Package: gtk

Function gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id

Lambda List

gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id (sortable)


(gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id sortable) => colum-id, order
(setf (gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id sortable) column-id)
(setf (gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id sortable) '(column-id order))


sortable -- a gtk-tree-sortable object
column-id -- an integer with the sort column ID
order -- a value of the gtk-sort-type enumeration


Accessor of the sort column ID and the sort order of the tree sortable. Returns the current sort column and the order.

The function gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id returns the current sort column ID and the sort order. The function (setf gtk-tree-sortable-sort-column-id) sets the sort column id and the sort order. If no sort order is given, the sort order is set to the default value :ascending.

The sortable will resort itself to reflect this change, after emitting a "sort-column-changed" signal. The argument column-id may either be a regular column ID, or one of the following special values: +gtk-tree-sortable-default-sort-column-id+ or +gtk-tree-sortable-unsorted-column-id+.

See also
