Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only

Lambda List

gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only (object)


(gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only object) => setting
(setf (gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only object) setting)


object -- a gtk-settings object
setting -- a boolean whether using the cursor keys only


Accessor of the gtk-keynav-cursor-only slot of the gtk-settings class.

When true, keyboard navigation should be able to reach all widgets by using the cursor keys only. The Tab, Shift etc. keys cannot be expected to be present on the used input device.


The gtk-settings-gtk-keynav-cursor-only function has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly written code. Generally, the behavior for touchscreen input should be performed dynamically based on the gdk-event-source-device function.

See also
