Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered.
(define-g-enum "GtkBorderStyle" gtk-border-style
(:export t
:type-initializer "gtk_border_style_get_type")
- :none
- No visible border.
- :solid
- A single line segment.
- :inset
- Looks as if the content is sunken into the canvas.
- :outset
- Looks as if the content is coming out of the canvas.
- :hidden
- Same as the :none value.
- :dotted
- A series of round dots.
- :dashed
- A series of square-ended dashes.
- :double
- Two parrallel lines with some space between them.
- :groove
- Looks as if it were carved in the canvas.
- :ridge
- Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas.