Package: gtk

GFlags gtk-icon-lookup-flags


Used to specify options for the gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon function.
(define-g-flags "GtkIconLookupFlags" gtk-icon-lookup-flags
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_icon_lookup_flags_get_type")
  (:no-svg           #.(ash 1 0))
  (:force-svg        #.(ash 1 1))
  (:use-builtin      #.(ash 1 2))
  (:generic-fallback #.(ash 1 3))
  (:force-size       #.(ash 1 4))
  (:force-regular    #.(ash 1 5))
  (:force-symbolic   #.(ash 1 6))
  (:dir-ltr          #.(ash 1 7))
  (:dir-rtl          #.(ash 1 8)))   
Never get SVG icons, even if the gdk-pixbuf class supports them. Cannot be used together with :force-svg.
Get SVG icons, even if the gdk-pixbuf class does not support them. Cannot be used together with :no-svg.
When passed to the gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon function includes built-in icons as well as files. For a built-in icon, the gtk-icon-info-filename function returns nil and you need to call the gtk-icon-info-builtin-pixbuf function.
Try to shorten icon name at '-' characters before looking at inherited themes. This flag is only supported in functions that take a single icon name. For more general fallback, see the gtk-icon-theme-choose-icon function.
Always get the icon scaled to the requested size.
Try to always load regular icons, even when symbolic icon names are given.
Try to always load symbolic icons, even when regular icon names are given.
Try to load a variant of the icon for left-to-right text direction.
Try to load a variant of the icon for right-to-left text direction.

See also
