Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-icon-view-markup-column

Lambda List

gtk-icon-view-markup-column (object)


(gtk-icon-view-markup-column object) => column
(setf (gtk-icon-view-markup-column object) column)


object -- a gtk-icon-view widget
column -- an integer with a column in the currently used model, or -1 to display no text


Accessor of the markup-column slot of the gtk-icon-view class.

The slot access function gtk-icon-view-markup-column returns the column with markup text for the icon view. The slot access function (setf gtk-icon-view-markup-column) sets the column with markup information.

The markup column must be of type "gchararray". If the markup column is set to something, it overrides the text column set by the function gtk-icon-view-text-column.

See also
