Package: gtk

Function gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window

Lambda List

gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window (item)


(gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window tool-item) => setting
(setf (gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window tool-item) setting)


item -- a gtk-tool-item widget
setting -- a boolean whether item has a drag window


Accessor of the use drag window property of the tool item.

The gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window function returns whether item has a drag window. The (setf gtk-tool-item-use-drag-window) function sets whether item has a drag window.

When true the tool item can be used as a drag source through the gtk-drag-source-set function. When item has a drag window it will intercept all events, even those that would otherwise be sent to a child of item.

See also
