Package: gtk

Class gtk-image-menu-item


gtk-menu-item, gtk-bin, gtk-container, gtk-widget, gtk-buildable, gtk-activatable, g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The accel-group property of type gtk-accel-group (Write)
The accelerator group to use for stock accelerator keys.
The always-show-image property of type :boolean (Read / Write / Construct)
If true, the menu item will ignore the gtk-menu-images setting and always show the image, if available.
Default value: false
The image property of type gtk-widget (Read / Write)
Child widget to appear next to the menu text.
The use-stock property of type :boolean (Read / Write / Construct)
If true, the label set in the menu item is used as a stock ID to select the stock item for the item.
Default value: false


A gtk-image-menu-item widget is a menu item which has an icon next to the text label. This is functionally equivalent to:
(defun create-image-menu-item ()
  (let ((box (make-instance 'gtk-box
                            :orientation :horizontal
                            :spacing 6))
        (icon (make-instance 'gtk-image
                             :icon-name "folder-music-symbolic"
                             :icon-size 1))
        (label (make-instance 'gtk-label
                              :label "Music"))
        (menu-item (make-instance 'gtk-menu-item)))
    (gtk-container-add box icon)
    (gtk-container-add box label)
    (gtk-container-add menu-item box)
Note that the user may disable display of menu icons using the gtk-menu-images setting, so make sure to still fill in the text label. If you want to ensure that your menu items show an icon you are strongly encouraged to use a gtk-menu-item widget with a gtk-image widget instead.

Furthermore, if you would like to display keyboard accelerator, you must pack the accel label into the box using the gtk-box-pack-end function and align the label, otherwise the accelerator will not display correctly. The following code snippet adds a keyboard accelerator to the menu item, with a key binding of the Ctrl+M key:
(defun create-image-menu-item-with-accel ()
  (let ((box (make-instance 'gtk-box
                            :orientation :horizontal
                            :spacing 6))
        (icon (make-instance 'gtk-image
                             :icon-name "folder-music-symbolic"
                             :icon-size 1))
        (label (make-instance 'gtk-accel-label
                              :label "Music"
                              :use-underline t
                              :xalign 0.0))
        (menu-item (make-instance 'gtk-menu-item))
        (accel-group (make-instance 'gtk-accel-group)))
    (gtk-widget-add-accelerator menu-item
                                (gdk-keyval-from-name "M")
    (setf (gtk-accel-label-accel-widget label) menu-item)
    (gtk-container-add box icon)
    (gtk-box-pack-end box label :expand t :fill t :padding 0)
    (gtk-container-add menu-item box)


The gtk-image-menu-item class has been deprecated since GTK 3.10. If you want to display an icon in a menu item, you should use the gtk-menu-item widget and pack a gtk-box widget with a gtk-image widget and a gtk-label widget instead. You should also consider using the gtk-builder object and the XML g-menu description for creating menus, by following the g-menu guide. You should consider using icons in menu items only sparingly, and for "objects" or "nouns" elements only, like bookmarks, files, and links; "actions" or "verbs" should not have icons.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
