Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-combo-box-wrap-width

Lambda List

gtk-combo-box-wrap-width (object)


(gtk-combo-box-wrap-width object) => width
(setf (gtk-combo-box-wrap-width object) width)


object -- a gtk-combo-box widget
width -- an integer with the preferred number of columns


Accessor of the wrap-width slot of the gtk-combo-box class.

The slot access function gtk-combo-box-row-wrap-width returns the wrap width which is used to determine the number of columns for the popup menu. The slot access function (setf gtk-combo-box-row-wrap-width) sets the wrap width. If the wrap width is larger than 1, the combo box is in table mode. The wrap width is basically the preferred number of columns when you want the popup to be layed out in a table.

See also
