Package: gtk

Function gtk-window-default-widget

Lambda List

gtk-window-default-widget (window)


(gtk-window-default-widget window) => widget
(setf (gtk-window-default-widget window) widget)


window -- a gtk-window widget
widget -- the gtk-widget object to be the default, or nil to unset the default widget for the toplevel


Accessor of the default widget of the window.

The gtk-window-default-widget returns the default widget for the window. The (setf gtk-window-default-widget) sets or unsets the default widget.

The default widget is the widget that is activated when the user presses the Enter key in a dialog for example. When setting, rather than unsetting, the default widget it is generally easier to call the gtk-widget-grab-focus function on the widget. Before making a widget the default widget, you must call the gtk-widget-can-default function on the widget you would like to make the default.


The C library has the gtk_window_set_default () function, which is implemented as the (setf gtk-window-default-widget) function in the Lisp API.

See also
