Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while parsing the
gtk-builder UI definition.
(define-g-enum "GtkBuilderError" gtk-builder-error
(:export t
:type-initializer "gtk_builder_error_get_type")
(:invalid-type-function 0)
(:unhandled-tag 1)
(:missing-attribute 2)
(:invalid-attribute 3)
(:invalid-tag 4)
(:missing-property-value 5)
(:invalid-value 6)
(:version-mismatch 7)
(:duplicate-id 8)
(:type-refused 9)
(:template-mismatch 10)
(:invalid-property 11)
(:invalid-signal 12)
(:invalid-id 13))
- :invalid-type-function
- A type-func attribute did not name a function that returns a g-type type ID.
- :unhandled-tag
- The input contained a tag that a gtk-builder object cannot handle.
- :missing-attribute
- An attribute that is required by a gtk-builder object was missing.
- :invalid-attribute
- A gtk-builder object found an attribute that it does not understand.
- :invalid-tag
- A gtk-builder object found a tag that it does not understand.
- :missing-property-value
- A required property value was missing.
- :invalid-value
- A gtk-builder object could not parse some attribute value.
- :version-mismatch
- The input file requires a newer version of GTK.
- :duplicate-id
- An object ID occurred twice.
- :type-refused
- A specified object type is of the same type or derived from the type of the composite class being extended with builder XML.
- :template-mismatch
- The wrong type was specified in a composite class’s template XML.
- :invalid-property
- The specified property is unknown for the object class.
- :invalid-signal
- The specified signal is unknown for the object class.
- :invalid-id
- An object ID is unknown.