Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation

Lambda List

gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation (object)


(gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation object) => confirm
(setf (gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation object) confirm)


object -- a gtk-file-chooser widget
confirm -- a boolean whether to confirm overwriting in :save mode


Accessor of the do-overwrite-confirmation slot of the gtk-file-chooser interface.

The slot access function gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation queries whether the file chooser in :save mode is set to confirm for overwriting when the user types a file name that already exists. The slot access function (setf gtk-file-chooser-do-overwrite-confirmation) sets whether the file chooser will present a confirmation dialog. This is false by default.

Regardless of this setting, the chooser will emit the "confirm-overwrite" signal when appropriate.

If all you need is the stock confirmation dialog, set this property to true. You can override the way confirmation is done by actually handling the "confirm-overwrite" signal. Please refer to its documentation for the details.

See also
