesture was first recognized. ...


Zoom gesture.

gtk-gesture-zoom is a gtk-gesture implementation able to recognize pinch/zoom gestures, whenever the distance between both tracked sequences changes, the "scale-changed" signal is emitted to report the scale factor. ...

Returns a newly created gesture that recognizes zoom in/out gestures (usually known as pinch/zoom). ...

If the gesture is active, this function returns the zooming difference since the gesture was recognized (hence the starting point is considered 1:1). ...


Gesture for stylus input

gtk-gesture-stylus is a gtk-gesture implementation specific to stylus input. ...

Creates a new stylus gesture. ...

Returns the current value for the requested axis. ...

Returns the device tool currently driving input through this gesture. ...


Controller for drawing tablet pads

The type of a pad action. ...

Structure defining a pad action entry. ...

gtk-pad-controller is an event controller for the pads found in drawing tablets (The collection of buttons and tactile sensors often found around the stylus-sensitive area). ...

Accessor of the action-group slot of the gtk-pad-controller class. ...

Accessor of the pad slot of the gtk-pad-controller class. ...

GTK Core Reference

Main loop and Events

Library initialization, main event loop, and events.

Before using GTK, it needs to be initialized. Initialization connects to the window system display, and parses some standard command line arguments. In the C library the macro gtk_init() initializes GTK. In the Lisp binding to GTK, GTK is initialized, when loading the cl-cffi-gtk library. Therefore, no functions are exported, which initialize GTK.

Like all GUI toolkits, GTK uses an event-driven programming model. When the user is doing nothing, GTK sits in the main loop and waits for input. If the user performs some action - say, a mouse click - then the main loop "wakes up" and delivers an event to GTK. GTK forwards the event to one or more widgets.

In the C library the main loop is executed with the function gtk_main(). In the Lisp binding this function is implemented as the function gtk-main, but in general it is not used. The function gtk_main() is replaced with the macro within-main-loop, which does all necessary work to run the main loop. See the example for a typical main function in the Lisp binding.

When widgets receive an event, they frequently emit one or more signals. Signals notify your program that "something interesting happened" by invoking functions you have connected to the signal with the function g-signal-connect. Functions connected to a signal are often termed callbacks.

When your callbacks are invoked, you would typically take some action - for example, when an Open button is clicked you might display a gtk-file-chooser-dialog window. After a callback finishes, GTK will return to the main loop and await more user input.

Example: Typical main function in Lisp for a GTK application.
(defun main ()
    (let (;; Create the main window.
          (window (gtk-window-new :toplevel)))

;; Set up the GUI elements ...

;; Show the application window. (gtk-widget-show-all window))))

Returns the Pango language structure for the default language currently in effect. ...

Gets the direction of the current locale. ...

Returns an option group for the command line arguments recognized by GTK and GDK. ...

Checks if any events are pending. ...

Runs the main loop until the function gtk-main-quit is called. ...

Asks for the current nesting level of the main loop. ...

Makes the innermost invocation of the main loop return when it regains control. ...

The within-main-loop macro is a wrapper around a GTK program. ...

Makes the innermost invocation of the main loop return when it regains control. ...

Wait until the GTK program terminates. ...

Runs a single iteration of the main loop. ...

Runs a single iteration of the main loop. ...

Processes a single GDK event. ...

Makes widget the current grabbed widget. ...

Queries the current grab of the default window group. ...

Removes the grab from the given widget. ...

Adds a grab on the device, so all the events on the device and its associated pointer or keyboard (if any) are delivered to the widget. ...

Removes a device grab from the given widget. ...

Obtains a copy of the event currently being processed by GTK. ...

If there is a current event and it has a timestamp, return that timestamp. ...

If there is a current event and it has a state field, return that state field, otherwise return nil. ...

If there is a current event and it has a device, return that device, otherwise return nil. ...

If event is nil or event was not associated with any widget, returns nil, otherwise returns the widget that received event originally. ...

Sends an event to a widget, propagating the event to parent widgets if the event remains unhandled. ...

Version Information

GTK provides version information, primarily useful in configure checks for builds that have a configure script. Applications will not typically use the features described here.

Returns the major version number of the GTK library. ...

Returns the minor version number of the GTK library. ...

Returns the micro version number of the GTK library. ...

Returns the binary age as passed to libtool when building the GTK library the process is running against. ...

Returns the interface age as passed to libtool when building the GTK library the process is running against. ...

Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the given version. ...

Provides informations about the installation and the versions of the loaded libraries. ...

Accelerator Groups

Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire gtk-window widget.

Accelerator flags used with the gtk-accel-group-connect function. ...

A gtk-accel-group object represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel gtk-window widget with the gtk-window-add-accel-group function. ...

Accessor of the is-locked slot of the gtk-accel-group class. ...

Accessor of the modifier-mask slot of the gtk-accel-group class. ...

Creates a new accelerator group. ...

Finds the first accelerator in group that matches key and mods, and activates it. ...

Locks the given accelerator group. ...

Undoes the last call to the gtk-accel-group-lock function on this group. ...

Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator. ...

Parses a string representing an accelerator. ...

Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by the gtk-accelerator-parse function. ...

Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user. ...

Accessor of the default accelerator modifier mask. ...

Accelerator Maps

Loadable keyboard accelerator specifications.

Accelerator maps are used to define runtime configurable accelerators. ...

Registers a new accelerator with the global accelerator map. ...

Looks up the accelerator entry for accel-path. ...

Changes the accel-key and accel-mods currently associated with accel-path. ...

Parses a file previously saved with the function gtk-accel-map-save for accelerator specifications, and propagates them accordingly. ...

Saves current accelerator specifications, accelerator path, key and modifiers, to filename. ...

Gets the singleton global gtk-accel-map object. ...

Locks the given accelerator path. ...

Undoes the last call to the function gtk-accel-map-lock-path on this accel-path. ...


Storing data on clipboards.

The gtk-clipboard object represents a clipboard of data shared between different processes or between different widgets in the same process. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-contents function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-text function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-image function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-targets function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-rich-text function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function to be called when the results of the gtk-clipboard-request-uris function are received, or when the request fails. ...

A callback function that will be called to provide the contents of the selection. ...

Returns the clipboard for the given selection. ...

Returns the clipboard for the given selection. ...

Gets the display associated with the clipboard. ...

Returns the default clipboard for use with Cut/Copy/Paste menu items and keyboard shortcuts. ...

Virtually sets the contents of the specified clipboard by providing a list of supported formats for the clipboard data and a function to call to get the actual data when it is requested. ...

Clears the contents of the clipboard. ...

Sets the contents of the clipboard to the given UTF-8 string. ...

Sets the contents of the clipboard to the given pixbuf. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as the given target. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as text. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as image. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as a list of supported targets. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as rich text. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as URIs. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard using the given target. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as text and converts the result to UTF-8 if necessary. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as image and converts the result to a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as rich text. ...

Requests the contents of the clipboard as URIs. ...

Test to see if there is text available to be pasted. ...

Test to see if there is an image available to be pasted. ...

Test to see if there is rich text available to be pasted. ...

Test to see if there is a list of URIs available to be pasted. ...

Returns a list of targets that are present on the clipboard, or nil if there are not any targets available. ...

Checks if a clipboard supports pasting data of a given type. ...

Hints that the clipboard data should be stored somewhere when the application exits or when the gtk-clipboard-store function is called. ...

Stores the current clipboard data somewhere so that it will stay around after the application has quit. ...

Gets the selection that this clipboard is for. ...

Drag and drop handling

GTK has a rich set of functions for doing inter-process communication via the drag-and-drop metaphor. GTK can do drag-and-drop (DND) via multiple protocols. The currently supported protocols are the Xdnd and Motif protocols.

As well as the functions listed here, applications may need to use some facilities provided for Selections. Also, the Drag and Drop API makes use of signals in the gtk-widget class.

The gtk-dest-defaults flags specifies the various types of action that will be taken on behalf of the user for a drag destination site. ...

The gtk-target-flags flags is used to specify constraints on a target entry. ...

Gives an indication why a drag operation failed. ...

Sets a widget as a potential drop destination, and adds default behaviors. ...

Sets the widget as a proxy for drops to another window. ...

Clears information about a drop destination set with the gtk-drag-dest-set function. ...

Looks for a match between the supported targets of the drag context and the target list, returning the first matching target, otherwise returning the :none value. ...

The gtk-drag-dest-target-list function returns the list of targets this widget can accept from drag and drop. ...

Add the text targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag destination. ...

Add the image targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag destination. ...

Add the URI targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag destination. ...

The gtk-drag-dest-track-motion function returns whether the widget has been configured to always emit "drag-motion" signals. ...

Informs the drag source that the drop is finished, and that the data of the drag will no longer be required. ...

Gets the data associated with a drag. ...

Determines the source widget for a drag. ...

Draws a highlight around a widget. ...

Removes a highlight set by the gtk-drag-highlight function from a widget. ...

Initiates a drag on the source side. ...

Initiates a drag on the source side. ...

Cancels an ongoing drag operation on the source side. ...

Changes the icon for a widget to a given widget. ...

Sets the pixbuf as the icon for a given drag. ...

Sets the icon for a given drag from a stock ID. ...

Sets the Cairo surface as the icon for a given drag. ...

Sets the icon for a given drag from a named themed icon. ...

Sets the icon for a given drag from the given icon. ...

Sets the icon for a particular drag to the default icon. ...

Checks to see if a mouse drag starting at (start-x, start-y) and ending at (current-x, current-y) has passed the GTK drag threshold, and thus should trigger the beginning of a drag and drop operation. ...

Sets up a widget so that GTK will start a drag operation when the user clicks and drags on the widget. ...

Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular widget from a pixbuf. ...

Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source to a stock icon. ...

Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source to a themed icon. ...

Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source to icon. ...

Undoes the effects of the gtk-drag-source-set function. ...

The gtk-drag-source-target-list function gets the list of targets this widget can provide for drag and drop. ...

Add the text targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag source. ...

Add the writable image targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag source. ...

Add the URI targets supported by the selection to the target list of the drag source. ...


Sharing settings between applications.

Style for input method preedit. ...

Style for input method status. ...

The gtk-settings object provide a mechanism to share global settings between applications. ...

Accessor of the color-hash slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-alternative-button-order slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-alternative-sort-arrows slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-auto-mnemonics slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-button-images slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-can-change-accels slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-color-palette slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-color-scheme slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-aspect-ratio slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-blink slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-blink-time slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-blink-timeout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-theme-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-cursor-theme-size slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-decoration-layout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-dialogs-use-header slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-dnd-drag-threshold slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-double-click-distance slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-double-click-time slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-accels slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-animations slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-event-sounds slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-mnemonics slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-primary-paste slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-enable-tooltips slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-entry-password-hint-timeout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-entry-select-on-focus slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-error-bell slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-fallback-icon-theme slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-file-chooser-backend slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-font-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-fontconfig-timestamp slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-icon-sizes slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-icon-theme-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-im-module slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-im-preedit-style slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-im-status-style slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-key-theme-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-keynav-cursor-only slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-keynav-use-caret slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-keynav-wrap-around slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-label-select-on-focus slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-long-press-time slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-menu-bar-accel slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-menu-bar-popup-delay slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-menu-images slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-menu-popdown-delay slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-menu-popup-delay slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-modules slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-overlay-scrolling slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-primary-buton-warps-slider slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-print-backends slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-print-preview-command slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-recent-files-enabled slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-recent-files-limit slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-recent-files-max-page slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-scrolled-window-placement slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-shell-shows-app-menu slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-shell-shows-desktop slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-shell-shows-menubar slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-show-input-method-menu slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-show-unicode-menu slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-sound-theme-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-split-cursor slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-theme-name slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-timeout-expand slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-timeout-initial slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-timeout-repeat slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-titlebar-double-click slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-titlebar-middle-click slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-titlebar-right-click slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-toolbar-icon-size slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-toolbar-style slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-tooltip-browse-mode-timeout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-tooltip-browse-timeout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-tooltip-timeout slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-touchscreen-mode slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-visible-focus slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-xft-antialias slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-xft-dpi slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-xft-hinting slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-xft-hintstyle slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Accessor of the gtk-xft-rgba slot of the gtk-settings class. ...

Gets the gtk-settings object for the default GDK screen, creating it if necessary. ...

Gets the gtk-settings object for screen, creating it if necessary. ...


not implemented

Standard Enumerations

Public enumerated types used throughout GTK.

Whenever a container has some form of natural row it may align children in that row along a common typographical baseline. ...

The values of this enumeration are passed as an argument to the "delete-from-cursor" signal handler. ...

Focus movement types. ...

Used for justifying the text inside a gtk-label widget. ...

The values of this enumeration are passed as an argument to the "move-cursor" signal handler. ...

Represents the orientation of widgets which can be switched between horizontal and vertical orientation on the fly, like the gtk-toolbar widget. ...

Represents the packing location of a gtk-box child widget. ...

Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at, e.g. the tabs of a gtk-notebook widget or the label of a gtk-scale widget. ...

Indicated the relief to be drawn around a gtk-button widget. ...

The scrolling types of this enumeration are a parameter for signal handlers in various widgets such as gtk-spin-button, gtk-scrolled-window, or gtk-combo-box. ...

Used to control what selections users are allowed to make. ...

Used to change the appearance of an outline typically provided by a gtk-frame widget. ...

Describes a widget state. ...

Used to customize the appearance of a gtk-toolbar widget. ...

Determines the direction of a sort. ...

The text direction controls the primary direction for widgets containing text, and also the direction in which the children of a container are packed. ...

Used to specify the style of the expanders drawn by a gtk-tree-view widget. ...

This type indicates the current state of a widget. ...


The selection mechanism provides the basis for different types of communication between processes. In particular, drag and drop and the gtk-clipboard implementation work via selections. You will very seldom or never need to use most of the functions in this section directly. The gtk-clipboard implementation provides a nicer interface to the same functionality.

Some of the datatypes defined in this section are used in the gtk-clipboard implementation and Drag and Drop APIs as well. The gtk-target-list structure represent lists of data types that are supported when sending or receiving data. The gtk-selection-data structure is used to store a chunk of data along with the data type and other associated information.

A gtk-target-list structure is used to represent a list of target entries. ...

Creates a new gtk-target-list instance from a list of target entries. ...

Appends another target entry to a target list. ...

Prepends a list of target entries to a target list. ...

Appends the text targets supported by a selection to the target list. ...

Appends the image targets supported by a selection to the target list. ...

Appends the URI targets supported by a selection to the target list. ...

Appends the rich text targets registered with the gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-format or gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-format functions to the target list. ...

Removes a target from a target list. ...

Looks up a given target in a target list. ...

This function creates a list of target entries that contains the same targets as the passed tlist argument. ...

Claims ownership of a given selection for a particular widget, or, if the widget argument is nil, release ownership of the selection. ...

Claim ownership of a given selection for a particular widget, or, if the widget argument is nil, release ownership of the selection. ...

Appends a specified target to the list of supported targets for a given widget and selection. ...

Prepends a table of targets to the list of supported targets for a given widget and selection. ...

Remove all targets registered for the given selection for the widget. ...

Requests the contents of a selection. ...

The gtk-selection-data structure is used to store a chunk of data along with the data type and other associated information. ...

Copies a gtk-selection-data instance. ...

Stores new data into a gtk-selection-data instance. ...

The gtk-selection-data-text function gets the contents of the selection data as a UTF-8 string. ...

The gtk-selection-data-pixbuf function gets the contents of the selection data as a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

The gtk-selection-data-uris function gets the contents of the selection data as a list of URIs. ...

Gets the contents of the selection as a list of targets. ...

Given a gtk-selection-data instance holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets can be used to provide a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Given a gtk-selection-data instance holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets can be used to provide text. ...

Given a gtk-selection-data instance holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets can be used to provide a list or URIs. ...

Given a gtk-selection-data instance holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets can be used to provide rich text. ...

Retrieves the selection of the selection data. ...

Retrieves the raw data of the selection. ...

The length of the data of the selection. ...

Retrieves the raw data of the selection along with its length. ...

Retrieves the data type of the selection. ...

The display of the selection. ...

Retrieves the format of the selection. ...

The target of the selection. ...

Determines if any of the targets in the targets argument can be used to provide a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Determines if any of the targets in the targets argument can be used to provide text. ...

Determines if any of the targets in the targets argument can be used to provide an URI list. ...

Determines if any of the targets in the targets argument can be used to provide rich text. ...

Removes all handlers and unsets ownership of all selections for a widget. ...

Filesystem utilities

Functions for working with GIO

This is a convenience function for launching the default application to show the URI. ...

Theming in GTK


Rendering UI elements.

Describes how a rendered element connects to adjacent elements. ...

Describes a region within a widget. ...

Flags that modify the behavior of the gtk-style-context-to-string function. ...

Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered. ...

The gtk-style-context object stores styling information affecting a widget defined by a gtk-widget-path instance. ...

Accessor of the direction slot of the gtk-style-context class. ...

Accessor of the paint-clock slot of the gtk-style-context class. ...

Accessor of the parent slot of the gtk-style-context class. ...

Accessor of the screen slot of the gtk-style-context class. ...

Creates a standalone style context object. ...

Adds a style provider to the style context, to be used in style construction. ...

Adds a global style provider to the screen, which will be used in style construction for all style contexts under the screen. ...

Accessor of the junction sides of a style context. ...

Accessor of the widget path of the style context. ...

Gets a style property from the style context for the given state. ...

Accessor of the gdk-frame-clock object of the style context. ...

Accessor of the state used when rendering. ...

Gets the value for a widget style property. ...

Queries the location in the CSS where property was defined for the current style context. ...

Gets the foreground color for a given state. ...

Gets the background color for a given state. ...

Gets the border color for a given state. ...

Gets the value for the border settings for a given state. ...

Gets the value for the padding settings for a given state. ...

Gets the value for the margin settings for a given state. ...

Returns the Pango font description for a given state. ...

Invalidates style context information, so it will be reconstructed again. ...

Looks up and resolves a color name in the style context color map. ...

Looks up a stock icon in the icon factories associated to the style context and the default icon factory, returning an icon set if found, otherwise nil. ...

Removes the style provider from the style providers list in the style context. ...

Removes the style provider from the global style providers list in the screen. ...

This function recomputes the styles for all widgets under a particular screen. ...

Sets the background of the GDK window to the background pattern or color specified in the style context for its current state. ...

Restores the style context state to a previous stage. ...

Saves the style context state. ...

Adds a style class to the context, so posterior calls to the gtk-style-context-property function or any of the gtk-render-* functions will make use of this new class for styling. ...

Removes a class name from the style context. ...

Returns true if the style context currently has defined the given class name. ...

Returns the list of classes currently defined in the style context. ...

Adds a region to the style context, so posterior calls to the gtk-style-context-property function or any of the gtk-render-* functions will make use of this new region for styling. ...

Removes a region from the style context. ...

Returns the region flags if the style context has the region defined. ...

Returns the list of regions currently defined in the style context. ...

Accessor of the scale used for image assets for the style context. ...

Converts the style context into a string representation. ...

A structure that specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of different width on each side. ...

Accessor of the left slot of the gtk-border structure. ...

Accessor of the right slot of the gtk-border structure. ...

Accessor of the top slot of the gtk-border structure. ...

Accessor of the bottom slot of the gtk-border structure. ...

Allocates a new gtk-border instance and initializes its elements. ...

Copies a gtk-border instance. ...

Renders an arrow pointing to an angle. ...

Renders the background of an element. ...

Returns the area that will be affected, i.e. drawn to, when calling the gtk-render-background function for the given context and rectangle. ...

Renders a checkmark as in a gtk-check-button widget. ...

Renders an expander as used in the gtk-tree-view widget and gtk-expander widget in the area defined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders a extension as in a gtk-notebook widget tab in the rectangle defined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders a focus indicator on the rectangle determined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders a frame around the rectangle defined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders a frame around the rectangle defined by x, y, width, height leaving a gap on one side. ...

Renders a handle, as the resize grip of the gtk-paned widget and gtk-window widget, in the rectangle determined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders a Pango layout on the coordinates x, y. ...

Renders a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). ...

Renders an option mark as in a gtk-radio-button widget. ...

Renders a slider as in the gtk-scale widget in the rectangle defined by x, y, width, height. ...

Renders an activity area such as in the gtk-spinner widget or the fill line in the gtk-range widget. ...

Renders the icon specified by source at the given size, returning the result in a pixbuf. ...

Renders the icon in the Cairo surface at the specified x and y coordinates. ...

Renders the icon in a pixbuf at the specified x and y coordinates. ...

Draws a text caret on the Cairo context at the specified index of the Pango layout. ...


CSS-like styling for widgets.

The gtk-css-provider object is an object implementing the gtk-style-provider interface. ...

Returns the provider containing the style settings used as a fallback for all widgets. ...

Loads a theme from the usual theme paths, for example, "dark", or nil for the default theme. ...

Loads data into the CSS provider, making it clear any previously loaded information. ...

Loads the data contained in file into the CSS provider, making it clear any previously loaded information. ...

Loads the data contained in path into the CSS provider, making it clear any previously loaded information. ...

Loads the data contained in the resource at path into the CSS provider, clearing any previously loaded information. ...

Returns a newly created CSS provider object. ...

Convertes the provider into a string representation in CSS format. ...

The different types of sections indicate parts of a CSS document as parsed by the CSS parser of GTK. ...

Defines a part of a CSS document. ...

Returns the line in the CSS document where this section end. ...

Returns the offset in bytes from the start of the current line returned via the gtk-css-section-end-line function. ...

Gets the file that the section was parsed from. ...

Gets the parent section for the given section. ...

Gets the type of information that the section describes. ...

Returns the line in the CSS document where this section starts. ...

Returns the offset in bytes from the start of the current line returned via the gtk-css-section-start-line function. ...


Interface to provide style information to a gtk-style-context object.

The priority used for default style information that is used in the absence of themes. ...

The priority used for style information provided by themes. ...

The priority used for style information provided via a gtk-settings object. ...

A priority that can be used when adding a gtk-style-provider object for application specific style information. ...

The priority used for the style information from the ~/.gtk-3.0.css file. ...

The gtk-style-provider interface is an interface used to provide style information to a gtk-style-context object. ...

Looks up the value of a widget style property as defined by the provider for the widget represented by path. ...


Widget path abstraction.

The gtk-widget-path structure is a boxed type that represents a widget hierarchy from the topmost widget, typically a toplevel, to any child. ...

Appends a widget type to the widget hierarchy represented by path. ...

Appends a widget type with all its siblings to the widget hierarchy represented by path. ...

Appends the data from widget to the widget hierarchy represented by path. ...

Returns a copy of a widget path. ...

Returns the topmost object type. ...

Returns true if any of the parents of the widget represented in path is of gtype type, or any subtype of it. ...

Returns true if the widget type represented by this path is gtype, or a subtype of it. ...

Adds the class name to the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Adds the region name to the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Removes all classes from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Removes all regions from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Accessor of the widget name. ...

Accessor of the object name. ...

Accessor of the object type. ...

Returns the list of siblings for the element at pos. ...

Returns the index into the list of siblings for the element at pos as returned by the gtk-widget-path-iter-siblings function. ...

Accessor of the state flags. ...

Returns true if the widget at position pos has the class name defined, false otherwise. ...

Returns true if the widget at position pos has the name name, false otherwise. ...

Returns the region flags corresponding to the widget found at the position pos in the widget hierarchy defined by path. ...

Returns a list of strings with all the class names defined for the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Returns a list with all the region names defined for the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Removes the class name from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Removes the region name from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. ...

Returns the number of widget types between the represented widget and its topmost container. ...

Returns an empty widget path. ...

Prepends a widget type to the widget hierachy represented by path. ...

Dumps the widget path into a string representation. ...


Looking up icons by name.

Used to specify options for the gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon function. ...

The gtk-icon-theme class provides a facility for looking up icons by name and size. ...

Creates a new icon theme. ...

Gets the icon theme for the default screen. ...

Gets the icon theme associated with the screen. ...

Sets the screen for an icon theme. ...

Accessor of the icon theme path directories. ...

Appends a directory to the search path. ...

Prepends a directory to the search path. ...

Adds a resource path that will be looked at when looking for icons, similar to search paths. ...

Sets the name of the icon theme that the icon theme uses overriding system configuration. ...

Checks whether an icon theme includes an icon for a particular name. ...

Looks up a named icon and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up a named icon for a particular window scale and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up a named icon and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up a named icon for a particular window scale and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up an icon and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up an icon and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. ...

Looks up an icon in an icon theme, scales it to the given size and renders it into a pixbuf. ...

Looks up an icon in an icon theme for a particular window scale, scales it to the given size and renders it into a pixbuf. ...

Looks up an icon in an icon theme for a particular window scale, scales it to the given size and renders it into a Cairo surface. ...

Gets the list of contexts available within the current hierarchy of icon themes. ...

Lists the icons in the current icon theme. ...

Returns an array of integers describing the sizes at which the icon is available without scaling. ...

Gets the name of an icon that is representative of the current icon theme, for instance, to use when presenting a list of icon themes to the user. ...

Checks to see if the icon theme has changed. ...

Registers a built-in icon for icon theme lookups. ...

Contains information found when looking up an icon in an icon theme. ...

Creates a gtk-icon-info instance for a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Gets the base size for the icon. ...

Gets the base scale for the icon. ...

Gets the filename for the icon. ...

Gets the built-in image for this icon, if any. ...

Renders an icon previously looked up in an icon theme using the gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon function. ...

Renders an icon previously looked up in an icon theme using the gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon function. ...

Loads an icon, modifying it to match the system colours for the foreground, success, warning and error colors provided. ...

Loads an icon, modifying it to match the system colors for the foreground, success, warning and error colors provided. ...

Checks if the icon is symbolic or not. ...


Deprecated since GTK 3.0

Resource Files

Deprecated routines for handling resource files.

In GTK 3.0, resource files have been deprecated and replaced by CSS-like style sheets, which are understood by the gtk-css-provider object. In the Lisp binding the implementation was never very complete. The few symbols are not exported.


Deprecated object that holds style information for widgets.

In GTK 3.0, the GtkStyle object has been deprecated and replaced by the gtk-style-context object. In the Lisp binding the implementation was never very complete. The few symbols are not exported.

Deprecated since GTK 3.2


A deprecated horizontal container box.

The GtkHBox widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2. You can use the gtk-box widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead, which is a very quick and easy change. If you have derived your own classes from the GtkHBox class, you can simply change the inheritance to derive directly from the gtk-box class. No further changes are needed, since the default value of the orientation property is :horizontal.

If you want your code to be future-proof, the recommendation is to switch to the gtk-grid widget, since the gtk-box widget is going to be deprecated in favor of the more flexible grid widget eventually.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHBox widget are not exported.


A deprecated vertical container box.

The GtkVBox widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2. You can use the gtk-box widget instead, which is a very quick and easy change. If you have derived your own classes from the GtkVBox class, you can simply change the inheritance to derive directly from the gtk-box class, and set the orientation property to :vertical in your instance init function.

If you want your code to be future-proof, the recommendation is to switch to the gtk-grid widget, since the gtk-box widget is going to be deprecated in favor of the more flexible grid widget eventually.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVBox widget are not exported.


A deprecated container for arranging buttons horizontally.

The GtkHButtonBox widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-button-box widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHButtonBox widget are not exported.


A deprecated container for arranging buttons vertically.

The GtkVButtonBox widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-button-box widget with the value :vertical for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVButtonBox widget are not exported.


A deprecated container with two panes arranged horizontally.

The GtkHPaned widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-paned widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHPaned widget are not exported.


A deprecated container with two panes arranged vertically.

The GtkVPaned widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-paned widget with the value :vertical for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVPaned widget are not exported.


A deprecated horizontal slider widget for selecting a value from a range.

The GtkHScale widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-scale widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHScale widget are not exported.


A deprecated vertical slider widget for selecting a value from a range.

The GtkVScale widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-scale widget with the value :vertical for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVScale widget are not exported.


A deprecated horizontal separator widget.

The GtkHSeparator widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-separator widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHSeparator widget are not exported.


A deprecated vertical separator widget.

The GtkVSeparator widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-separator widget with the value :vertical for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVSeparator widget are not exported.


A deprecated horizontal scrollbar.

The GtkHScrollbar widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-scrollbar widget with the value :horizontal for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkHScrollbar widget are not exported.


A deprecated vertical scrollbar.

The GtkVScrollbar widget has been deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-scrollbar widget with the value :vertical for the orientation property instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkVScrollbar widget are not exported.


Deprecated widget for selecting fonts.

The GtkFontSelection widget is deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the widgets that implement the gtk-font-chooser interface instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkFontSelection widget are not exported.


Deprecated dialog box for selecting fonts.

The GtkFontSelectionDialog widget is deprecated since GTK 3.2 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-font-chooser-dialog widget instead.

In the Lisp binding the symbols and functions for the GtkFontSelectionDialog widget are not exported.

Deprecated since GTK 3.4


A deprecated widget for detachable window portions.

The gtk-handle-box widget allows a portion of a window to be "torn off". ...

Accessor of the child-detached slot of the gtk-handle-box class. ...

Accessor of the handle-position slot of the gtk-handle-box class. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-handle-box class. ...

Accessor of the snap-edge slot of the gtk-handle-box class. ...

Accessor of the snap-edge-set slot of the gtk-handle-box class. ...

Create a new handle box. ...


Deprecated widget which pack widgets in regular patterns.

Denotes the expansion properties that a widget will have in a gtk-table widget when it or its parent is resized. ...

The gtk-table widget allows the programmer to arrange widgets in rows and columns, making it easy to align many widgets next to each other, horizontally and vertically. ...

Accessor of the column-spacing property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the homogeneous slot of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the n-columns slot of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the n-rows slot of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the row-spacing slot of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the left-attach child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the right-attach child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the top-attach child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the bottom-attach child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the x-options child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the y-options child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the x-padding child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Accessor of the y-padding child property of the gtk-table class. ...

Used to create a new table. ...

If you need to change the size of the table after it has been created, this function allows you to do so. ...

Gets the number of rows and columns in the table. ...

Adds a child widget to a table. ...

Changes the space between a given table row and the subsequent row. ...

Alters the amount of space between a given table column and the following column. ...

Gets the amount of space between row, and row + 1. ...

Gets the amount of space between column, and column + 1. ...


A deprecated menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu.

A gtk-tearoff-menu-item widget is a special gtk-menu-item widget which is used to tear off and reattach its menu. ...

Creates a new tearoff menu. ...


A deprecated widget used to select a color.

The gtk-color-selection widget is used to select a color. ...

Accessor of the current-alpha slot of the gtk-color-selection class. ...

Accessor of the current-color slot of the gtk-color-selection class. ...

Accessor of the current-rgba slot of the gtk-color-selection class. ...

Accessor of the has-opacity-control slot of the gtk-color-selection class. ...

Accessor of the has-palette slot of the gtk-color-selection class. ...

Creates a new color selector. ...

The function gtk-color-selection-previous-alpha returns the previous alpha value. ...

The function gtk-color-selection-previous-color gets the previous color value. ...

The function gtk-color-selection-previous-rgba gets the previous color. ...

Gets the current state of the color selector. ...


Deprecated dialog box for selecting a color.

The gtk-color-selection-dialog widget provides a standard dialog which allows the user to select a color much like the gtk-file-chooser-dialog widget provides a standard dialog for file selection. ...

Accessor of the cancel-button slot of the gtk-color-selection-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the color-selection slot of the gtk-color-selection-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the help-button slot of the gtk-color-selection-dialog class. ...

Accessor of the ok-button slot of the gtk-color-selection-dialog class. ...

Creates a new color selection dialog. ...


A deprecated "color wheel" widget.

The gtk-hsv widget is the "color wheel" part of a complete color selector widget. ...

Creates a new HSV color selector. ...

Sets the current color in an HSV color selector. ...

Queries the current color in an HSV color selector. ...

Sets the size and ring width of an HSV color selector. ...

Queries the size and ring width of an HSV color selector. ...

An HSV color selector can be said to be adjusting if multiple rapid changes are being made to its value, for example, when the user is adjusting the value with the mouse. ...

Converts a color from HSV space to RGB. Input values must be in the [0.0, 1.0] range, output values will be in the same range. ...

Converts a color from RGB space to HSV. Input values must be in the [0.0, 1.0] range; output values will be in the same range. ...

Deprecated since GTK 3.8


GtkSymbolicColor is deprecated since version 3.8. Symbolic colors are considered an implementation detail of GTK. In the Lisp binding no symbols or functions of GtkSymbolicColor are implemented.


GtkGradient is deprecated since version 3.8. It was used internally by GTK’s CSS engine to represent gradients. As its handling is not conforming to modern web standards, it is not used anymore. If you want to use gradients in your own code, please use Cairo directly. In the Lisp binding no symbols or functions of GtkGradient are implemented.

Deprecated since GTK 3.10


Deprecated class for constructing menus and toolbars from an XML description.

These values are used by the function gtk-ui-manager-add-ui to determine what UI element to create. ...

A gtk-ui-manager object constructs a user interface, menus and toolbars, from one or more UI definitions, which reference actions from one or more action groups. ...

Accessor of the add-tearoffs slot of the gtk-ui-manager class. ...

Accessor of the ui slot of the gtk-ui-manager class. ...

Creates a new UI manager object. ...

Inserts an action group into the list of action groups associated with the UI manager. ...

Removes an action group from the list of action groups associated with the UI manager. ...

Returns the list of action groups associated with the UI manager. ...

Returns the accelerator group associated with the UI manager. ...

Looks up a widget by following a path. ...

Obtains a list of all toplevel widgets of the requested types. ...

Looks up an action by following a path. ...

Parses a resource file containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of manager. ...

Parses a string containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of the UI manager. ...

Parses a file containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of manager. ...

Returns an unused merge ID, suitable for use with the function gtk-ui-manager-add-ui. ...

Adds a UI element to the current contents of manager. ...

Unmerges the part of managers content identified by id. ...

Makes sure that all pending updates to the UI have been completed. ...


A deprecated group of actions.

Actions are organised into groups. An action group is essentially a map from names to gtk-action objects. ...

Accessor of the accel-group slot of the gtk-action-group class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-action-group class. ...

Accessor of the sensitive slot of the gtk-action-group class. ...

Accessor of the visible slot of the gtk-action-group class. ...


A deprecated action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item.

Actions represent operations that the user can be perform, along with some information how it should be presented in the interface. ...

Accessor of the action-group slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the always-show-image slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the gicon slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the hide-if-empty slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the is-important slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the sensitive slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the short-label slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the stock-id slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the visible slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the visible-horizontal slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the visible-overflown slot of the gtk-action class. ...

Accessor of the visible-vertical of the gtk-action class. ...

Creates a new action. ...

Returns whether the action is effectively sensitive. ...

Returns whether the action is effectively visible. ...

Emits the "activate" signal on the specified action, if it is not insensitive. ...

This function is intended for use by action implementations to create icons displayed in the proxy widgets. ...

Creates a menu item widget that proxies for the given action. ...

Creates a toolbar item that proxies for the given action. ...

If the action provides a gtk-menu widget as a submenu for the menu item or the toolbar item it creates, this function returns an instance of that menu. ...

Returns the proxy widgets for the action. ...

Installs the accelerator for the action if the action has an accel path and group. ...

Undoes the effect of one call to the function gtk-action-connect-accelerator. ...

Disable activation signals from the action. ...

Reenable activation signals from the action. ...

Accessor of the accel path for the action. ...

Sets the accelerator group in which the accelerator for this action will be installed. ...


A deprecated action which can be toggled between two states.

A gtk-toggle-action object corresponds roughly to a gtk-check-menu-item widget. ...

Accessor of the active slot of the gtk-toggle-action class. ...

Accessor of the draw-as-radio slot of the gtk-toggle-action class. ...

Creates a new toggle action. ...

Emits the "toggled" signal on the toggle action. ...


A deprecated action of which only one in a group can be active.

The gtk-radio-action object is similar to the gtk-radio-menu-item widget. ...

Accessor of the current-value slot of the gtk-radio-action class. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gtk-radio-action class. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gtk-radio-action class. ...

Creates a new radio action. ...

Joins a radio action object to the group of another radio action object. ...


A deprecated action which represents a list of recently used files.

A gtk-recent-action object represents a list of recently used files, which can be shown by widgets such as a gtk-recent-chooser-dialog widget or a gtk-recent-chooser-menu widget. ...

Accessor of the show-numbers slot of the gtk-recent-action class. ...

Creates a new recent action. ...

Creates a new recent action. ...


A deprecated interface for activatable widgets.

Activatable widgets can be connected to a gtk-action object and reflects the state of its action. ...

Accessor of the related-action slot of the gtk-activatable class. ...

Accessor of the use-action-appearance slot of the gtk-activatable class. ...


A deprecated widget for a menu item with an icon.

A gtk-image-menu-item widget is a menu item which has an icon next to the text label. ...

Accessor of accel-group slot of the gtk-image-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the always-show-image slot of the gtk-image-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the image slot of the gtk-image-menu-item class. ...

Accessor of the use-stock slot of the gtk-image-menu-item class. ...

Creates a new image menu item with an empty label. ...

Creates a new image menu item containing the image and text from a stock item. ...

Creates a new image menu item containing a label. ...

Creates a new image menu item containing a label. ...


A deprecated base class for widgets with alignments and padding.

Base class for widgets with alignments and padding. ...

Sets the alignment of the widget. ...

Sets the amount of space to add around the widget. ...

Gets the x and y alignment of the widget within its allocation. ...

Gets the padding in the x and y directions of the widget. ...

Stock items

Deprecated prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons.

Since GTK 3.10, stock items are deprecated. You should instead set up whatever labels and/or icons you need using normal widget API, rather than relying on GTK providing ready-made combinations of these.

In the Lisp binding no symbols and functions are implemented.

Themable Stock Images

Deprecated structures and functions for manipulating stock icons.

Built-in stock icon sizes. ...

Accessor of the filename of a gtk-icon-source instance. ...

Accessor of the icon name of a gtk-icon-source instance. ...

Creates a new icon source. ...

A gtk-icon-set structure manages a set of variants of a particular icon, i.e. a gtk-icon-set instance contains variants for different sizes and widget states. ...

This function copies source, so you can reuse the same source immediately without affecting the icon set. ...

Creates a new icon set. ...

Creates a new icon set with pixbuf as the default/fallback source image. ...

Renders an icon using the function gtk_style_render_icon(). ...

Renders an icon using the function gtk-render-icon-pixbuf. ...

An icon factory manages a collection of gtk-icon-set instances. ...

Adds the given iconset to the icon factory, under the name stock-id. ...

Adds an icon factory to the list of icon factories searched by the function gtk_style_lookup_icon_set(). ...

Looks up stock-id in the icon factory, returning an icon set if found, otherwise nil. ...

Looks for an icon in the list of default icon factories. ...

Removes an icon factory from the list of default icon factories. ...

Deprecated since GTK 3.14


A deprecated g-icon implementation that allows numbered emblems.

The gtk-numerable-icon class is a subclass of the g-emblemed-icon class that can show a number or short string as an emblem. ...

Accessor of the background-icon slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class. ...

Accessor of the background-icon-name slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class. ...

Accessor of the count slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class. ...

Accessor of the label slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class. ...

Accessor of the style-context slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class. ...

Creates a new unthemed numerable icon. ...

Creates a new numerable icon which will themed according to the passed style context. ...


Deprecated widget which displays an arrow.

The gtk-arrow widget should be used to draw simple arrows that need to point in one of the four cardinal directions: up, down, left, or right. ...

Accessor of the arrow-type slot of the gtk-arrow class. ...

Accessor of the shadow-type slot of the gtk-arrow class. ...

Creates a new arrow. ...

Sets the direction and style of the arrow. ...


Deprecated class for displaying an icon in the system tray.

The "system tray" or notification area is normally used for transient icons that indicate some special state. ...

Accessor of the embedded slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the file slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the gicon slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the has-tooltip slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the orientation slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the pixbuf slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the screen slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the size slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the stock slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the storage-type slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the title slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-markup slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the tooltip-text slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Accessor of the visible slot of the gtk-status-icon class. ...

Creates an empty status icon. ...

Creates a status icon displaying pixbuf. ...

Creates a status icon displaying the icon from a file. ...

Creates a status icon displaying a stock icon. ...

Creates a status icon displaying an icon from the current icon theme. ...

Creates a status icon displaying a g-icon object. ...

Makes the status icon display pixbuf. ...

Makes the status icon display the icon from the file filename. ...

Makes the status icon display the stock icon with the ID stock-id. ...

Makes the status icon display the icon named name from the current icon theme. ...

Makes the status icon display the g-icon object. ...

Sets the name of the tray icon. ...

Returns whether the status icon is embedded in a notification area. ...


Deprecated class for theming renderers. The GtkThemingEngine class has been deprecated in GTK 3.14 and will be ignored for rendering. The advancements in CSS theming are good enough to allow themers to achieve their goals without the need to modify source code.

In the Lisp binding no symbols and functions are implemented.


A deprecated widget which controls the alignment and size of its child.

The gtk-alignment widget controls the alignment and size of its child widget. ...

Accessor of the bottom-padding slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the left-padding slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the right-padding slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the top-padding slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the xalign slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the xscale slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the yalign slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Accessor of the yscale slot of the gtk-alignment class. ...

Creates a new alignment. ...

Sets the alignment values. ...

Gets the padding on the different sides of the child widget. ...

Sets the padding on the different sides of the widget. ...

Deprecated since GTK 3.16


Deprecated store for style property information.

GtkStyleProperties has been deprecated in GTK 3.16. The CSS machinery does not use it anymore and all users of this object have been deprecated. No symbols und functions for GtkStyleProperties are implemented in the Lisp binding.

Symbols not implemented or exported

The following symbols in the C library have been deprecated since version 3.16 or longer. These symbols are not implemented in or not exported from the Lisp library.

gtk_application_add_accelerator gtk_application_remove_accelerator


gtk_assistant_set_page_header_image gtk_assistant_get_page_header_image gtk_assistant_set_page_side_image gtk_assistant_get_page_side_image

gtk_button_new_from_stock gtk_button_pressed gtk_button_released gtk_button_enter gtk_button_leave gtk_button_set_alignment gtk_button_get_alignment

gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order_from_array

gtk_image_get_icon_set gtk_image_get_stock gtk_image_new_from_icon_set gtk_image_new_from_stock gtk_image_set_from_icon_set gtk_image_set_from_stock

gtk_notebook_get_tab_hborder gtk_notebook_get_tab_vborder

Exported Symbol Index

+gtk-style-provider-priority-application+, Constant
+gtk-style-provider-priority-fallback+, Constant
+gtk-style-provider-priority-settings+, Constant
+gtk-style-provider-priority-theme+, Constant
+gtk-style-provider-priority-user+, Constant
+gtk-tree-sortable-default-sort-column-id+, Constant
+gtk-tree-sortable-unsorted-sort-column-id+, Constant
cairo-context, GBoxed
cairo-surface, GBoxed
cl-cffi-gtk-build-info, Function
gtk-about-dialog, Class
gtk-about-dialog-add-credit-section, Function
gtk-about-dialog-artists, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-authors, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-comments, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-copyright, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-documenters, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-license, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-license-type, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-logo, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-logo-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-new, Function
gtk-about-dialog-program-name, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-translator-credits, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-version, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-website, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-website-label, Accessor
gtk-about-dialog-wrap-license, Accessor
gtk-accel-flags, GFlags
gtk-accel-group, Class
gtk-accel-group-activate, Function
gtk-accel-group-is-locked, Accessor
gtk-accel-group-lock, Function
gtk-accel-group-modifier-mask, Accessor
gtk-accel-group-new, Function
gtk-accel-group-unlock, Function
gtk-accel-label, Class
gtk-accel-label-accel-closure, Accessor
gtk-accel-label-accel-widget, Accessor
gtk-accel-label-accel-width, Function
gtk-accel-label-get-accel, Function
gtk-accel-label-new, Function
gtk-accel-label-refetch, Function
gtk-accel-label-set-accel, Function
gtk-accel-map, Class
gtk-accel-map-add-entry, Function
gtk-accel-map-change-entry, Function
gtk-accel-map-get, Function
gtk-accel-map-load, Function
gtk-accel-map-lock-path, Function
gtk-accel-map-lookup-entry, Function
gtk-accel-map-save, Function
gtk-accel-map-unlock-path, Function
gtk-accelerator-default-mod-mask, Function
gtk-accelerator-label, Function
gtk-accelerator-name, Function
gtk-accelerator-parse, Function
gtk-accelerator-valid, Function
gtk-action, Class
gtk-action-accel-path, Function
gtk-action-action-group, Accessor
gtk-action-activate, Function
gtk-action-always-show-image, Accessor
gtk-action-bar, Class
gtk-action-bar-center-widget, Function
gtk-action-bar-child-pack-type, Accessor
gtk-action-bar-child-position, Accessor
gtk-action-bar-new, Function
gtk-action-bar-pack-end, Function
gtk-action-bar-pack-start, Function
gtk-action-block-activate, Function
gtk-action-connect-accelerator, Function
gtk-action-create-icon, Function
gtk-action-create-menu, Function
gtk-action-create-menu-item, Function
gtk-action-create-tool-item, Function
gtk-action-disconnect-accelerator, Function
gtk-action-gicon, Accessor
gtk-action-group, Class
gtk-action-group-accel-group, Accessor
gtk-action-group-name, Accessor
gtk-action-group-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-action-group-visible, Accessor
gtk-action-hide-if-empty, Accessor
gtk-action-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-action-is-important, Accessor
gtk-action-is-sensitive, Function
gtk-action-is-visible, Function
gtk-action-label, Accessor
gtk-action-name, Accessor
gtk-action-new, Function
gtk-action-proxies, Function
gtk-action-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-action-set-accel-group, Function
gtk-action-short-label, Accessor
gtk-action-stock-id, Accessor
gtk-action-tooltip, Accessor
gtk-action-unblock-activate, Function
gtk-action-visible, Accessor
gtk-action-visible-horizontal, Accessor
gtk-action-visible-overflown, Accessor
gtk-action-visible-vertical, Accessor
gtk-actionable, Interface
gtk-actionable-action-name, Accessor
gtk-actionable-action-target, Accessor
gtk-actionable-set-detailed-action-name, Function
gtk-activatable, Interface
gtk-activatable-related-action, Accessor
gtk-activatable-use-action-appearance, Accessor
gtk-adjustment, Class
gtk-adjustment-changed, Function
gtk-adjustment-clamp-page, Function
gtk-adjustment-configure, Function
gtk-adjustment-lower, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-minimum-increment, Function
gtk-adjustment-new, Function
gtk-adjustment-page-increment, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-page-size, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-step-increment, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-upper, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-value, Accessor
gtk-adjustment-value-changed, Function
gtk-align, GEnum
gtk-alignment, Class
gtk-alignment-bottom-padding, Accessor
gtk-alignment-get-padding, Function
gtk-alignment-left-padding, Accessor
gtk-alignment-new, Function
gtk-alignment-right-padding, Accessor
gtk-alignment-set, Function
gtk-alignment-set-padding, Function
gtk-alignment-top-padding, Accessor
gtk-alignment-xalign, Accessor
gtk-alignment-xscale, Accessor
gtk-alignment-yalign, Accessor
gtk-alignment-yscale, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser, Interface
gtk-app-chooser-app-info, Function
gtk-app-chooser-button, Class
gtk-app-chooser-button-append-custom-item, Function
gtk-app-chooser-button-append-separator, Function
gtk-app-chooser-button-heading, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-button-new, Function
gtk-app-chooser-button-set-active-custom-item, Function
gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-button-show-dialog-item, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-content-type, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-dialog, Class
gtk-app-chooser-dialog-gfile, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-dialog-heading, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-dialog-new, Function
gtk-app-chooser-dialog-new-for-content-type, Function
gtk-app-chooser-dialog-widget, Function
gtk-app-chooser-refresh, Function
gtk-app-chooser-widget, Class
gtk-app-chooser-widget-default-text, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-widget-new, Function
gtk-app-chooser-widget-show-all, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-widget-show-default, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-widget-show-fallback, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-widget-show-other, Accessor
gtk-app-chooser-widget-show-recommended, Accessor
gtk-application, Class
gtk-application-accels-for-action, Function
gtk-application-actions-for-accel, Function
gtk-application-active-window, Accessor
gtk-application-add-window, Function
gtk-application-app-menu, Accessor
gtk-application-inhibit, Function
gtk-application-inhibit-flags, GFlags
gtk-application-is-inhibited, Function
gtk-application-list-action-descriptions, Function
gtk-application-menu-by-id, Function
gtk-application-menubar, Accessor
gtk-application-new, Function
gtk-application-prefers-app-menu, Function
gtk-application-register-session, Accessor
gtk-application-remove-window, Function
gtk-application-screensaver-active, Accessor
gtk-application-uninhibit, Function
gtk-application-window, Class
gtk-application-window-by-id, Function
gtk-application-window-help-overlay, Function
gtk-application-window-id, Function
gtk-application-window-new, Function
gtk-application-window-show-menubar, Accessor
gtk-application-windows, Function
gtk-arrow, Class
gtk-arrow-arrow-type, Accessor
gtk-arrow-new, Function
gtk-arrow-placement, GEnum
gtk-arrow-set, Function
gtk-arrow-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-arrow-type, GEnum
gtk-aspect-frame, Class
gtk-aspect-frame-new, Function
gtk-aspect-frame-obey-child, Accessor
gtk-aspect-frame-ratio, Accessor
gtk-aspect-frame-set, Function
gtk-aspect-frame-xalign, Accessor
gtk-aspect-frame-yalign, Accessor
gtk-assistant, Class
gtk-assistant-add-action-widget, Function
gtk-assistant-append-page, Function
gtk-assistant-child-complete, Accessor
gtk-assistant-child-has-padding, Accessor
gtk-assistant-child-page-type, Accessor
gtk-assistant-child-title, Accessor
gtk-assistant-commit, Function
gtk-assistant-current-page, Function
gtk-assistant-insert-page, Function
gtk-assistant-n-pages, Function
gtk-assistant-new, Function
gtk-assistant-next-page, Function
gtk-assistant-nth-page, Function
gtk-assistant-page-complete, Function
gtk-assistant-page-func, Callback
gtk-assistant-page-has-padding, Function
gtk-assistant-page-title, Function
gtk-assistant-page-type, Function
gtk-assistant-page-type, GEnum
gtk-assistant-prepend-page, Function
gtk-assistant-previous-page, Function
gtk-assistant-remove-action-widget, Function
gtk-assistant-remove-page, Function
gtk-assistant-set-forward-page-func, Function
gtk-assistant-update-buttons-state, Function
gtk-assistant-use-header-bar, Accessor
gtk-attach-options, GFlags
gtk-baseline-position, Enum
gtk-bin, Class
gtk-bin-child, Function
gtk-binary-age, Function
gtk-border, GBoxed
gtk-border-bottom, Accessor
gtk-border-copy, Function
gtk-border-left, Accessor
gtk-border-new, Function
gtk-border-right, Accessor
gtk-border-style, GEnum
gtk-border-top, Accessor
gtk-box, Class
gtk-box-baseline-position, Accessor
gtk-box-center-widget, Function
gtk-box-child-expand, Accessor
gtk-box-child-fill, Accessor
gtk-box-child-pack-type, Accessor
gtk-box-child-packing, Function
gtk-box-child-padding, Accessor
gtk-box-child-position, Accessor
gtk-box-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-box-new, Function
gtk-box-pack-end, Function
gtk-box-pack-start, Function
gtk-box-query-child-packing, Function
gtk-box-reorder-child, Function
gtk-box-spacing, Accessor
gtk-buildable, Interface
gtk-buildable-add-child, Function
gtk-buildable-internal-child, Function
gtk-buildable-name, Function
gtk-builder, Class
gtk-builder-add-from-file, Function
gtk-builder-add-from-resource, Function
gtk-builder-add-from-string, Function
gtk-builder-add-objects-from-file, Function
gtk-builder-add-objects-from-resource, Function
gtk-builder-add-objects-from-string, Function
gtk-builder-application, Function
gtk-builder-connect-func, Callback
gtk-builder-connect-signals, Function
gtk-builder-connect-signals-full, Function
gtk-builder-error, GEnum
gtk-builder-expose-object, Function
gtk-builder-new, Function
gtk-builder-new-from-file, Function
gtk-builder-new-from-resource, Function
gtk-builder-new-from-string, Function
gtk-builder-object, Function
gtk-builder-objects, Function
gtk-builder-translation-domain, Accessor
gtk-builder-type-from-name, Function
gtk-button, Class
gtk-button-always-show-image, Accessor
gtk-button-box, Class
gtk-button-box-child-non-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-button-box-child-secondary, Accessor
gtk-button-box-layout, Function
gtk-button-box-layout-style, Accessor
gtk-button-box-new, Function
gtk-button-box-style, GEnum
gtk-button-clicked, Function
gtk-button-event-window, Function
gtk-button-focus-on-click, Accessor
gtk-button-image, Accessor
gtk-button-image-position, Accessor
gtk-button-label, Accessor
gtk-button-new, Function
gtk-button-new-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-button-new-with-label, Function
gtk-button-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-button-relief, Accessor
gtk-button-role, GEnum
gtk-button-use-stock, Accessor
gtk-button-use-underline, Accessor
gtk-button-xalign, Accessor
gtk-button-yalign, Accessor
gtk-buttons-type, GEnum
gtk-cairo-should-draw-window, Function
gtk-cairo-transform-to-window, Function
gtk-calendar, Class
gtk-calendar-clear-marks, Function
gtk-calendar-date, Function
gtk-calendar-day, Accessor
gtk-calendar-day-is-marked, Function
gtk-calendar-detail-func, Callback
gtk-calendar-detail-height-rows, Accessor
gtk-calendar-detail-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-calendar-display-options, Function
gtk-calendar-display-options, GFlags
gtk-calendar-mark-day, Function
gtk-calendar-month, Accessor
gtk-calendar-new, Function
gtk-calendar-no-month-change, Accessor
gtk-calendar-select-day, Function
gtk-calendar-select-month, Function
gtk-calendar-set-detail-func, Function
gtk-calendar-show-day-names, Accessor
gtk-calendar-show-details, Accessor
gtk-calendar-show-heading, Accessor
gtk-calendar-show-week-numbers, Accessor
gtk-calendar-unmark-day, Function
gtk-calendar-year, Accessor
gtk-callback, Callback
gtk-cell-alloc-callback, Callback
gtk-cell-area, Class
gtk-cell-area-activate, Function
gtk-cell-area-activate-cell, Function
gtk-cell-area-add, Function
gtk-cell-area-add-focus-sibling, Function
gtk-cell-area-add-with-properties, Function
gtk-cell-area-apply-attributes, Function
gtk-cell-area-attribute-column, Function
gtk-cell-area-attribute-connect, Function
gtk-cell-area-attribute-disconnect, Function
gtk-cell-area-box, Class
gtk-cell-area-box-child-align, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-box-child-expand, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-box-child-fixed-size, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-box-child-pack-type, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-box-new, Function
gtk-cell-area-box-pack-end, Function
gtk-cell-area-box-pack-start, Function
gtk-cell-area-box-spacing, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-cell-allocation, Function
gtk-cell-area-cell-get, Function
gtk-cell-area-cell-property, Function
gtk-cell-area-cell-set, Function
gtk-cell-area-class-find-cell-property, Function
gtk-cell-area-class-list-cell-properties, Function
gtk-cell-area-context, Class
gtk-cell-area-context-allocate, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-allocation, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-area, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-context-minimum-height, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-context-minimum-width, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-context-natural-height, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-context-natural-width, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-context-preferred-height, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-preferred-height-for-width, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-preferred-width, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-preferred-width-for-height, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-push-preferred-height, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-push-preferred-width, Function
gtk-cell-area-context-reset, Function
gtk-cell-area-copy-context, Function
gtk-cell-area-create-context, Function
gtk-cell-area-current-path-string, Function
gtk-cell-area-edit-widget, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-edited-cell, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-event, Function
gtk-cell-area-focus, Function
gtk-cell-area-focus-cell, Accessor
gtk-cell-area-focus-from-sibling, Function
gtk-cell-area-focus-siblings, Function
gtk-cell-area-foreach, Function
gtk-cell-area-foreach-alloc, Function
gtk-cell-area-has-renderer, Function
gtk-cell-area-inner-cell-area, Function
gtk-cell-area-is-activatable, Function
gtk-cell-area-is-focus-sibling, Function
gtk-cell-area-preferred-height, Function
gtk-cell-area-preferred-height-for-width, Function
gtk-cell-area-preferred-width, Function
gtk-cell-area-preferred-width-for-height, Function
gtk-cell-area-remove, Function
gtk-cell-area-remove-focus-sibling, Function
gtk-cell-area-render, Function
gtk-cell-area-request-mode, Function
gtk-cell-area-request-renderer, Function
gtk-cell-area-stop-editing, Function
gtk-cell-callback, Callback
gtk-cell-editable, Interface
gtk-cell-editable-editing-canceled, Symbol
gtk-cell-editable-editing-done, Function
gtk-cell-editable-remove-widget, Function
gtk-cell-editable-start-editing, Function
gtk-cell-layout, Class
gtk-cell-layout-add-attribute, Function
gtk-cell-layout-area, Function
gtk-cell-layout-cell-data-func, Callback
gtk-cell-layout-cells, Function
gtk-cell-layout-clear, Function
gtk-cell-layout-clear-attributes, Function
gtk-cell-layout-pack-end, Function
gtk-cell-layout-pack-start, Function
gtk-cell-layout-reorder, Function
gtk-cell-layout-set-attributes, Function
gtk-cell-layout-set-cell-data-func, Function
gtk-cell-renderer, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-accel, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-accel-key, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-accel-mode, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-accel-mods, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-keycode, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-mode, Enum
gtk-cell-renderer-accel-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-activate, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-aligned-area, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-alignment, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-cell-at-position, Symbol
gtk-cell-renderer-cell-background, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-cell-background-gdk, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-cell-background-rgba, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-cell-background-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-combo, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-combo-has-entry, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-combo-model, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-combo-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-combo-text-column, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-editing, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-fixed-size, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-height, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-is-activatable, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-is-expanded, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-is-expander, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-mode, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-mode, Enum
gtk-cell-renderer-padding, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-follow-state, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-gicon, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-pixbuf, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-pixbuf-expander-closed, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-pixbuf-expander-open, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-stock-detail, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-stock-id, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-stock-size, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-pixbuf-surface, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-preferred-height, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-preferred-height-for-width, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-preferred-size, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-preferred-width, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-preferred-width-for-height, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-progress, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-inverted, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-pulse, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-text, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-text-xalign, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-text-yalign, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-progress-value, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-render, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-request-mode, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-size, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-spin, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-spin-adjustment, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-spin-climb-rate, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-spin-digits, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-spin-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-spinner, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-spinner-active, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-spinner-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-spinner-pulse, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-spinner-size, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-start-editing, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-state, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-state, Flags
gtk-cell-renderer-stop-editing, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-text, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-text-align-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-alignment, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-attributes, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-background, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-background-gdk, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-background-rgba, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-background-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-editable, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-editable-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-ellipsize, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-ellipsize-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-family, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-family-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-font, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-font-desc, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-foreground, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-foreground-gdk, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-foreground-rgba, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-foreground-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-language, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-language-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-markup, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-max-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-text-placeholder-text, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-rise, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-rise-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-scale, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-scale-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-set-fixed-height-from-font, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-text-single-paragraph-mode, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-size, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-size-points, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-size-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-stretch, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-stretch-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-strikethrough, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-strikethrough-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-style, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-style-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-text, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-underline, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-underline-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-variant, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-variant-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-weight, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-weight-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-wrap-mode, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-text-wrap-width, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle, Class
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-activatable, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-active, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-inconsistent, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-indicator-size, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-new, Function
gtk-cell-renderer-toggle-radio, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-visible, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-width, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-xalign, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-xpad, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-yalign, Accessor
gtk-cell-renderer-ypad, Accessor
gtk-cell-view, Class
gtk-cell-view-background, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-background-gdk, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-background-rgba, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-background-set, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-cell-area, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-cell-area-context, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-displayed-row, Function
gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-fit-model, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-model, Accessor
gtk-cell-view-new, Function
gtk-cell-view-new-with-context, Function
gtk-cell-view-new-with-markup, Function
gtk-cell-view-new-with-pixbuf, Function
gtk-cell-view-new-with-text, Function
gtk-cell-view-size-of-row, Function
gtk-check-button, Class
gtk-check-button-new, Function
gtk-check-button-new-with-label, Function
gtk-check-button-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-check-menu-item, Class
gtk-check-menu-item-active, Accessor
gtk-check-menu-item-draw-as-radio, Accessor
gtk-check-menu-item-inconsistent, Accessor
gtk-check-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-check-menu-item-new-with-label, Function
gtk-check-menu-item-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-check-menu-item-toggled, Function
gtk-check-version, Function
gtk-clipboard, Class
gtk-clipboard-clear, Function
gtk-clipboard-default, Function
gtk-clipboard-display, Function
gtk-clipboard-for-display, Function
gtk-clipboard-get, Function
gtk-clipboard-get-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-image-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-request-contents, Function
gtk-clipboard-request-image, Function
gtk-clipboard-request-rich-text, Function
gtk-clipboard-request-targets, Function
gtk-clipboard-request-text, Function
gtk-clipboard-request-uris, Function
gtk-clipboard-rich-text-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-selection, Function
gtk-clipboard-set-can-store, Function
gtk-clipboard-set-image, Function
gtk-clipboard-set-text, Function
gtk-clipboard-set-with-data, Function
gtk-clipboard-store, Function
gtk-clipboard-targets-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-text-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-uri-received-func, Callback
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-contents, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-image, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-rich-text, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-targets, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-text, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-for-uris, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-is-image-available, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-is-rich-text-available, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-is-target-available, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-is-text-available, Function
gtk-clipboard-wait-is-uris-available, Function
gtk-color-button, Class
gtk-color-button-alpha, Accessor
gtk-color-button-color, Accessor
gtk-color-button-new, Function
gtk-color-button-new-with-color, Function
gtk-color-button-new-with-rgba, Function
gtk-color-button-rgba, Accessor
gtk-color-button-show-editor, Symbol
gtk-color-button-title, Accessor
gtk-color-button-use-alpha, Accessor
gtk-color-chooser, Interface
gtk-color-chooser-add-palette, Function
gtk-color-chooser-dialog, Class
gtk-color-chooser-dialog-new, Function
gtk-color-chooser-dialog-show-editor, Accessor
gtk-color-chooser-rgba, Accessor
gtk-color-chooser-use-alpha, Accessor
gtk-color-chooser-widget, Class
gtk-color-chooser-widget-new, Function
gtk-color-chooser-widget-show-editor, Accessor
gtk-color-selection, Class
gtk-color-selection-current-alpha, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-current-color, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-current-rgba, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-dialog, Class
gtk-color-selection-dialog-cancel-button, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-dialog-color-selection, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-dialog-help-button, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-dialog-new, Function
gtk-color-selection-dialog-ok-button, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-has-opacity-control, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-has-palette, Accessor
gtk-color-selection-is-adjusting, Function
gtk-color-selection-new, Function
gtk-color-selection-previous-alpha, Function
gtk-color-selection-previous-color, Function
gtk-color-selection-previous-rgba, Function
gtk-combo-box, Class
gtk-combo-box-active, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-active-id, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-active-iter, Function
gtk-combo-box-add-tearoffs, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-button-sensitivity, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-cell-area, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-column-span-column, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-entry-text-column, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-focus-on-click, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-has-entry, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-has-frame, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-id-column, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-model, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-new, Function
gtk-combo-box-new-with-area, Function
gtk-combo-box-new-with-area-and-entry, Function
gtk-combo-box-new-with-entry, Function
gtk-combo-box-new-with-model, Function
gtk-combo-box-new-with-model-and-entry, Function
gtk-combo-box-popdown, Function
gtk-combo-box-popup, Function
gtk-combo-box-popup-accessible, Function
gtk-combo-box-popup-fixed-width, Symbol
gtk-combo-box-popup-for-device, Function
gtk-combo-box-popup-shown, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-row-span-column, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-set-row-separator-func, Function
gtk-combo-box-tearoff-title, Accessor
gtk-combo-box-text, Class
gtk-combo-box-text-active-text, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-append, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-append-text, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-insert, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-insert-text, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-new, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-new-with-entry, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-prepend, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-prepend-text, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-remove, Function
gtk-combo-box-text-remove-all, Function
gtk-combo-box-wrap-width, Accessor
gtk-container, Class
gtk-container-add, Function
gtk-container-border-width, Accessor
gtk-container-check-resize, Function
gtk-container-child, Accessor
gtk-container-child-get, Function
gtk-container-child-notify, Function
gtk-container-child-property, Function
gtk-container-child-set, Function
gtk-container-child-type, Function
gtk-container-children, Function
gtk-container-class-find-child-property, Function
gtk-container-class-list-child-properties, Function
gtk-container-focus-chain, Function
gtk-container-focus-child, Function
gtk-container-focus-hadjustment, Function
gtk-container-focus-vadjustment, Function
gtk-container-forall, Function
gtk-container-foreach, Function
gtk-container-path-for-child, Function
gtk-container-remove, Function
gtk-container-resize-mode, Accessor
gtk-container-unset-focus-chain, Function
gtk-corner-type, GEnum
gtk-css-provider, Class
gtk-css-provider-default, Function
gtk-css-provider-load-from-data, Function
gtk-css-provider-load-from-file, Function
gtk-css-provider-load-from-path, Function
gtk-css-provider-load-from-resource, Function
gtk-css-provider-named, Function
gtk-css-provider-new, Function
gtk-css-provider-to-string, Function
gtk-css-section, CStruct
gtk-css-section-end-line, Function
gtk-css-section-end-position, Function
gtk-css-section-file, Function
gtk-css-section-parent, Function
gtk-css-section-section-type, Function
gtk-css-section-start-line, Function
gtk-css-section-start-position, Function
gtk-css-section-type, Enum
gtk-current-event, Function
gtk-current-event-device, Function
gtk-current-event-state, Function
gtk-current-event-time, Function
gtk-default-language, Function
gtk-delete-type, Enum
gtk-dest-defaults, GFlags
gtk-device-grab-add, Function
gtk-device-grab-remove, Function
gtk-dialog, Class
gtk-dialog-action-area, Function
gtk-dialog-add-action-widget, Function
gtk-dialog-add-button, Function
gtk-dialog-add-buttons, Function
gtk-dialog-content-area, Function
gtk-dialog-flags, GFlags
gtk-dialog-header-bar, Function
gtk-dialog-new, Function
gtk-dialog-new-with-buttons, Function
gtk-dialog-response, Function
gtk-dialog-response-for-widget, Function
gtk-dialog-run, Function
gtk-dialog-set-default-response, Function
gtk-dialog-set-response-sensitive, Function
gtk-dialog-use-header-bar, Accessor
gtk-dialog-widget-for-response, Function
gtk-direction-type, Enum
gtk-drag-begin, Function
gtk-drag-begin-with-coordinates, Function
gtk-drag-cancel, Function
gtk-drag-check-threshold, Function
gtk-drag-data, Function
gtk-drag-dest-add-image-targets, Function
gtk-drag-dest-add-text-targets, Function
gtk-drag-dest-add-uri-targets, Function
gtk-drag-dest-find-target, Function
gtk-drag-dest-set, Function
gtk-drag-dest-set-proxy, Function
gtk-drag-dest-target-list, Function
gtk-drag-dest-track-motion, Function
gtk-drag-dest-unset, Function
gtk-drag-finish, Function
gtk-drag-highlight, Function
gtk-drag-result, GEnum
gtk-drag-set-icon-default, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-gicon, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-name, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-pixbuf, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-stock, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-surface, Function
gtk-drag-set-icon-widget, Function
gtk-drag-source-add-image-targets, Function
gtk-drag-source-add-text-targets, Function
gtk-drag-source-add-uri-targets, Function
gtk-drag-source-set, Function
gtk-drag-source-set-icon-gicon, Function
gtk-drag-source-set-icon-name, Function
gtk-drag-source-set-icon-pixbuf, Function
gtk-drag-source-set-icon-stock, Function
gtk-drag-source-target-list, Function
gtk-drag-source-unset, Function
gtk-drag-source-widget, Function
gtk-drag-unhighlight, Function
gtk-drawing-area, Class
gtk-drawing-area-new, Function
gtk-editable, Interface
gtk-editable-chars, Function
gtk-editable-copy-clipboard, Function
gtk-editable-cut-clipboard, Function
gtk-editable-delete-selection, Function
gtk-editable-delete-text, Function
gtk-editable-editable, Function
gtk-editable-insert-text, Function
gtk-editable-paste-clipboard, Function
gtk-editable-position, Function
gtk-editable-select-region, Function
gtk-editable-selection-bounds, Function
gtk-entry, Class
gtk-entry-activates-default, Accessor
gtk-entry-alignment, Function
gtk-entry-attributes, Accessor
gtk-entry-buffer, Accessor
gtk-entry-buffer, Class
gtk-entry-buffer-bytes, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-delete-text, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-emit-deleted-text, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-emit-inserted-text, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-insert-text, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-length, Accessor
gtk-entry-buffer-max-length, Accessor
gtk-entry-buffer-new, Function
gtk-entry-buffer-text, Accessor
gtk-entry-caps-lock-warning, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion, Class
gtk-entry-completion-cell-area, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-complete, Function
gtk-entry-completion-completion-prefix, Function
gtk-entry-completion-compute-prefix, Function
gtk-entry-completion-delete-action, Function
gtk-entry-completion-entry, Function
gtk-entry-completion-inline-completion, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-inline-selection, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-insert-action-markup, Function
gtk-entry-completion-insert-action-text, Function
gtk-entry-completion-insert-prefix, Function
gtk-entry-completion-match-func, Callback
gtk-entry-completion-minimum-key-length, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-model, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-new, Function
gtk-entry-completion-new-with-area, Function
gtk-entry-completion-popup-completion, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-popup-set-width, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-popup-single-match, Accessor
gtk-entry-completion-set-match-func, Function
gtk-entry-completion-text-column, Accessor
gtk-entry-current-icon-drag-source, Function
gtk-entry-cursor-hadjustment, Function
gtk-entry-cursor-position, Accessor
gtk-entry-editable, Accessor
gtk-entry-enable-emoji-completion, Accessor
gtk-entry-grab-focus-without-selecting, Function  (undocumented)
gtk-entry-has-frame, Accessor
gtk-entry-icon-activatable, Function
gtk-entry-icon-area, Function
gtk-entry-icon-at-pos, Function
gtk-entry-icon-gicon, Function
gtk-entry-icon-name, Function
gtk-entry-icon-pixbuf, Function
gtk-entry-icon-position, GEnum
gtk-entry-icon-sensitive, Function
gtk-entry-icon-stock, Function
gtk-entry-icon-storage-type, Function
gtk-entry-icon-tooltip-markup, Function
gtk-entry-icon-tooltip-text, Function
gtk-entry-im-context-filter-keypress, Function
gtk-entry-im-module, Accessor
gtk-entry-inner-border, Accessor
gtk-entry-input-hints, Accessor
gtk-entry-input-purpose, Accessor
gtk-entry-invisible-char, Accessor
gtk-entry-invisible-char-set, Accessor
gtk-entry-layout, Function
gtk-entry-layout-index-to-text-index, Function
gtk-entry-layout-offsets, Function
gtk-entry-max-length, Accessor
gtk-entry-max-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-entry-new, Function
gtk-entry-new-with-buffer, Function
gtk-entry-overwrite-mode, Accessor
gtk-entry-placeholder-text, Accessor
gtk-entry-populate-all, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-activatable, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-gicon, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-pixbuf, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-stock, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-storage-type, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-tooltip-markup, Accessor
gtk-entry-primary-icon-tooltip-text, Accessor
gtk-entry-progress-fraction, Accessor
gtk-entry-progress-pulse, Function
gtk-entry-progress-pulse-step, Accessor
gtk-entry-reset-im-context, Function
gtk-entry-scroll-offset, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-activatable, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-gicon, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-pixbuf, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-stock, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-storage-type, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-tooltip-markup, Accessor
gtk-entry-secondary-icon-tooltip-text, Accessor
gtk-entry-selection-bound, Accessor
gtk-entry-set-icon-drag-source, Function
gtk-entry-set-icon-from-gicon, Function
gtk-entry-set-icon-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-entry-set-icon-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-entry-set-icon-from-stock, Function
gtk-entry-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-entry-show-emoji-icon, Accessor
gtk-entry-tabs, Accessor
gtk-entry-text, Accessor
gtk-entry-text-area, Function
gtk-entry-text-index-to-layout-index, Function
gtk-entry-text-length, Accessor
gtk-entry-truncate-multiline, Accessor
gtk-entry-unset-invisible-char, Function
gtk-entry-visibility, Accessor
gtk-entry-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-entry-xalign, Accessor
gtk-enumerate-printers, Function
gtk-event-box, Class
gtk-event-box-above-child, Accessor
gtk-event-box-new, Function
gtk-event-box-visible-window, Accessor
gtk-event-controller, Class
gtk-event-controller-handle-event, Function
gtk-event-controller-key, Class
gtk-event-controller-key-new, Function
gtk-event-controller-motion, Class
gtk-event-controller-motion-new, Function
gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase, Accessor
gtk-event-controller-reset, Function
gtk-event-controller-scroll, Class
gtk-event-controller-scroll-flags, Accessor
gtk-event-controller-scroll-flags, Flags
gtk-event-controller-scroll-new, Function
gtk-event-controller-widget, Accessor
gtk-event-sequence-state, Enum
gtk-event-widget, Function
gtk-events-pending, Function
gtk-expander, Class
gtk-expander-expanded, Accessor
gtk-expander-label, Accessor
gtk-expander-label-fill, Accessor
gtk-expander-label-widget, Accessor
gtk-expander-new, Function
gtk-expander-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-expander-resize-toplevel, Accessor
gtk-expander-spacing, Accessor
gtk-expander-style, Enum
gtk-expander-use-markup, Accessor
gtk-expander-use-underline, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser, Interface
gtk-file-chooser-action, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-action, Enum
gtk-file-chooser-add-filter, Function
gtk-file-chooser-add-shortcut-folder, Function
gtk-file-chooser-add-shortcut-folder-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-button, Class
gtk-file-chooser-button-dialog, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-button-focus-on-click, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-button-new, Function
gtk-file-chooser-button-new-with-dialog, Function
gtk-file-chooser-button-title, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-button-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-confirmation, Enum
gtk-file-chooser-create-folders, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-current-folder, Function
gtk-file-chooser-current-folder-file, Function
gtk-file-chooser-current-folder-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-current-name, Function
gtk-file-chooser-dialog, Class
gtk-file-chooser-dialog-new, Function
gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-extra-widget, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-file, Function
gtk-file-chooser-filename, Function
gtk-file-chooser-filenames, Function
gtk-file-chooser-files, Function
gtk-file-chooser-filter, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-list-filters, Function
gtk-file-chooser-list-shortcut-folder-uris, Function
gtk-file-chooser-list-shortcut-folders, Function
gtk-file-chooser-local-only, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-preview-file, Function
gtk-file-chooser-preview-filename, Function
gtk-file-chooser-preview-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-preview-widget, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-preview-widget-active, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-remove-filter, Function
gtk-file-chooser-remove-shortcut-folder, Function
gtk-file-chooser-remove-shortcut-folder-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-select-all, Function
gtk-file-chooser-select-file, Function
gtk-file-chooser-select-filename, Function
gtk-file-chooser-select-multiple, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-select-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-show-hidden, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-unselect-all, Function
gtk-file-chooser-unselect-file, Function
gtk-file-chooser-unselect-filename, Function
gtk-file-chooser-unselect-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-uri, Function
gtk-file-chooser-uris, Function
gtk-file-chooser-use-preview-label, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-widget, Class
gtk-file-chooser-widget-new, Function
gtk-file-chooser-widget-search-mode, Accessor
gtk-file-chooser-widget-subtitle, Accessor
gtk-file-filter, Class
gtk-file-filter-add-custom, Function
gtk-file-filter-add-mime-type, Function
gtk-file-filter-add-pattern, Function
gtk-file-filter-add-pixbuf-formats, Function
gtk-file-filter-filter, Function
gtk-file-filter-flags, Flags
gtk-file-filter-func, Callback
gtk-file-filter-info, CStruct
gtk-file-filter-info-contains, Function
gtk-file-filter-info-display-name, Function
gtk-file-filter-info-filename, Function
gtk-file-filter-info-mime-type, Function
gtk-file-filter-info-uri, Function
gtk-file-filter-name, Function
gtk-file-filter-needed, Function
gtk-file-filter-new, Function
gtk-file-filter-new-from-gvariant, Function
gtk-file-filter-to-gvariant, Function
gtk-fixed, Class
gtk-fixed-child-x, Accessor
gtk-fixed-child-y, Accessor
gtk-fixed-move, Function
gtk-fixed-new, Function
gtk-fixed-put, Function
gtk-flow-box, Class
gtk-flow-box-activate-on-single-click, Accessor
gtk-flow-box-bind-model, Function
gtk-flow-box-child, Class
gtk-flow-box-child-at-index, Function
gtk-flow-box-child-at-pos, Function
gtk-flow-box-child-changed, Function
gtk-flow-box-child-index, Function
gtk-flow-box-child-is-selected, Function
gtk-flow-box-child-new, Function
gtk-flow-box-column-spacing, Accessor
gtk-flow-box-create-widget-func, Callback
gtk-flow-box-filter-func, Callback
gtk-flow-box-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-flow-box-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-flow-box-insert, Function
gtk-flow-box-invalidate-filter, Function
gtk-flow-box-invalidate-sort, Function
gtk-flow-box-max-children-per-line, Accessor
gtk-flow-box-min-children-per-line, Accessor
gtk-flow-box-new, Function
gtk-flow-box-row-spacing, Generic Function
gtk-flow-box-select-all, Function
gtk-flow-box-select-child, Function
gtk-flow-box-selected-children, Function
gtk-flow-box-selected-foreach, Function
gtk-flow-box-selection-mode, Generic Function
gtk-flow-box-set-filter-func, Function
gtk-flow-box-set-hadjustment, Function
gtk-flow-box-set-sort-func, Function
gtk-flow-box-set-vadjustment, Function
gtk-flow-box-sort-func, Callback
gtk-flow-box-unselect-all, Function
gtk-flow-box-unselect-child, Function
gtk-font-button, Class
gtk-font-button-font-name, Accessor
gtk-font-button-new, Function
gtk-font-button-new-with-font, Function
gtk-font-button-show-size, Accessor
gtk-font-button-show-style, Accessor
gtk-font-button-title, Accessor
gtk-font-button-use-font, Accessor
gtk-font-button-use-size, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser, Interface
gtk-font-chooser-dialog, Class
gtk-font-chooser-dialog-new, Function
gtk-font-chooser-font, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-font-desc, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-font-face, Function
gtk-font-chooser-font-family, Function
gtk-font-chooser-font-features, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-font-map, Function
gtk-font-chooser-font-size, Function
gtk-font-chooser-language, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-level, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-level, Flags
gtk-font-chooser-preview-text, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-set-filter-func, Function
gtk-font-chooser-show-preview-entry, Accessor
gtk-font-chooser-widget, Class
gtk-font-chooser-widget-new, Function
gtk-font-chooser-widget-tweak-action, Accessor
gtk-font-filter-func, Callback
gtk-frame, Class
gtk-frame-label, Accessor
gtk-frame-label-align, Function
gtk-frame-label-widget, Accessor
gtk-frame-label-xalign, Accessor
gtk-frame-label-yalign, Accessor
gtk-frame-new, Function
gtk-frame-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-gesture, Class
gtk-gesture-drag, Class
gtk-gesture-drag-new, Function
gtk-gesture-drag-offset, Function
gtk-gesture-drag-start-point, Function
gtk-gesture-is-active, Function
gtk-gesture-long-press, Class
gtk-gesture-long-press-delay-factor, Accessor
gtk-gesture-long-press-new, Function
gtk-gesture-multi-press, Class
gtk-gesture-multi-press-area, Function
gtk-gesture-multi-press-new, Function
gtk-gesture-n-points, Accessor
gtk-gesture-pan, Class
gtk-gesture-pan-new, Function
gtk-gesture-pan-orientation, Accessor
gtk-gesture-rotate, Class
gtk-gesture-rotate-angle-delta, Function
gtk-gesture-rotate-new, Function
gtk-gesture-single, Class
gtk-gesture-single-button, Accessor
gtk-gesture-single-current-button, Function
gtk-gesture-single-current-sequence, Function
gtk-gesture-single-exclusive, Accessor
gtk-gesture-single-touch-only, Accessor
gtk-gesture-stylus, Class
gtk-gesture-stylus-axis, Function
gtk-gesture-stylus-device-tool, Function
gtk-gesture-stylus-new, Function
gtk-gesture-swipe, Class
gtk-gesture-swipe-velocity, Function
gtk-gesture-window, Accessor
gtk-gesture-zoom, Class
gtk-gesture-zoom-new, Function
gtk-gesture-zoom-scale-delta, Function
gtk-grab-add, Function
gtk-grab-current, Function
gtk-grab-remove, Function
gtk-grid, Class
gtk-grid-attach, Function
gtk-grid-attach-next-to, Function
gtk-grid-baseline-row, Accessor
gtk-grid-child-at, Function
gtk-grid-child-height, Accessor
gtk-grid-child-left-attach, Accessor
gtk-grid-child-top-attach, Accessor
gtk-grid-child-width, Accessor
gtk-grid-column-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-grid-column-spacing, Accessor
gtk-grid-insert-column, Function
gtk-grid-insert-next-to, Function
gtk-grid-insert-row, Function
gtk-grid-new, Function
gtk-grid-remove-column, Function
gtk-grid-remove-row, Function
gtk-grid-row-baseline-position, Function
gtk-grid-row-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-grid-row-spacing, Accessor
gtk-handle-box, Class
gtk-handle-box-child-detached, Accessor
gtk-handle-box-handle-position, Accessor
gtk-handle-box-new, Function
gtk-handle-box-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-handle-box-snap-edge, Accessor
gtk-handle-box-snap-edge-set, Accessor
gtk-header-bar, Class
gtk-header-bar-child-pack-type, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-child-position, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-custom-title, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-decoration-layout, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-decoration-layout-set, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-has-subtitle, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-new, Function
gtk-header-bar-pack-end, Function
gtk-header-bar-pack-start, Function
gtk-header-bar-show-close-button, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-spacing, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-subtitle, Accessor
gtk-header-bar-title, Accessor
gtk-hsv, Class
gtk-hsv-get-color, Function
gtk-hsv-get-metrics, Function
gtk-hsv-is-adjusting, Function
gtk-hsv-new, Function
gtk-hsv-set-color, Function
gtk-hsv-set-metrics, Function
gtk-hsv-to-rgb, Function
gtk-icon-factory, Class
gtk-icon-factory-add, Function
gtk-icon-factory-add-default, Function
gtk-icon-factory-lookup, Function
gtk-icon-factory-lookup-default, Function
gtk-icon-factory-remove-default, Function
gtk-icon-info, CStruct
gtk-icon-info-base-scale, Function
gtk-icon-info-base-size, Function
gtk-icon-info-builtin-pixbuf, Function
gtk-icon-info-filename, Function
gtk-icon-info-is-symbolic, Function
gtk-icon-info-load-icon, Function
gtk-icon-info-load-surface, Function
gtk-icon-info-load-symbolic, Function
gtk-icon-info-load-symbolic-for-context, Function
gtk-icon-info-new-for-pixbuf, Function
gtk-icon-lookup-flags, GFlags
gtk-icon-set, GBoxed
gtk-icon-set-add-source, Function
gtk-icon-set-new, Function
gtk-icon-set-new-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-icon-set-render-icon, Function
gtk-icon-set-render-icon-pixbuf, Function
gtk-icon-size, GEnum
gtk-icon-source, GBoxed
gtk-icon-source-filename, Function
gtk-icon-source-icon-name, Function
gtk-icon-source-new, Function
gtk-icon-theme, Class
gtk-icon-theme-add-builtin-icon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-add-resource-path, Function
gtk-icon-theme-append-search-path, Function
gtk-icon-theme-choose-icon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-choose-icon-for-scale, Function
gtk-icon-theme-default, Function
gtk-icon-theme-example-icon-name, Function
gtk-icon-theme-for-screen, Function
gtk-icon-theme-has-icon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-icon-sizes, Function
gtk-icon-theme-list-contexts, Function
gtk-icon-theme-list-icons, Function
gtk-icon-theme-load-icon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-load-icon-for-scale, Function
gtk-icon-theme-load-surface, Function
gtk-icon-theme-lookup-by-gicon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-lookup-by-gicon-for-scale, Function
gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon, Function
gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon-for-scale, Function
gtk-icon-theme-new, Function
gtk-icon-theme-prepend-search-path, Function
gtk-icon-theme-rescan-if-needed, Function
gtk-icon-theme-search-path, Function
gtk-icon-theme-set-custom-theme, Function
gtk-icon-theme-set-screen, Function
gtk-icon-view, Class
gtk-icon-view-activate-on-single-click, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-cell-area, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-cell-rect, Function
gtk-icon-view-column-spacing, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-columns, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-convert-widget-to-bin-window-coords, Function
gtk-icon-view-create-drag-icon, Function
gtk-icon-view-dest-item-at-pos, Function
gtk-icon-view-drop-position, Enum
gtk-icon-view-enable-model-drag-dest, Function
gtk-icon-view-enable-model-drag-source, Function
gtk-icon-view-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-icon-view-get-cursor, Function
gtk-icon-view-get-drag-dest-item, Function
gtk-icon-view-item-activated, Function
gtk-icon-view-item-at-pos, Function
gtk-icon-view-item-column, Function
gtk-icon-view-item-orientation, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-item-padding, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-item-row, Function
gtk-icon-view-item-width, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-margin, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-markup-column, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-model, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-new, Function
gtk-icon-view-new-with-area, Function
gtk-icon-view-new-with-model, Function
gtk-icon-view-path-at-pos, Function
gtk-icon-view-path-is-selected, Function
gtk-icon-view-pixbuf-column, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-reorderable, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-row-spacing, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-scroll-to-path, Function
gtk-icon-view-select-all, Function
gtk-icon-view-select-path, Function
gtk-icon-view-selected-foreach, Function
gtk-icon-view-selected-items, Function
gtk-icon-view-selection-mode, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-set-cursor, Function
gtk-icon-view-set-drag-dest-item, Function
gtk-icon-view-set-tooltip-cell, Function
gtk-icon-view-set-tooltip-item, Function
gtk-icon-view-spacing, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-text-column, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-tooltip-column, Accessor
gtk-icon-view-tooltip-context, Function
gtk-icon-view-unselect-all, Function
gtk-icon-view-unselect-path, Function
gtk-icon-view-unset-model-drag-dest, Function
gtk-icon-view-unset-model-drag-source, Function
gtk-icon-view-visible-range, Function
gtk-im-context, Class
gtk-im-context-input-hints, Accessor
gtk-im-context-input-purpose, Accessor
gtk-im-context-simple, Class
gtk-im-multicontext, Class
gtk-im-preedit-style, GEnum
gtk-im-status-style, GEnum
gtk-image, Class
gtk-image-clear, Function
gtk-image-file, Accessor
gtk-image-get-animation, Function
gtk-image-get-gicon, Function
gtk-image-get-icon-name, Function
gtk-image-gicon, Accessor
gtk-image-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-image-icon-set, Accessor
gtk-image-icon-size, Accessor
gtk-image-menu-item, Class
gtk-image-menu-item-accel-group, Accessor
gtk-image-menu-item-always-show-image, Accessor
gtk-image-menu-item-image, Accessor
gtk-image-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-image-menu-item-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-image-menu-item-new-with-label, Function
gtk-image-menu-item-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-image-menu-item-use-stock, Accessor
gtk-image-new, Function
gtk-image-new-from-animation, Function
gtk-image-new-from-file, Function
gtk-image-new-from-gicon, Function
gtk-image-new-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-image-new-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-image-new-from-resource, Function
gtk-image-new-from-surface, Function
gtk-image-pixbuf, Accessor
gtk-image-pixbuf-animation, Accessor
gtk-image-pixel-size, Accessor
gtk-image-resource, Accessor
gtk-image-set-from-animation, Function
gtk-image-set-from-file, Function
gtk-image-set-from-gicon, Function
gtk-image-set-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-image-set-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-image-set-from-resource, Function
gtk-image-set-from-surface, Function
gtk-image-stock, Accessor
gtk-image-storage-type, Accessor
gtk-image-surface, Accessor
gtk-image-type, GEnum
gtk-image-use-fallback, Accessor
gtk-info-bar, Class
gtk-info-bar-action-area, Function
gtk-info-bar-add-action-widget, Function
gtk-info-bar-add-button, Function
gtk-info-bar-add-buttons, Function
gtk-info-bar-content-area, Function
gtk-info-bar-message-type, Accessor
gtk-info-bar-new, Function
gtk-info-bar-new-with-buttons, Function
gtk-info-bar-response, Function
gtk-info-bar-revealed, Accessor
gtk-info-bar-set-default-response, Function
gtk-info-bar-set-response-sensitive, Function
gtk-info-bar-show-close-button, Accessor
gtk-input-hints, GFlags
gtk-input-purpose, GEnum
gtk-interface-age, Function
gtk-invisible, Class
gtk-invisible-new, Function
gtk-invisible-new-for-screen, Function
gtk-invisible-screen, Accessor
gtk-junction-sides, GFlags
gtk-justification, GEnum
gtk-label, Class
gtk-label-angle, Accessor
gtk-label-attributes, Accessor
gtk-label-current-uri, Function
gtk-label-cursor-position, Accessor
gtk-label-ellipsize, Accessor
gtk-label-justify, Accessor
gtk-label-label, Accessor
gtk-label-layout, Function
gtk-label-layout-offsets, Function
gtk-label-line-wrap, Function
gtk-label-line-wrap-mode, Function
gtk-label-lines, Accessor
gtk-label-max-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-label-mnemonic-keyval, Accessor
gtk-label-mnemonic-widget, Accessor
gtk-label-new, Function
gtk-label-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-label-pattern, Accessor
gtk-label-select-region, Function
gtk-label-selectable, Accessor
gtk-label-selection-bound, Accessor
gtk-label-selection-bounds, Function
gtk-label-set-markup, Function
gtk-label-set-markup-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-label-set-text-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-label-single-line-mode, Accessor
gtk-label-text, Function
gtk-label-track-visited-links, Accessor
gtk-label-use-markup, Accessor
gtk-label-use-underline, Accessor
gtk-label-width-chars, Accessor
gtk-label-wrap, Accessor
gtk-label-wrap-mode, Accessor
gtk-label-xalign, Accessor
gtk-label-yalign, Accessor
gtk-layout, Class
gtk-layout-bin-window, Function
gtk-layout-child-x, Accessor
gtk-layout-child-y, Accessor
gtk-layout-height, Accessor
gtk-layout-move, Function
gtk-layout-new, Function
gtk-layout-put, Function
gtk-layout-size, Function
gtk-layout-width, Accessor
gtk-level-bar, Class
gtk-level-bar-add-offset-value, Function
gtk-level-bar-inverted, Accessor
gtk-level-bar-max-value, Accessor
gtk-level-bar-min-value, Accessor
gtk-level-bar-mode, Accessor
gtk-level-bar-mode, GEnum
gtk-level-bar-new, Function
gtk-level-bar-new-for-interval, Function
gtk-level-bar-offset-value, Function
gtk-level-bar-remove-offset-value, Function
gtk-level-bar-value, Accessor
gtk-license, GEnum
gtk-link-button, Class
gtk-link-button-new, Function
gtk-link-button-new-with-label, Function
gtk-link-button-uri, Accessor
gtk-link-button-visited, Accessor
gtk-list-box, Class
gtk-list-box-activate-on-single-click, Accessor
gtk-list-box-adjustment, Function
gtk-list-box-bind-model, Function
gtk-list-box-create-widget-func, Callback
gtk-list-box-drag-highlight-row, Function
gtk-list-box-drag-unhighlight-row, Function
gtk-list-box-filter-func, Callback
gtk-list-box-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-list-box-insert, Function
gtk-list-box-invalidate-filter, Function
gtk-list-box-invalidate-headers, Function
gtk-list-box-invalidate-sort, Function
gtk-list-box-new, Function
gtk-list-box-prepend, Function
gtk-list-box-row, Class
gtk-list-box-row-activatable, Accessor
gtk-list-box-row-at-index, Function
gtk-list-box-row-at-y, Function
gtk-list-box-row-changed, Function
gtk-list-box-row-header, Function
gtk-list-box-row-index, Function
gtk-list-box-row-is-selected, Function
gtk-list-box-row-new, Function
gtk-list-box-row-selectable, Accessor
gtk-list-box-select-all, Function
gtk-list-box-select-row, Function
gtk-list-box-selected-foreach, Function
gtk-list-box-selected-row, Function
gtk-list-box-selected-rows, Function
gtk-list-box-selection-mode, Accessor
gtk-list-box-set-filter-func, Function
gtk-list-box-set-header-func, Function
gtk-list-box-set-placeholder, Function
gtk-list-box-set-sort-func, Function
gtk-list-box-sort-func, Callback
gtk-list-box-unselect-all, Function
gtk-list-box-unselect-row, Function
gtk-list-box-update-header-func, Callback
gtk-list-store, Class
gtk-list-store-append, Function
gtk-list-store-clear, Function
gtk-list-store-insert, Function
gtk-list-store-insert-after, Function
gtk-list-store-insert-before, Function
gtk-list-store-insert-with-values, Function
gtk-list-store-iter-is-valid, Function
gtk-list-store-move-after, Function
gtk-list-store-move-before, Function
gtk-list-store-new, Function
gtk-list-store-prepend, Function
gtk-list-store-remove, Function
gtk-list-store-reorder, Function
gtk-list-store-set, Function
gtk-list-store-set-column-types, Function
gtk-list-store-set-value, Function
gtk-list-store-swap, Function
gtk-locale-direction, Function
gtk-lock-button, Class
gtk-lock-button-new, Function
gtk-lock-button-permission, Accessor
gtk-lock-button-text-lock, Accessor
gtk-lock-button-text-unlock, Accessor
gtk-lock-button-tooltip-lock, Accessor
gtk-lock-button-tooltip-not-authorized, Accessor
gtk-lock-button-tooltip-unlock, Accessor
gtk-main, Function
gtk-main-do-event, Function
gtk-main-iteration, Function
gtk-main-iteration-do, Function
gtk-main-level, Function
gtk-main-quit, Function
gtk-major-version, Function
gtk-menu, Class
gtk-menu-accel-group, Accessor
gtk-menu-accel-path, Accessor
gtk-menu-active, Accessor
gtk-menu-anchor-hints, Accessor
gtk-menu-attach, Function
gtk-menu-attach-to-widget, Function
gtk-menu-attach-widget, Accessor
gtk-menu-bar, Class
gtk-menu-bar-child-pack-direction, Accessor
gtk-menu-bar-new, Function
gtk-menu-bar-new-from-model, Function
gtk-menu-bar-pack-direction, Accessor
gtk-menu-button, Class
gtk-menu-button-align-widget, Accessor
gtk-menu-button-direction, Accessor
gtk-menu-button-menu-model, Accessor
gtk-menu-button-new, Function
gtk-menu-button-popover, Accessor
gtk-menu-button-popup, Accessor
gtk-menu-button-use-popover, Accessor
gtk-menu-child-bottom-attach, Accessor
gtk-menu-child-left-attach, Accessor
gtk-menu-child-right-attach, Accessor
gtk-menu-child-top-attach, Accessor
gtk-menu-detach, Function
gtk-menu-direction-type, GEnum
gtk-menu-for-attach-widget, Function
gtk-menu-item, Class
gtk-menu-item-accel-path, Accessor
gtk-menu-item-activate, Function
gtk-menu-item-deselect, Function
gtk-menu-item-label, Accessor
gtk-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-menu-item-new-with-label, Function
gtk-menu-item-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-menu-item-reserve-indicator, Function
gtk-menu-item-right-justified, Accessor
gtk-menu-item-select, Function
gtk-menu-item-submenu, Accessor
gtk-menu-item-toggle-size-allocate, Function
gtk-menu-item-toggle-size-request, Function
gtk-menu-item-use-underline, Accessor
gtk-menu-menu-type-hint, Accessor
gtk-menu-monitor, Accessor
gtk-menu-new, Function
gtk-menu-new-from-model, Function
gtk-menu-popdown, Function
gtk-menu-popup, Function
gtk-menu-popup-at-pointer, Function
gtk-menu-popup-for-device, Function
gtk-menu-position-func, Callback
gtk-menu-rect-anchor-dx, Accessor
gtk-menu-rect-anchor-dy, Accessor
gtk-menu-reorder-child, Function
gtk-menu-reposition, Function
gtk-menu-reserve-toggle-size, Accessor
gtk-menu-set-screen, Function
gtk-menu-shell, Class
gtk-menu-shell-activate-item, Function
gtk-menu-shell-append, Function
gtk-menu-shell-bind-model, Function
gtk-menu-shell-cancel, Function
gtk-menu-shell-deactivate, Function
gtk-menu-shell-deselect, Function
gtk-menu-shell-insert, Function
gtk-menu-shell-parent-shell, Function
gtk-menu-shell-prepend, Function
gtk-menu-shell-select-first, Function
gtk-menu-shell-select-item, Function
gtk-menu-shell-selected-item, Function
gtk-menu-shell-take-focus, Accessor
gtk-menu-tearoff-state, Accessor
gtk-menu-tearoff-title, Accessor
gtk-menu-tool-button, Class
gtk-menu-tool-button-menu, Accessor
gtk-menu-tool-button-new, Function
gtk-menu-tool-button-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-menu-tool-button-set-arrow-tooltip-markup, Function
gtk-menu-tool-button-set-arrow-tooltip-text, Function
gtk-message-dialog, Class
gtk-message-dialog-buttons, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-format-secondary-markup, Function
gtk-message-dialog-format-secondary-text, Function
gtk-message-dialog-image, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-message-area, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-message-type, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-new, Function
gtk-message-dialog-new-with-markup, Function
gtk-message-dialog-secondary-text, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-secondary-use-markup, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-set-markup, Function
gtk-message-dialog-text, Accessor
gtk-message-dialog-use-markup, Accessor
gtk-message-type, GEnum
gtk-micro-version, Function
gtk-minor-version, Function
gtk-misc, Class
gtk-misc-get-alignment, Function
gtk-misc-get-padding, Function
gtk-misc-set-alignment, Function
gtk-misc-set-padding, Function
gtk-misc-xalign, Accessor
gtk-misc-xpad, Accessor
gtk-misc-yalign, Accessor
gtk-misc-ypad, Accessor
gtk-model-button, Class
gtk-model-button-active, Accessor
gtk-model-button-centered, Accessor
gtk-model-button-icon, Accessor
gtk-model-button-iconic, Accessor
gtk-model-button-inverted, Accessor
gtk-model-button-menu-name, Symbol
gtk-model-button-new, Function
gtk-model-button-role, Symbol
gtk-model-button-text, Accessor
gtk-model-button-use-markup, Accessor
gtk-movement-step, GEnum
gtk-notebook, Class
gtk-notebook-action-widget, Function
gtk-notebook-add-page, Function
gtk-notebook-append-page, Function
gtk-notebook-append-page-menu, Function
gtk-notebook-child-detachable, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-menu-label, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-position, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-reorderable, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-tab-expand, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-tab-fill, Accessor
gtk-notebook-child-tab-label, Accessor
gtk-notebook-current-page, Function
gtk-notebook-detach-tab, Function
gtk-notebook-enable-popup, Accessor
gtk-notebook-group-name, Accessor
gtk-notebook-insert-page, Function
gtk-notebook-insert-page-menu, Function
gtk-notebook-menu-label, Function
gtk-notebook-menu-label-text, Function
gtk-notebook-n-pages, Function
gtk-notebook-new, Function
gtk-notebook-next-page, Function
gtk-notebook-nth-page, Function
gtk-notebook-page, Accessor
gtk-notebook-page-num, Function
gtk-notebook-popup-disable, Function
gtk-notebook-popup-enable, Function
gtk-notebook-prepend-page, Function
gtk-notebook-prepend-page-menu, Function
gtk-notebook-prev-page, Function
gtk-notebook-remove-page, Function
gtk-notebook-reorder-child, Function
gtk-notebook-scrollable, Accessor
gtk-notebook-show-border, Accessor
gtk-notebook-show-tabs, Accessor
gtk-notebook-tab, GEnum
gtk-notebook-tab-detachable, Function
gtk-notebook-tab-label, Function
gtk-notebook-tab-label-text, Function
gtk-notebook-tab-pos, Accessor
gtk-notebook-tab-reorderable, Function
gtk-number-up-layout, Enum
gtk-numerable-icon, Class
gtk-numerable-icon-background-icon, Accessor
gtk-numerable-icon-background-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-numerable-icon-count, Accessor
gtk-numerable-icon-label, Accessor
gtk-numerable-icon-new, Function
gtk-numerable-icon-new-with-style-context, Function
gtk-numerable-icon-style-context, Accessor
gtk-offscreen-window, Class
gtk-offscreen-window-new, Function
gtk-offscreen-window-pixbuf, Function
gtk-offscreen-window-surface, Function
gtk-option-group, Function
gtk-orientable, Interface
gtk-orientable-orientation, Accessor
gtk-orientation, GEnum
gtk-overlay, Class
gtk-overlay-add-overlay, Function
gtk-overlay-child-index, Accessor
gtk-overlay-child-pass-through, Accessor
gtk-overlay-new, Function
gtk-overlay-reorder-overlay, Function
gtk-pack-direction, GEnum
gtk-pack-type, GEnum
gtk-pad-action-entry, CStruct
gtk-pad-action-type, Enum
gtk-pad-controller, Class
gtk-pad-controller-action-group, Accessor
gtk-pad-controller-pad, Accessor
gtk-page-orientation, Enum
gtk-page-set, Enum
gtk-page-setup, Class
gtk-page-setup-bottom-margin, Function
gtk-page-setup-copy, Function
gtk-page-setup-left-margin, Function
gtk-page-setup-load-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-load-key-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-new, Function
gtk-page-setup-new-from-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-new-from-gvariant, Function
gtk-page-setup-new-from-key-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-orientation, Function
gtk-page-setup-page-height, Function
gtk-page-setup-page-width, Function
gtk-page-setup-paper-height, Function
gtk-page-setup-paper-size, Function
gtk-page-setup-paper-width, Function
gtk-page-setup-right-margin, Function
gtk-page-setup-set-paper-size-and-default-margins, Function
gtk-page-setup-to-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-to-gvariant, Function
gtk-page-setup-to-key-file, Function
gtk-page-setup-top-margin, Function
gtk-page-setup-unix-dialog, Class
gtk-page-setup-unix-dialog-new, Function
gtk-page-setup-unix-dialog-page-setup, Function
gtk-page-setup-unix-dialog-print-settings, Function
gtk-pan-direction, Enum
gtk-paned, Class
gtk-paned-add1, Function
gtk-paned-add2, Function
gtk-paned-child-resize, Accessor
gtk-paned-child-shrink, Accessor
gtk-paned-child1, Function
gtk-paned-child2, Function
gtk-paned-handle-window, Function
gtk-paned-max-position, Accessor
gtk-paned-min-position, Accessor
gtk-paned-new, Function
gtk-paned-pack1, Function
gtk-paned-pack2, Function
gtk-paned-position, Accessor
gtk-paned-position-set, Accessor
gtk-paned-wide-handle, Accessor
gtk-paper-size, Boxed CStruct
gtk-paper-size-copy, Function
gtk-paper-size-default, Function
gtk-paper-size-default-bottom-margin, Function
gtk-paper-size-default-left-margin, Function
gtk-paper-size-default-right-margin, Function
gtk-paper-size-default-top-margin, Function
gtk-paper-size-display-name, Function
gtk-paper-size-height, Function
gtk-paper-size-is-custom, Function
gtk-paper-size-is-equal, Function
gtk-paper-size-is-ipp, Function
gtk-paper-size-name, Function
gtk-paper-size-new, Function
gtk-paper-size-new-custom, Function
gtk-paper-size-new-from-gvariant, Function
gtk-paper-size-new-from-ipp, Function
gtk-paper-size-new-from-key-file, Function
gtk-paper-size-new-from-ppd, Function
gtk-paper-size-paper-sizes, Function
gtk-paper-size-ppd-name, Function
gtk-paper-size-set-size, Function
gtk-paper-size-to-gvariant, Function
gtk-paper-size-to-key-file, Function
gtk-paper-size-width, Function
gtk-places-open-flags, Flags
gtk-places-sidebar, Class
gtk-places-sidebar-local-only, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-location, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-populate-all, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-connect-to-server, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-desktop, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-enter-location, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-other-locations, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-recent, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-starred-location, Accessor
gtk-places-sidebar-show-trash, Accessor
gtk-plug, Class
gtk-plug-embedded, Accessor
gtk-plug-id, Function
gtk-plug-new, Function
gtk-plug-socket-window, Accessor
gtk-policy-type, GEnum
gtk-popover, Class
gtk-popover-bind-model, Function
gtk-popover-constrain-to, Accessor
gtk-popover-constraint, GEnum
gtk-popover-default-widget, Function
gtk-popover-menu, Class
gtk-popover-menu-child-position, Accessor
gtk-popover-menu-child-submenu, Accessor
gtk-popover-menu-new, Function
gtk-popover-menu-open-submenu, Function
gtk-popover-menu-visible-submenu, Accessor
gtk-popover-modal, Accessor
gtk-popover-new, Function
gtk-popover-new-from-model, Function
gtk-popover-pointing-to, Accessor
gtk-popover-popdown, Function
gtk-popover-popup, Function
gtk-popover-position, Accessor
gtk-popover-relative-to, Accessor
gtk-popover-transitions-enabled, Accessor
gtk-position-type, GEnum
gtk-print-backend, Class
gtk-print-capabilities, Flags
gtk-print-context, Class
gtk-print-context-cairo-context, Function
gtk-print-context-create-pango-context, Function
gtk-print-context-create-pango-layout, Function
gtk-print-context-dpi-x, Function
gtk-print-context-dpi-y, Function
gtk-print-context-hard-margins, Function
gtk-print-context-height, Function
gtk-print-context-page-setup, Function
gtk-print-context-pango-fontmap, Function
gtk-print-context-set-cairo-context, Function
gtk-print-context-width, Function
gtk-print-duplex, Enum
gtk-print-error, Enum
gtk-print-job, Class
gtk-print-job-collate, Function
gtk-print-job-complete-func, Callback
gtk-print-job-n-up, Function
gtk-print-job-n-up-layout, Function
gtk-print-job-new, Function
gtk-print-job-num-copies, Function
gtk-print-job-page-ranges, Function
gtk-print-job-page-set, Function
gtk-print-job-page-setup, Accessor
gtk-print-job-pages, Function
gtk-print-job-printer, Accessor
gtk-print-job-reverse, Function
gtk-print-job-rotate, Function
gtk-print-job-scale, Function
gtk-print-job-send, Function
gtk-print-job-set-source-file, Function
gtk-print-job-settings, Accessor
gtk-print-job-status, Function
gtk-print-job-surface, Function
gtk-print-job-title, Accessor
gtk-print-job-track-print-status, Accessor
gtk-print-operation, Class
gtk-print-operation-action, Enum
gtk-print-operation-allow-async, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-cancel, Function
gtk-print-operation-current-page, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-custom-tab-label, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-default-page-setup, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-embed-page-setup, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-export-filename, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-has-selection, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-is-finished, Function
gtk-print-operation-job-name, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-n-pages, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-n-pages-to-print, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-new, Function
gtk-print-operation-preview, Interface
gtk-print-operation-preview-end-preview, Function
gtk-print-operation-preview-is-selected, Function
gtk-print-operation-preview-render-page, Function
gtk-print-operation-print-settings, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-result, Enum
gtk-print-operation-run, Function
gtk-print-operation-set-defer-drawing, Function
gtk-print-operation-show-progress, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-status, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-status-string, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-support-selection, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-track-print-status, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-unit, Accessor
gtk-print-operation-use-full-page, Accessor
gtk-print-pages, Enum
gtk-print-quality, Enum
gtk-print-run-page-setup-dialog, Function
gtk-print-settings, Class
gtk-print-settings-bool, Function
gtk-print-settings-collate, Function
gtk-print-settings-copy, Function
gtk-print-settings-default-source, Function
gtk-print-settings-dither, Function
gtk-print-settings-double, Function
gtk-print-settings-double-with-default, Function
gtk-print-settings-duplex, Function
gtk-print-settings-finishings, Function
gtk-print-settings-foreach, Function
gtk-print-settings-get, Function
gtk-print-settings-has-key, Function
gtk-print-settings-int, Function
gtk-print-settings-int-with-default, Function
gtk-print-settings-length, Function
gtk-print-settings-load-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-load-key-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-media-type, Function
gtk-print-settings-n-copies, Function
gtk-print-settings-new, Function
gtk-print-settings-new-from-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-new-from-gvariant, Function
gtk-print-settings-new-from-key-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-number-up, Function
gtk-print-settings-number-up-layout, Function
gtk-print-settings-orientation, Function
gtk-print-settings-output-bin, Function
gtk-print-settings-page-ranges, Function
gtk-print-settings-page-set, Function
gtk-print-settings-paper-height, Function
gtk-print-settings-paper-size, Function
gtk-print-settings-paper-width, Function
gtk-print-settings-print-pages, Function
gtk-print-settings-printer, Function
gtk-print-settings-printer-lpi, Function
gtk-print-settings-quality, Function
gtk-print-settings-resolution, Function
gtk-print-settings-resolution-x, Function
gtk-print-settings-resolution-y, Function
gtk-print-settings-reverse, Function
gtk-print-settings-scale, Function
gtk-print-settings-set, Function
gtk-print-settings-to-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-to-gvariant, Function
gtk-print-settings-to-key-file, Function
gtk-print-settings-unset, Function
gtk-print-settings-use-color, Function
gtk-print-status, Enum
gtk-print-unix-dialog, Class
gtk-print-unix-dialog-add-custom-tab, Function
gtk-print-unix-dialog-current-page, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-embed-page-setup, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-has-selection, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-manual-capabilities, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-new, Function
gtk-print-unix-dialog-page-setup, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-page-setup-set, Function
gtk-print-unix-dialog-print-settings, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-selected-printer, Accessor
gtk-print-unix-dialog-settings, Function
gtk-print-unix-dialog-support-selection, Accessor
gtk-printer, Class
gtk-printer-accepting-jobs, Accessor
gtk-printer-accepts-pdf, Accessor
gtk-printer-accepts-ps, Accessor
gtk-printer-backend, Accessor
gtk-printer-capabilities, Function
gtk-printer-compare, Function
gtk-printer-default-page-size, Function
gtk-printer-description, Function
gtk-printer-func, Callback
gtk-printer-hard-margins, Function
gtk-printer-has-details, Function
gtk-printer-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-printer-is-accepting-jobs, Function
gtk-printer-is-active, Function
gtk-printer-is-default, Function
gtk-printer-is-paused, Function
gtk-printer-is-virtual, Accessor
gtk-printer-job-count, Accessor
gtk-printer-list-papers, Function
gtk-printer-location, Accessor
gtk-printer-name, Accessor
gtk-printer-new, Function
gtk-printer-paused, Accessor
gtk-printer-request-details, Function
gtk-printer-state-message, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar, Class
gtk-progress-bar-ellipsize, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar-fraction, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar-inverted, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar-new, Function
gtk-progress-bar-pulse, Function
gtk-progress-bar-pulse-step, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar-show-text, Accessor
gtk-progress-bar-text, Accessor
gtk-propagate-event, Function
gtk-propagation-phase, Enum
gtk-radio-action, Class
gtk-radio-action-current-value, Accessor
gtk-radio-action-group, Accessor
gtk-radio-action-join-group, Function
gtk-radio-action-new, Function
gtk-radio-action-value, Accessor
gtk-radio-button, Class
gtk-radio-button-get-group, Function
gtk-radio-button-group, Accessor
gtk-radio-button-join-group, Function
gtk-radio-button-new, Function
gtk-radio-button-new-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-button-new-with-label, Function
gtk-radio-button-new-with-label-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-button-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-radio-button-new-with-mnemonic-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-button-set-group, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item, Class
gtk-radio-menu-item-get-group, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-group, Accessor
gtk-radio-menu-item-join-group, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-mnemonic-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-menu-item-set-group, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button, Class
gtk-radio-tool-button-get-group, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button-group, Accessor
gtk-radio-tool-button-new, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button-new-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button-new-with-stock-from-widget, Function
gtk-radio-tool-button-set-group, Function
gtk-range, Class
gtk-range-adjustment, Accessor
gtk-range-fill-level, Accessor
gtk-range-flippable, Function
gtk-range-inverted, Accessor
gtk-range-lower-stepper-sensitivity, Accessor
gtk-range-min-slider-size, Function
gtk-range-range-rect, Function
gtk-range-restrict-to-fill-level, Accessor
gtk-range-round-digits, Accessor
gtk-range-set-increments, Function
gtk-range-set-range, Function
gtk-range-show-fill-level, Accessor
gtk-range-slider-range, Function
gtk-range-slider-size-fixed, Function
gtk-range-upper-stepper-sensitivity, Accessor
gtk-range-value, Function
gtk-recent-action, Class
gtk-recent-action-new, Function
gtk-recent-action-new-for-manager, Function
gtk-recent-action-show-numbers, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser, Class
gtk-recent-chooser-add-filter, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-current-item, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-current-uri, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-dialog, Class
gtk-recent-chooser-dialog-new, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-dialog-new-for-manager, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-error, GEnum
gtk-recent-chooser-filter, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-items, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-limit, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-list-filters, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-local-only, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-menu, Class
gtk-recent-chooser-menu-new, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-menu-new-for-manager, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-menu-show-numbers, Generic Function
gtk-recent-chooser-recent-manager, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-remove-filter, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-select-all, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-select-multiple, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-select-uri, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-set-sort-func, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-show-icons, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-show-not-found, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-show-private, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-show-tips, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-sort-type, Accessor
gtk-recent-chooser-unselect-all, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-unselect-uri, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-uris, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-widget, Class
gtk-recent-chooser-widget-new, Function
gtk-recent-chooser-widget-new-for-manager, Function
gtk-recent-filter, Class
gtk-recent-filter-add-age, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-application, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-custom, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-group, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-mime-type, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-pattern, Function
gtk-recent-filter-add-pixbuf-formats, Function
gtk-recent-filter-filter, Function
gtk-recent-filter-flags, GFlags
gtk-recent-filter-func, Callback
gtk-recent-filter-info, CStruct
gtk-recent-filter-name, Function
gtk-recent-filter-needed, Function
gtk-recent-filter-new, Function
gtk-recent-info, GBoxed
gtk-recent-info-added, Function
gtk-recent-info-age, Function
gtk-recent-info-application-info, Function
gtk-recent-info-applications, Function
gtk-recent-info-create-app-info, Function
gtk-recent-info-description, Function
gtk-recent-info-display-name, Function
gtk-recent-info-exists, Function
gtk-recent-info-gicon, Function
gtk-recent-info-groups, Function
gtk-recent-info-has-application, Function
gtk-recent-info-has-group, Function
gtk-recent-info-icon, Function
gtk-recent-info-is-local, Function
gtk-recent-info-last-application, Function
gtk-recent-info-match, Function
gtk-recent-info-mime-type, Function
gtk-recent-info-modified, Function
gtk-recent-info-private-hint, Function
gtk-recent-info-short-name, Function
gtk-recent-info-uri, Function
gtk-recent-info-uri-display, Function
gtk-recent-info-visited, Function
gtk-recent-manager, Class
gtk-recent-manager-add-item, Function
gtk-recent-manager-default, Function
gtk-recent-manager-error, GEnum
gtk-recent-manager-filename, Accessor
gtk-recent-manager-has-item, Function
gtk-recent-manager-items, Function
gtk-recent-manager-lookup-item, Function
gtk-recent-manager-move-item, Function
gtk-recent-manager-new, Function
gtk-recent-manager-purge-items, Function
gtk-recent-manager-remove-item, Function
gtk-recent-manager-size, Accessor
gtk-recent-sort-func, Callback
gtk-recent-sort-type, GEnum
gtk-region-flags, GFlags
gtk-relief-style, Enum
gtk-render-activity, Function
gtk-render-arrow, Function
gtk-render-background, Function
gtk-render-background-clip, Function
gtk-render-check, Function
gtk-render-expander, Function
gtk-render-extension, Function
gtk-render-focus, Function
gtk-render-frame, Function
gtk-render-frame-gap, Function
gtk-render-handle, Function
gtk-render-icon, Function
gtk-render-icon-pixbuf, Function
gtk-render-icon-surface, Function
gtk-render-insertion-cursor, Function
gtk-render-layout, Function
gtk-render-line, Function
gtk-render-option, Function
gtk-render-slider, Function
gtk-requisition, GBoxed
gtk-requisition-copy, Function
gtk-requisition-height, Accessor
gtk-requisition-new, Function
gtk-requisition-width, Accessor
gtk-resize-mode, GEnum
gtk-response-type, GEnum
gtk-revealer, Class
gtk-revealer-child-revealed, Accessor
gtk-revealer-new, Function
gtk-revealer-reveal-child, Accessor
gtk-revealer-transition-duration, Accessor
gtk-revealer-transition-type, GEnum
gtk-rgb-to-hsv, Function
gtk-scale, Class
gtk-scale-add-mark, Function
gtk-scale-button, Class
gtk-scale-button-adjustment, Accessor
gtk-scale-button-icons, Accessor
gtk-scale-button-minus-button, Function
gtk-scale-button-new, Function
gtk-scale-button-plus-button, Function
gtk-scale-button-popup, Function
gtk-scale-button-size, Accessor
gtk-scale-button-value, Accessor
gtk-scale-clear-marks, Function
gtk-scale-digits, Accessor
gtk-scale-draw-value, Accessor
gtk-scale-has-origin, Accessor
gtk-scale-layout, Function
gtk-scale-layout-offsets, Function
gtk-scale-new, Function
gtk-scale-new-with-range, Function
gtk-scale-value-pos, Accessor
gtk-scroll-step, Enum
gtk-scroll-type, Enum
gtk-scrollable, Interface
gtk-scrollable-border, Function
gtk-scrollable-hadjustment, Accessor
gtk-scrollable-hscroll-policy, Accessor
gtk-scrollable-policy, Enum
gtk-scrollable-vadjustment, Accessor
gtk-scrollable-vscroll-policy, Accessor
gtk-scrollbar, Class
gtk-scrollbar-new, Function
gtk-scrolled-window, Class
gtk-scrolled-window-add-with-viewport, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-capture-button-press, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-hadjustment, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-hscrollbar, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-hscrollbar-policy, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-kinetic-scrolling, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-max-content-height, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-max-content-width, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-min-content-height, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-min-content-width, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-new, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-overlay-scrolling, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-placement, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-policy, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-propagate-natural-height, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-propagate-natural-width, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-unset-placement, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-vadjustment, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-vscrollbar, Function
gtk-scrolled-window-vscrollbar-policy, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-window-placement, Accessor
gtk-scrolled-window-window-placement-set, Accessor
gtk-search-bar, Class
gtk-search-bar-connect-entry, Function
gtk-search-bar-handle-event, Function
gtk-search-bar-new, Function
gtk-search-bar-search-mode-enabled, Accessor
gtk-search-bar-show-close-button, Accessor
gtk-search-entry, Class
gtk-search-entry-handle-event, Function
gtk-search-entry-new, Function
gtk-selection-add-target, Function
gtk-selection-add-targets, Function
gtk-selection-clear-targets, Function
gtk-selection-convert, Function
gtk-selection-data, GBoxed
gtk-selection-data-copy, Function
gtk-selection-data-data, Function
gtk-selection-data-data-type, Function
gtk-selection-data-data-with-length, Function
gtk-selection-data-display, Function
gtk-selection-data-format, Function
gtk-selection-data-length, Function
gtk-selection-data-pixbuf, Function
gtk-selection-data-selection, Function
gtk-selection-data-set, Function
gtk-selection-data-target, Function
gtk-selection-data-targets, Function
gtk-selection-data-targets-include-image, Function
gtk-selection-data-targets-include-rich-text, Function
gtk-selection-data-targets-include-text, Function
gtk-selection-data-targets-include-uri, Function
gtk-selection-data-text, Function
gtk-selection-data-uris, Function
gtk-selection-mode, GEnum
gtk-selection-owner-set, Function
gtk-selection-owner-set-for-display, Function
gtk-selection-remove-all, Function
gtk-sensitivity-type, GEnum
gtk-separator, Class
gtk-separator-menu-item, Class
gtk-separator-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-separator-new, Function
gtk-separator-tool-item, Class
gtk-separator-tool-item-draw, Accessor
gtk-separator-tool-item-new, Function
gtk-settings, Class
gtk-settings-color-hash, Accessor
gtk-settings-default, Function
gtk-settings-for-screen, Function
gtk-settings-gtk-alternative-button-order, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-alternative-sort-arrows, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-auto-mnemonics, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-button-images, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-can-change-accels, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-color-palette, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-color-scheme, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-aspect-ratio, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-blink, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-blink-time, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-blink-timeout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-theme-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-cursor-theme-size, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-decoration-layout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-dialogs-use-header, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-dnd-drag-threshold, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-double-click-distance, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-double-click-time, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-accels, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-animations, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-event-sounds, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-mnemonics, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-primary-paste, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-enable-tooltips, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-entry-password-hint-timeout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-entry-select-on-focus, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-error-bell, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-fallback-icon-theme, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-file-chooser-backend, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-font-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-fontconfig-timestamp, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-icon-sizes, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-icon-theme-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-im-module, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-im-preedit-style, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-im-status-style, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-key-theme-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-use-caret, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-wrap-around, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-label-select-on-focus, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-long-press-time, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-menu-bar-accel, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-menu-bar-popup-delay, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-menu-images, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-menu-popdown-delay, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-menu-popup-delay, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-modules, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-overlay-scrolling, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-primary-button-warps-slider, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-print-backends, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-print-preview-command, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-recent-files-enabled, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-recent-files-limit, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-recent-files-max-age, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-scrolled-window-placement, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-shell-shows-app-menu, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-shell-shows-desktop, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-shell-shows-menubar, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-show-input-method-menu, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-show-unicode-menu, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-sound-theme-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-split-cursor, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-theme-name, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-timeout-expand, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-timeout-initial, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-timeout-repeat, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-titlebar-double-click, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-titlebar-middle-click, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-titlebar-right-click, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-toolbar-icon-size, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-toolbar-style, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-tooltip-browse-mode-timeout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-tooltip-browse-timeout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-tooltip-timeout, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-touchscreen-mode, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-visible-focus, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-xft-antialias, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-xft-dpi, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-xft-hinting, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-xft-hintstyle, Accessor
gtk-settings-gtk-xft-rgba, Accessor
gtk-shadow-type, GEnum
gtk-shortcut-type, Enum
gtk-shortcuts-group, Class
gtk-shortcuts-group-accel-size-group, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-group-height, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-group-title, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-group-title-size-group, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-group-view, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-section, Class
gtk-shortcuts-section-max-height, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-section-section-name, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-section-title, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-section-view-name, Symbol
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut, Class
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-accel-size-group, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-accelerator, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-action-name, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-direction, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-icon, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-icon-set, Symbol
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-shortcut-type, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-subtitle, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-subtitle-set, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-title, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-shortcut-title-size-group, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-window, Class
gtk-shortcuts-window-section-name, Accessor
gtk-shortcuts-window-view-name, Accessor
gtk-show-about-dialog, Function
gtk-show-uri, Function
gtk-size-group, Class
gtk-size-group-add-widget, Function
gtk-size-group-ignore-hidden, Accessor
gtk-size-group-mode, Accessor
gtk-size-group-mode, Enum
gtk-size-group-new, Function
gtk-size-group-remove-widget, Function
gtk-size-group-widgets, Function
gtk-size-request-mode, GEnum
gtk-socket, Class
gtk-socket-add-id, Function
gtk-socket-id, Function
gtk-socket-new, Function
gtk-socket-plug-window, Function
gtk-sort-type, Enum
gtk-spin-button, Class
gtk-spin-button-adjustment, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-climb-rate, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-configure, Function
gtk-spin-button-digits, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-increments, Function
gtk-spin-button-new, Function
gtk-spin-button-new-with-range, Function
gtk-spin-button-numeric, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-range, Function
gtk-spin-button-snap-to-ticks, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-spin, Function
gtk-spin-button-update, Function
gtk-spin-button-update-policy, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-update-policy, Enum
gtk-spin-button-value, Accessor
gtk-spin-button-value-as-int, Function
gtk-spin-button-wrap, Accessor
gtk-spin-type, Enum
gtk-spinner, Class
gtk-spinner-active, Accessor
gtk-spinner-new, Function
gtk-spinner-start, Function
gtk-spinner-stop, Function
gtk-stack, Class
gtk-stack-add-named, Function
gtk-stack-add-titled, Function
gtk-stack-child-by-name, Function
gtk-stack-child-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-stack-child-name, Accessor
gtk-stack-child-needs-attention, Accessor
gtk-stack-child-position, Accessor
gtk-stack-child-title, Accessor
gtk-stack-hhomogeneous, Accessor
gtk-stack-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-stack-interpolate-size, Accessor
gtk-stack-new, Function
gtk-stack-set-visible-child-full, Function
gtk-stack-sidebar, Class
gtk-stack-sidebar-new, Function
gtk-stack-sidebar-stack, Accessor
gtk-stack-switcher, Class
gtk-stack-switcher-icon-size, Accessor
gtk-stack-switcher-new, Function
gtk-stack-switcher-stack, Accessor
gtk-stack-transition-duration, Accessor
gtk-stack-transition-running, Accessor
gtk-stack-transition-type, Accessor
gtk-stack-transition-type, GEnum
gtk-stack-vhomogeneous, Accessor
gtk-stack-visible-child, Accessor
gtk-stack-visible-child-name, Accessor
gtk-state-flags, GFlags
gtk-state-type, Enum
gtk-status-icon, Class
gtk-status-icon-embedded, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-file, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-gicon, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-has-tooltip, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-is-embedded, Function
gtk-status-icon-new, Function
gtk-status-icon-new-from-file, Function
gtk-status-icon-new-from-gicon, Function
gtk-status-icon-new-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-status-icon-new-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-status-icon-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-status-icon-orientation, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-pixbuf, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-screen, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-set-from-file, Function
gtk-status-icon-set-from-gicon, Function
gtk-status-icon-set-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-status-icon-set-from-pixbuf, Function
gtk-status-icon-set-from-stock, Function
gtk-status-icon-set-name, Function
gtk-status-icon-size, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-stock, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-storage-type, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-title, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-tooltip-markup, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text, Accessor
gtk-status-icon-visible, Accessor
gtk-statusbar, Class
gtk-statusbar-context-id, Function
gtk-statusbar-message-area, Function
gtk-statusbar-new, Function
gtk-statusbar-pop, Function
gtk-statusbar-push, Function
gtk-statusbar-remove, Function
gtk-statusbar-remove-all, Function
gtk-style-context, Class
gtk-style-context-add-class, Function
gtk-style-context-add-provider, Function
gtk-style-context-add-provider-for-screen, Function
gtk-style-context-add-region, Function
gtk-style-context-background-color, Function
gtk-style-context-border, Function
gtk-style-context-border-color, Function
gtk-style-context-color, Function
gtk-style-context-direction, Accessor
gtk-style-context-font, Function
gtk-style-context-frame-clock, Function
gtk-style-context-has-class, Function
gtk-style-context-has-region, Function
gtk-style-context-invalidate, Function
gtk-style-context-junction-sides, Function
gtk-style-context-list-classes, Function
gtk-style-context-list-regions, Function
gtk-style-context-lookup-color, Function
gtk-style-context-lookup-icon-set, Function
gtk-style-context-margin, Function
gtk-style-context-new, Function
gtk-style-context-padding, Function
gtk-style-context-paint-clock, Accessor
gtk-style-context-parent, Accessor
gtk-style-context-path, Function
gtk-style-context-print-flags, GFlags
gtk-style-context-property, Function
gtk-style-context-remove-class, Function
gtk-style-context-remove-provider, Function
gtk-style-context-remove-provider-for-screen, Function
gtk-style-context-remove-region, Function
gtk-style-context-reset-widgets, Function
gtk-style-context-restore, Function
gtk-style-context-save, Function
gtk-style-context-scale, Function
gtk-style-context-screen, Accessor
gtk-style-context-section, Function
gtk-style-context-set-background, Function
gtk-style-context-state, Function
gtk-style-context-style-property, Function
gtk-style-context-to-string, Function
gtk-style-provider, Interface
gtk-style-provider-style-property, Function
gtk-switch, Class
gtk-switch-active, Accessor
gtk-switch-new, Function
gtk-switch-state, Accessor
gtk-table, Class
gtk-table-attach, Function
gtk-table-child-bottom-attach, Accessor
gtk-table-child-left-attach, Accessor
gtk-table-child-right-attach, Accessor
gtk-table-child-top-attach, Accessor
gtk-table-child-x-options, Accessor
gtk-table-child-x-padding, Accessor
gtk-table-child-y-options, Accessor
gtk-table-child-y-padding, Accessor
gtk-table-column-spacing, Accessor
gtk-table-get-col-spacing, Function
gtk-table-get-row-spacing, Function
gtk-table-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-table-n-columns, Accessor
gtk-table-n-rows, Accessor
gtk-table-new, Function
gtk-table-resize, Function
gtk-table-row-spacing, Accessor
gtk-table-set-col-spacing, Function
gtk-table-set-row-spacing, Function
gtk-table-size, Function
gtk-target-flags, GFlags
gtk-target-list, GBoxed
gtk-target-list-add, Function
gtk-target-list-add-image-targets, Function
gtk-target-list-add-rich-text-targets, Function
gtk-target-list-add-table, Function
gtk-target-list-add-text-targets, Function
gtk-target-list-add-uri-targets, Function
gtk-target-list-find, Function
gtk-target-list-new, Function
gtk-target-list-remove, Function
gtk-target-table-new-from-list, Function
gtk-targets-include-image, Function
gtk-targets-include-rich-text, Function
gtk-targets-include-text, Function
gtk-targets-include-uri, Function
gtk-tearoff-menu-item, Class
gtk-tearoff-menu-item-new, Function
gtk-text-buffer, Class
gtk-text-buffer-add-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-add-selection-clipboard, Function
gtk-text-buffer-apply-tag, Function
gtk-text-buffer-backspace, Function
gtk-text-buffer-begin-user-action, Function
gtk-text-buffer-bounds, Function
gtk-text-buffer-char-count, Function
gtk-text-buffer-copy-clipboard, Function
gtk-text-buffer-copy-target-list, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-create-child-anchor, Function
gtk-text-buffer-create-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-create-tag, Function
gtk-text-buffer-cursor-position, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-cut-clipboard, Function
gtk-text-buffer-delete, Function
gtk-text-buffer-delete-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-delete-selection, Function
gtk-text-buffer-deserialize, Function
gtk-text-buffer-deserialize-can-create-tags, Function
gtk-text-buffer-deserialize-formats, Function
gtk-text-buffer-deserialize-func, Callback
gtk-text-buffer-end-iter, Function
gtk-text-buffer-end-user-action, Function
gtk-text-buffer-get-insert, Function
gtk-text-buffer-get-slice, Function
gtk-text-buffer-get-text, Function
gtk-text-buffer-has-selection, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-insert, Function
gtk-text-buffer-insert-child-anchor, Function
gtk-text-buffer-insert-markup, Function
gtk-text-buffer-insert-pixbuf, Function
gtk-text-buffer-insert-range, Function
gtk-text-buffer-insert-with-tags, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-child-anchor, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-line, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-line-index, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-line-offset, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-iter-at-offset, Function
gtk-text-buffer-line-count, Function
gtk-text-buffer-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-modified, Function
gtk-text-buffer-move-mark, Function
gtk-text-buffer-new, Function
gtk-text-buffer-paste-clipboard, Function
gtk-text-buffer-paste-target-list, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-place-cursor, Function
gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-format, Function
gtk-text-buffer-register-deserialize-tagset, Function
gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-format, Function
gtk-text-buffer-register-serialize-tagset, Function
gtk-text-buffer-remove-all-tags, Function
gtk-text-buffer-remove-selection-clipboard, Function
gtk-text-buffer-remove-tag, Function
gtk-text-buffer-select-range, Function
gtk-text-buffer-selection-bound, Function
gtk-text-buffer-selection-bounds, Function
gtk-text-buffer-serialize, Function
gtk-text-buffer-serialize-formats, Function
gtk-text-buffer-serialize-func, Callback
gtk-text-buffer-start-iter, Function
gtk-text-buffer-tag-table, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-target-info, GEnum
gtk-text-buffer-text, Accessor
gtk-text-buffer-unregister-deserialize-format, Function
gtk-text-buffer-unregister-serialize-format, Function
gtk-text-char-predicate, Callback
gtk-text-child-anchor, Class
gtk-text-child-anchor-deleted, Function
gtk-text-child-anchor-new, Function
gtk-text-child-anchor-widgets, Function
gtk-text-direction, GEnum
gtk-text-extend-selection, GEnum
gtk-text-iter, GBoxed
gtk-text-iter-assign, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-chars, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-cursor-position, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-cursor-positions, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-find-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-lines, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-search, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-sentence-start, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-sentence-starts, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-to-tag-toggle, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-cursor-position, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-cursor-positions, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-lines, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-word-start, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-visible-word-starts, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-word-start, Function
gtk-text-iter-backward-word-starts, Function
gtk-text-iter-begins-tag, Function
gtk-text-iter-buffer, Function
gtk-text-iter-bytes-in-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-can-insert, Function
gtk-text-iter-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-chars-in-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-child-anchor, Function
gtk-text-iter-compare, Function
gtk-text-iter-copy, Function
gtk-text-iter-editable, Function
gtk-text-iter-ends-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-ends-sentence, Function
gtk-text-iter-ends-tag, Function
gtk-text-iter-ends-word, Function
gtk-text-iter-equal, Function
gtk-text-iter-find-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-chars, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-cursor-position, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-cursor-positions, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-find-char, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-lines, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-search, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-sentence-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-sentence-ends, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-to-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-to-line-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-to-tag-toggle, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-cursor-position, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-cursor-positions, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-lines, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-word-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-visible-word-ends, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-word-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-forward-word-ends, Function
gtk-text-iter-has-tag, Function
gtk-text-iter-in-range, Function
gtk-text-iter-inside-sentence, Function
gtk-text-iter-inside-word, Function
gtk-text-iter-is-cursor-position, Function
gtk-text-iter-is-end, Function
gtk-text-iter-is-start, Function
gtk-text-iter-language, Function
gtk-text-iter-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-line-index, Function
gtk-text-iter-line-offset, Function
gtk-text-iter-marks, Function
gtk-text-iter-move, Function
gtk-text-iter-offset, Function
gtk-text-iter-order, Function
gtk-text-iter-pixbuf, Function
gtk-text-iter-search, Function
gtk-text-iter-slice, Function
gtk-text-iter-starts-line, Function
gtk-text-iter-starts-sentence, Function
gtk-text-iter-starts-tag, Function
gtk-text-iter-starts-word, Function
gtk-text-iter-tags, Function
gtk-text-iter-text, Function
gtk-text-iter-toggled-tags, Function
gtk-text-iter-toggles-tag, Function
gtk-text-iter-visible-line-index, Function
gtk-text-iter-visible-line-offset, Function
gtk-text-iter-visible-slice, Function
gtk-text-iter-visible-text, Function
gtk-text-mark, Class
gtk-text-mark-buffer, Function
gtk-text-mark-deleted, Function
gtk-text-mark-left-gravity, Accessor
gtk-text-mark-name, Accessor
gtk-text-mark-new, Function
gtk-text-mark-visible, Function
gtk-text-search-flags, GFlags
gtk-text-tag, Class
gtk-text-tag-accumulative-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background-full-height, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background-full-height-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background-gdk, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background-rgba, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-background-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-changed, Function
gtk-text-tag-direction, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-editable, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-editable-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-event, Function
gtk-text-tag-fallback, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-fallback-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-family, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-family-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-font, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-font-desc, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-font-features, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-font-features-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-foreground, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-foreground-gdk, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-foreground-rgba, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-foreground-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-indent, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-indent-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-invisible, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-invisible-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-justification, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-justification-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-language, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-language-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-left-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-left-margin-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-letter-spacing, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-letter-spacing-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-name, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-new, Function
gtk-text-tag-paragraph-background, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-paragraph-background-gdk, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-paragraph-background-rgba, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-paragraph-background-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-above-lines, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-above-lines-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-below-lines, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-below-lines-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-inside-wrap, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-pixels-inside-wrap-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-priority, Function
gtk-text-tag-right-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-right-margin-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-rise, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-rise-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-scale, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-scale-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-size, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-size-points, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-size-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-stretch, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-stretch-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-strikethrough, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-strikethrough-rgba, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-strikethrough-rgba-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-strikethrough-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-style, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-style-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-table, Class
gtk-text-tag-table-add, Function
gtk-text-tag-table-foreach, Function
gtk-text-tag-table-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-text-tag-table-lookup, Function
gtk-text-tag-table-new, Function
gtk-text-tag-table-remove, Function
gtk-text-tag-table-size, Function
gtk-text-tag-tabs, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-tabs-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-underline, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-underline-rgba, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-underline-rgba-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-underline-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-variant, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-variant-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-weight, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-weight-set, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-wrap-mode, Accessor
gtk-text-tag-wrap-mode-set, Accessor
gtk-text-view, Class
gtk-text-view-accepts-tab, Accessor
gtk-text-view-add-child-at-anchor, Function
gtk-text-view-add-child-in-window, Function
gtk-text-view-border-window-size, Function
gtk-text-view-bottom-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-view-buffer, Accessor
gtk-text-view-buffer-to-window-coords, Function
gtk-text-view-cursor-locations, Function
gtk-text-view-cursor-visible, Accessor
gtk-text-view-editable, Accessor
gtk-text-view-im-context-filter-keypress, Function
gtk-text-view-im-module, Accessor
gtk-text-view-indent, Accessor
gtk-text-view-input-hints, Accessor
gtk-text-view-input-purpose, Accessor
gtk-text-view-iter-at-location, Function
gtk-text-view-iter-at-position, Function
gtk-text-view-iter-location, Function
gtk-text-view-justification, Accessor
gtk-text-view-left-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-view-line-at-y, Function
gtk-text-view-line-yrange, Function
gtk-text-view-monospace, Accessor
gtk-text-view-move-child, Function
gtk-text-view-move-display-line, Function
gtk-text-view-move-mark-onscreen, Function
gtk-text-view-move-visually, Function
gtk-text-view-new, Function
gtk-text-view-new-with-buffer, Function
gtk-text-view-overwrite, Accessor
gtk-text-view-pixels-above-lines, Accessor
gtk-text-view-pixels-below-lines, Accessor
gtk-text-view-pixels-inside-wrap, Accessor
gtk-text-view-place-cursor-onscreen, Function
gtk-text-view-populate-all, Accessor
gtk-text-view-reset-cursor-blink, Function
gtk-text-view-reset-im-context, Function
gtk-text-view-right-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-view-scroll-mark-onscreen, Function
gtk-text-view-scroll-to-iter, Function
gtk-text-view-scroll-to-mark, Function
gtk-text-view-starts-display-line, Function
gtk-text-view-tabs, Accessor
gtk-text-view-top-margin, Accessor
gtk-text-view-visible-rect, Function
gtk-text-view-window, Function
gtk-text-view-window-to-buffer-coords, Function
gtk-text-view-window-type, Function
gtk-text-view-wrap-mode, Accessor
gtk-text-window-type, GEnum
gtk-tick-callback, Callback
gtk-toggle-action, Class
gtk-toggle-action-active, Accessor
gtk-toggle-action-draw-as-radio, Accessor
gtk-toggle-action-new, Function
gtk-toggle-action-toggled, Function
gtk-toggle-button, Class
gtk-toggle-button-active, Accessor
gtk-toggle-button-draw-indicator, Accessor
gtk-toggle-button-inconsistent, Accessor
gtk-toggle-button-mode, Function
gtk-toggle-button-new, Function
gtk-toggle-button-new-with-label, Function
gtk-toggle-button-new-with-mnemonic, Function
gtk-toggle-button-toggled, Function
gtk-toggle-tool-button, Class
gtk-toggle-tool-button-active, Accessor
gtk-toggle-tool-button-new, Function
gtk-toggle-tool-button-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-tool-button, Class
gtk-tool-button-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-tool-button-icon-widget, Accessor
gtk-tool-button-label, Accessor
gtk-tool-button-label-widget, Accessor
gtk-tool-button-new, Function
gtk-tool-button-new-from-stock, Function
gtk-tool-button-stock-id, Accessor
gtk-tool-button-use-underline, Accessor
gtk-tool-item, Class
gtk-tool-item-ellipsize-mode, Function
gtk-tool-item-expand, Function
gtk-tool-item-group, Class
gtk-tool-item-group-child-expand, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-child-fill, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-child-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-child-new-row, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-child-position, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-collapsed, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-drop-item, Function
gtk-tool-item-group-ellipsize, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-header-relief, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-insert, Function
gtk-tool-item-group-label, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-label-widget, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-group-n-items, Function
gtk-tool-item-group-new, Function
gtk-tool-item-group-nth-item, Function
gtk-tool-item-homogeneous, Function
gtk-tool-item-icon-size, Function
gtk-tool-item-is-important, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-new, Function
gtk-tool-item-orientation, Function
gtk-tool-item-proxy-menu-item, Function
gtk-tool-item-rebuild-menu, Function
gtk-tool-item-relief-style, Function
gtk-tool-item-retrieve-proxy-menu-item, Function
gtk-tool-item-set-tooltip-markup, Function
gtk-tool-item-set-tooltip-text, Function
gtk-tool-item-text-alignment, Function
gtk-tool-item-text-orientation, Function
gtk-tool-item-text-size-group, Function
gtk-tool-item-toolbar-reconfigured, Function
gtk-tool-item-toolbar-style, Function
gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window, Function
gtk-tool-item-visible-horizontal, Accessor
gtk-tool-item-visible-vertical, Accessor
gtk-tool-palette, Class
gtk-tool-palette-add-drag-dest, Function
gtk-tool-palette-child-exclusive, Accessor
gtk-tool-palette-child-expand, Accessor
gtk-tool-palette-drag-item, Function
gtk-tool-palette-drag-target-group, Function
gtk-tool-palette-drag-target-item, Function
gtk-tool-palette-drag-targets, Flags
gtk-tool-palette-drop-group, Function
gtk-tool-palette-drop-item, Function
gtk-tool-palette-group-position, Function
gtk-tool-palette-icon-size, Symbol
gtk-tool-palette-icon-size-set, Symbol
gtk-tool-palette-new, Function
gtk-tool-palette-set-drag-source, Function
gtk-tool-palette-toolbar-style, Symbol
gtk-tool-palette-unset-icon-size, Function
gtk-tool-palette-unset-style, Function
gtk-tool-shell, Interface
gtk-tool-shell-ellipsize-mode, Function
gtk-tool-shell-icon-size, Function
gtk-tool-shell-orientation, Function
gtk-tool-shell-rebuild-menu, Function
gtk-tool-shell-relief-style, Function
gtk-tool-shell-style, Function
gtk-tool-shell-text-alignment, Function
gtk-tool-shell-text-orientation, Function
gtk-tool-shell-text-size-group, Function
gtk-toolbar, Class
gtk-toolbar-child-expand, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-child-homogeneous, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-drop-index, Function
gtk-toolbar-icon-size, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-icon-size-set, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-insert, Function
gtk-toolbar-item-index, Function
gtk-toolbar-n-items, Function
gtk-toolbar-new, Function
gtk-toolbar-nth-item, Function
gtk-toolbar-relief-style, Function
gtk-toolbar-set-drop-highlight-item, Function
gtk-toolbar-show-arrow, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-space-style, GEnum
gtk-toolbar-style, GEnum
gtk-toolbar-toolbar-style, Accessor
gtk-toolbar-unset-icon-size, Function
gtk-toolbar-unset-style, Function
gtk-tooltip, Class
gtk-tooltip-set-custom, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-icon, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-icon-from-gicon, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-icon-from-icon-name, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-icon-from-stock, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-markup, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-text, Function
gtk-tooltip-set-tip-area, Function
gtk-tooltip-trigger-tooltip-query, Function
gtk-tree-cell-data-func, Callback
gtk-tree-drag-dest, Interface
gtk-tree-drag-dest-drag-data-received, Function
gtk-tree-drag-dest-row-drop-possible, Function
gtk-tree-drag-source, Interface
gtk-tree-drag-source-drag-data-delete, Function
gtk-tree-drag-source-drag-data-get, Function
gtk-tree-drag-source-row-draggable, Function
gtk-tree-get-row-drag-data, Function
gtk-tree-iter, GBoxed
gtk-tree-iter-compare-func, Callback
gtk-tree-model, Interface
gtk-tree-model-column-type, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter, Class
gtk-tree-model-filter-child-model, Accessor
gtk-tree-model-filter-clear-cache, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-convert-child-iter-to-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-convert-child-path-to-path, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-convert-iter-to-child-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-convert-path-to-child-path, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-model, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-modify-func, Callback
gtk-tree-model-filter-new, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-refilter, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-set-modify-func, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-set-visible-column, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-set-visible-func, Function
gtk-tree-model-filter-virtual-root, Accessor
gtk-tree-model-filter-visible-func, Callback
gtk-tree-model-flags, Function
gtk-tree-model-flags, Flags
gtk-tree-model-foreach, Function
gtk-tree-model-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-tree-model-get, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-children, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-first, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-from-string, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-has-child, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-n-children, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-next, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-nth-child, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-parent, Function
gtk-tree-model-iter-previous, Function
gtk-tree-model-n-columns, Function
gtk-tree-model-path, Function
gtk-tree-model-row-changed, Function
gtk-tree-model-row-deleted, Function
gtk-tree-model-row-has-child-toggled, Function
gtk-tree-model-row-inserted, Function
gtk-tree-model-rows-reordered, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort, Class
gtk-tree-model-sort-clear-cache, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-convert-child-iter-to-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-convert-child-path-to-path, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-convert-iter-to-child-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-convert-path-to-child-path, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-iter-is-valid, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-model, Accessor
gtk-tree-model-sort-new-with-model, Function
gtk-tree-model-sort-reset-default-sort-func, Function
gtk-tree-model-string-from-iter, Function
gtk-tree-model-value, Function
gtk-tree-path, GBoxed
gtk-tree-path-append-index, Function
gtk-tree-path-compare, Function
gtk-tree-path-copy, Function
gtk-tree-path-depth, Function
gtk-tree-path-down, Function
gtk-tree-path-indices, Function
gtk-tree-path-is-ancestor, Function
gtk-tree-path-is-descendant, Function
gtk-tree-path-new, Function
gtk-tree-path-new-first, Function
gtk-tree-path-new-from-indices, Function
gtk-tree-path-new-from-string, Function
gtk-tree-path-next, Function
gtk-tree-path-prepend-index, Function
gtk-tree-path-prev, Function
gtk-tree-path-to-string, Function
gtk-tree-path-up, Function
gtk-tree-row-reference, GBoxed
gtk-tree-row-reference-copy, Function
gtk-tree-row-reference-model, Function
gtk-tree-row-reference-new, Function
gtk-tree-row-reference-path, Function
gtk-tree-row-reference-valid, Function
gtk-tree-selection, Class
gtk-tree-selection-count-selected-rows, Function
gtk-tree-selection-foreach-func, Callback
gtk-tree-selection-func, Callback
gtk-tree-selection-get-select-function, Function
gtk-tree-selection-iter-is-selected, Function
gtk-tree-selection-mode, Accessor
gtk-tree-selection-path-is-selected, Function
gtk-tree-selection-select-all, Function
gtk-tree-selection-select-iter, Function
gtk-tree-selection-select-path, Function
gtk-tree-selection-select-range, Function
gtk-tree-selection-selected, Function
gtk-tree-selection-selected-foreach, Function
gtk-tree-selection-selected-rows, Function
gtk-tree-selection-set-select-function, Function
gtk-tree-selection-tree-view, Function
gtk-tree-selection-unselect-all, Function
gtk-tree-selection-unselect-iter, Function
gtk-tree-selection-unselect-path, Function
gtk-tree-selection-unselect-range, Function
gtk-tree-set-row-drag-data, Function
gtk-tree-sortable, Interface
gtk-tree-sortable-has-default-sort-func, Function
gtk-tree-sortable-set-default-sort-func, Function
gtk-tree-sortable-set-sort-func, Function
gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-changed, Function
gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id, Function
gtk-tree-store, Class
gtk-tree-store-append, Function
gtk-tree-store-clear, Function
gtk-tree-store-insert, Function
gtk-tree-store-insert-after, Function
gtk-tree-store-insert-before, Function
gtk-tree-store-insert-with-values, Function
gtk-tree-store-is-ancestor, Function
gtk-tree-store-iter-depth, Function
gtk-tree-store-iter-is-valid, Function
gtk-tree-store-move-after, Function
gtk-tree-store-move-before, Function
gtk-tree-store-new, Function
gtk-tree-store-prepend, Function
gtk-tree-store-remove, Function
gtk-tree-store-reorder, Function
gtk-tree-store-set, Function
gtk-tree-store-set-column-types, Function
gtk-tree-store-set-value, Function
gtk-tree-store-swap, Function
gtk-tree-view, Class
gtk-tree-view-activate-on-single-click, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-append-column, Function
gtk-tree-view-background-area, Function
gtk-tree-view-bin-window, Function
gtk-tree-view-cell-area, Function
gtk-tree-view-collapse-all, Function
gtk-tree-view-collapse-row, Function
gtk-tree-view-column, Function
gtk-tree-view-column, Class
gtk-tree-view-column-add-attribute, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-alignment, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-button, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-cell-area, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-cell-is-visible, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-cell-position, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-cell-set-cell-data, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-cell-size, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-clear, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-clear-attributes, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-clickable, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-clicked, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-drop-func, Callback
gtk-tree-view-column-expand, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-fixed-width, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-focus-cell, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-max-width, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-min-width, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-new, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-new-with-area, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-new-with-attributes, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-pack-end, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-pack-start, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-queue-resize, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-reorderable, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-resizable, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-set-attributes, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-set-cell-data-func, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-sizing, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-sizing, Enum
gtk-tree-view-column-sort-column-id, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-sort-indicator, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-sort-order, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-spacing, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-title, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-tree-view, Function
gtk-tree-view-column-visible, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-widget, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-width, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-column-x-offset, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-columns, Function
gtk-tree-view-columns-autosize, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-bin-window-to-tree-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-bin-window-to-widget-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-tree-to-bin-window-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-tree-to-widget-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-widget-to-bin-window-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-convert-widget-to-tree-coords, Function
gtk-tree-view-create-row-drag-icon, Function
gtk-tree-view-drop-position, Enum
gtk-tree-view-enable-grid-lines, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-enable-model-drag-dest, Function
gtk-tree-view-enable-model-drag-source, Function
gtk-tree-view-enable-search, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-enable-tree-lines, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-expand-all, Function
gtk-tree-view-expand-row, Function
gtk-tree-view-expand-to-path, Function
gtk-tree-view-expander-column, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-fixed-height-mode, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-get-cursor, Function
gtk-tree-view-get-dest-row-at-pos, Function
gtk-tree-view-get-drag-dest-row, Function
gtk-tree-view-grid-lines, Function
gtk-tree-view-grid-lines, Enum
gtk-tree-view-headers-clickable, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-headers-visible, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-hover-expand, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-hover-selection, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-insert-column, Function
gtk-tree-view-insert-column-with-attributes, Function
gtk-tree-view-insert-column-with-data-func, Function
gtk-tree-view-is-blank-at-pos, Function
gtk-tree-view-is-rubber-banding-active, Function
gtk-tree-view-level-indentation, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-map-expanded-rows, Function
gtk-tree-view-mapping-func, Callback
gtk-tree-view-model, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-move-column-after, Function
gtk-tree-view-n-columns, Function
gtk-tree-view-new, Function
gtk-tree-view-new-with-model, Function
gtk-tree-view-path-at-pos, Function
gtk-tree-view-remove-column, Function
gtk-tree-view-reorderable, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-row-activated, Function
gtk-tree-view-row-expanded, Function
gtk-tree-view-row-separator-func, Callback
gtk-tree-view-rubber-banding, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-rules-hint, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-scroll-to-cell, Function
gtk-tree-view-scroll-to-point, Function
gtk-tree-view-search-column, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-search-entry, Function
gtk-tree-view-search-equal-func, Callback
gtk-tree-view-search-position-func, Callback
gtk-tree-view-selection, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-column-drag-function, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-cursor, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-cursor-on-cell, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-drag-dest-row, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-row-separator-func, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-search-equal-func, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-search-position-func, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-tooltip-cell, Function
gtk-tree-view-set-tooltip-row, Function
gtk-tree-view-show-expanders, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-tooltip-column, Accessor
gtk-tree-view-tooltip-context, Function
gtk-tree-view-unset-rows-drag-dest, Function
gtk-tree-view-unset-rows-drag-source, Function
gtk-tree-view-visible-range, Function
gtk-tree-view-visible-rect, Function
gtk-ui-manager, Class
gtk-ui-manager-accel-group, Function
gtk-ui-manager-action, Function
gtk-ui-manager-action-groups, Function
gtk-ui-manager-add-tearoffs, Accessor
gtk-ui-manager-add-ui, Function
gtk-ui-manager-add-ui-from-file, Function
gtk-ui-manager-add-ui-from-resource, Function
gtk-ui-manager-add-ui-from-string, Function
gtk-ui-manager-ensure-update, Function
gtk-ui-manager-insert-action-group, Function
gtk-ui-manager-item-type, GFlags
gtk-ui-manager-new, Function
gtk-ui-manager-new-merge-id, Function
gtk-ui-manager-remove-action-group, Function
gtk-ui-manager-remove-ui, Function
gtk-ui-manager-toplevels, Function
gtk-ui-manager-ui, Accessor
gtk-ui-manager-widget, Function
gtk-unit, Enum
gtk-viewport, Class
gtk-viewport-bin-window, Function
gtk-viewport-new, Function
gtk-viewport-shadow-type, Accessor
gtk-viewport-view-window, Function
gtk-volume-button, Class
gtk-volume-button-new, Function
gtk-volume-button-use-symbolic, Accessor
gtk-widget, Class
gtk-widget-accessible, Function
gtk-widget-action-group, Function
gtk-widget-activate, Function
gtk-widget-add-accelerator, Function
gtk-widget-add-device-events, Function
gtk-widget-add-events, Function
gtk-widget-add-mnemonic-label, Function
gtk-widget-add-tick-callback, Function
gtk-widget-allocated-baseline, Function
gtk-widget-allocated-height, Function
gtk-widget-allocated-width, Function
gtk-widget-allocation, Function
gtk-widget-ancestor, Function
gtk-widget-app-paintable, Accessor
gtk-widget-can-activate-accel, Function
gtk-widget-can-default, Accessor
gtk-widget-can-focus, Accessor
gtk-widget-child-focus, Function
gtk-widget-child-notify, Function
gtk-widget-child-visible, Function
gtk-widget-class-css-name, Function
gtk-widget-class-find-style-property, Function
gtk-widget-class-install-style-property, Function
gtk-widget-class-list-style-properties, Function
gtk-widget-class-set-template, Function
gtk-widget-class-set-template-from-resource, Function
gtk-widget-clip, Function
gtk-widget-clipboard, Function
gtk-widget-composite-child, Accessor
gtk-widget-composite-name, Function
gtk-widget-compute-expand, Function
gtk-widget-create-pango-context, Function
gtk-widget-create-pango-layout, Function
gtk-widget-default-direction, Function
gtk-widget-destroy, Function
gtk-widget-device-enabled, Function
gtk-widget-device-events, Function
gtk-widget-device-is-shadowed, Function
gtk-widget-direction, Function
gtk-widget-display, Function
gtk-widget-double-buffered, Accessor
gtk-widget-draw, Function
gtk-widget-error-bell, Function
gtk-widget-event, Function
gtk-widget-events, Accessor
gtk-widget-expand, Accessor
gtk-widget-focus-on-click, Accessor
gtk-widget-font-map, Function
gtk-widget-font-options, Function
gtk-widget-frame-clock, Function
gtk-widget-freeze-child-notify, Function
gtk-widget-grab-default, Function
gtk-widget-grab-focus, Function
gtk-widget-halign, Accessor
gtk-widget-has-default, Accessor
gtk-widget-has-focus, Accessor
gtk-widget-has-grab, Function
gtk-widget-has-screen, Function
gtk-widget-has-tooltip, Accessor
gtk-widget-has-visible-focus, Function
gtk-widget-has-window, Function
gtk-widget-height-request, Accessor
gtk-widget-help-type, GEnum
gtk-widget-hexpand, Accessor
gtk-widget-hexpand-set, Accessor
gtk-widget-hide, Function
gtk-widget-hide-on-delete, Function
gtk-widget-in-destruction, Function
gtk-widget-init-template, Function
gtk-widget-input-shape-combine-region, Function
gtk-widget-insert-action-group, Function
gtk-widget-intersect, Function
gtk-widget-is-ancestor, Function
gtk-widget-is-composited, Function
gtk-widget-is-drawable, Function
gtk-widget-is-focus, Accessor
gtk-widget-is-sensitive, Function
gtk-widget-is-toplevel, Function
gtk-widget-is-visible, Function
gtk-widget-keynav-failed, Function
gtk-widget-list-action-prefixes, Function
gtk-widget-list-mnemonic-labels, Function
gtk-widget-map, Function
gtk-widget-mapped, Function
gtk-widget-margin, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-bottom, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-end, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-left, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-right, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-start, Accessor
gtk-widget-margin-top, Accessor
gtk-widget-mnemonic-activate, Function
gtk-widget-modifier-mask, Function
gtk-widget-name, Accessor
gtk-widget-new, Function
gtk-widget-no-show-all, Accessor
gtk-widget-opacity, Accessor
gtk-widget-override-background-color, Function
gtk-widget-override-color, Function
gtk-widget-override-cursor, Function
gtk-widget-override-font, Function
gtk-widget-override-symbolic-color, Function
gtk-widget-pango-context, Function
gtk-widget-parent, Accessor
gtk-widget-parent-window, Function
gtk-widget-path, Function
gtk-widget-path, GBoxed
gtk-widget-path-append-for-widget, Function
gtk-widget-path-append-type, Function
gtk-widget-path-append-with-siblings, Function
gtk-widget-path-copy, Function
gtk-widget-path-has-parent, Function
gtk-widget-path-is-type, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-add-class, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-add-region, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-clear-classes, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-clear-regions, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-has-class, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-has-name, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-has-region, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-list-classes, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-list-regions, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-name, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-object-name, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-object-type, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-remove-class, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-remove-region, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-sibling-index, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-siblings, Function
gtk-widget-path-iter-state, Function
gtk-widget-path-length, Function
gtk-widget-path-new, Function
gtk-widget-path-object-type, Function
gtk-widget-path-prepend-type, Function
gtk-widget-path-to-string, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-height, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-height-and-baseline-for-width, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-height-for-width, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-size, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-width, Function
gtk-widget-preferred-width-for-height, Function
gtk-widget-queue-allocate, Function
gtk-widget-queue-compute-expand, Function
gtk-widget-queue-draw, Function
gtk-widget-queue-draw-area, Function
gtk-widget-queue-draw-region, Function
gtk-widget-queue-resize, Function
gtk-widget-queue-resize-no-redraw, Function
gtk-widget-realize, Function
gtk-widget-realized, Function
gtk-widget-receives-default, Accessor
gtk-widget-region-intersect, Function
gtk-widget-register-window, Function
gtk-widget-remove-accelerator, Function
gtk-widget-remove-mnemonic-label, Function
gtk-widget-remove-tick-callback, Function
gtk-widget-request-mode, Function
gtk-widget-reset-style, Function
gtk-widget-root-window, Function
gtk-widget-scale-factor, Accessor
gtk-widget-screen, Function
gtk-widget-sensitive, Accessor
gtk-widget-set-accel-path, Function
gtk-widget-set-redraw-on-allocate, Function
gtk-widget-settings, Function
gtk-widget-shape-combine-region, Function
gtk-widget-show, Function
gtk-widget-show-all, Function
gtk-widget-show-now, Function
gtk-widget-size-allocate, Function
gtk-widget-size-allocate-with-baseline, Function
gtk-widget-size-request, Function
gtk-widget-state-flags, Function
gtk-widget-style, Accessor
gtk-widget-style-context, Function
gtk-widget-style-property, Function
gtk-widget-support-multidevice, Function
gtk-widget-template-child, Function
gtk-widget-thaw-child-notify, Function
gtk-widget-tooltip-markup, Accessor
gtk-widget-tooltip-text, Accessor
gtk-widget-tooltip-window, Function
gtk-widget-toplevel, Function
gtk-widget-translate-coordinates, Function
gtk-widget-trigger-tooltip-query, Function
gtk-widget-unmap, Function
gtk-widget-unparent, Function
gtk-widget-unrealize, Function
gtk-widget-unregister-window, Function
gtk-widget-unset-state-flags, Function
gtk-widget-valign, Accessor
gtk-widget-valign-with-baseline, Function
gtk-widget-vexpand, Accessor
gtk-widget-vexpand-set, Accessor
gtk-widget-visible, Accessor
gtk-widget-visual, Function
gtk-widget-width-request, Accessor
gtk-widget-window, Accessor
gtk-window, Class
gtk-window-accept-focus, Accessor
gtk-window-activate-default, Function
gtk-window-activate-focus, Function
gtk-window-activate-key, Function
gtk-window-add-accel-group, Function
gtk-window-add-mnemonic, Function
gtk-window-application, Accessor
gtk-window-attached-to, Accessor
gtk-window-begin-move-drag, Function
gtk-window-begin-resize-drag, Function
gtk-window-close, Function
gtk-window-decorated, Accessor
gtk-window-default-height, Accessor
gtk-window-default-icon-list, Function
gtk-window-default-icon-name, Function
gtk-window-default-size, Function
gtk-window-default-widget, Function
gtk-window-default-width, Accessor
gtk-window-deiconify, Function
gtk-window-deletable, Accessor
gtk-window-destroy-with-parent, Accessor
gtk-window-focus, Function
gtk-window-focus-on-map, Accessor
gtk-window-focus-visible, Accessor
gtk-window-fullscreen, Function
gtk-window-fullscreen-on-monitor, Function
gtk-window-gravity, Accessor
gtk-window-group, Function
gtk-window-group, Class
gtk-window-group-add-window, Function
gtk-window-group-current-device-grab, Function
gtk-window-group-current-grab, Function
gtk-window-group-list-windows, Function
gtk-window-group-new, Function
gtk-window-group-remove-window, Function
gtk-window-has-group, Function
gtk-window-has-resize-grip, Accessor
gtk-window-has-toplevel-focus, Accessor
gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized, Accessor
gtk-window-icon, Accessor
gtk-window-icon-list, Function
gtk-window-icon-name, Accessor
gtk-window-iconify, Function
gtk-window-interactive-debugging, Function
gtk-window-is-active, Accessor
gtk-window-is-maximized, Accessor
gtk-window-list-toplevels, Function
gtk-window-maximize, Function
gtk-window-mnemonic-activate, Function
gtk-window-mnemonic-modifier, Function
gtk-window-mnemonics-visible, Accessor
gtk-window-modal, Accessor
gtk-window-move, Function
gtk-window-new, Function
gtk-window-opacity, Accessor
gtk-window-parse-geometry, Function
gtk-window-position, Function
gtk-window-position, GEnum
gtk-window-present, Function
gtk-window-present-with-time, Function
gtk-window-propagate-key-event, Function
gtk-window-remove-accel-group, Function
gtk-window-remove-mnemonic, Function
gtk-window-resizable, Accessor
gtk-window-resize, Function
gtk-window-resize-grip-visible, Accessor
gtk-window-resize-to-geometry, Function
gtk-window-role, Accessor
gtk-window-screen, Accessor
gtk-window-set-auto-startup-notification, Function
gtk-window-set-default-geometry, Function
gtk-window-set-default-icon, Function
gtk-window-set-default-icon-from-file, Function
gtk-window-set-geometry-hints, Function
gtk-window-set-icon-from-file, Function
gtk-window-set-keep-above, Function
gtk-window-set-keep-below, Function
gtk-window-size, Function
gtk-window-skip-pager-hint, Accessor
gtk-window-skip-taskbar-hint, Accessor
gtk-window-startup-id, Accessor
gtk-window-stick, Function
gtk-window-title, Accessor
gtk-window-titlebar, Function
gtk-window-transient-for, Accessor
gtk-window-type, Accessor
gtk-window-type, GEnum
gtk-window-type-hint, Accessor
gtk-window-unfullscreen, Function
gtk-window-unmaximize, Function
gtk-window-unstick, Function
gtk-window-urgency-hint, Accessor
gtk-window-window-position, Accessor
gtk-wrap-mode, GEnum
join-gtk-main, Function
leave-gtk-main, Function
within-main-loop, Macro