Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-popover-transitions-enabled

Lambda List

gtk-popover-transitions-enabled (object)


(gtk-popover-transitions-enabled object) => enabled
(setf (gtk-popover-transitions-enabled object) enabled)


object -- a gtk-popover widget
enabled -- a boolean whether transitions are enabled


Accessor of the transitions-enabled slot of the gtk-popover class.

The gtk-popover-transitions-enabled slot access function returns whether show/hide transitions are enabled on this popover. The (setf gtk-popover-transitions-enabled) slot access function sets whether show/hide transitions are enabled on this popover.


The gtk-popover-transitions-enabled slot access function has been deprecated since version 3.22 and should not be used in newly written code. You can show or hide the popover without transitions using the gtk-widget-show and gtk-widget-hide functions while the gtk-popover-popup and gtk-popover-popdown functions will use transitions.

See also
