Package: gtk

Class gtk-accel-group


g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The is-locked property of type :boolean (Read)
Is the accelerator group locked.
Default value: false
The modifier-mask property of type gdk-modifier-type (Read)
The modifier mask.
Default value: '(:shift-mask :control-mask :mod1-mask :super-mask :hyper-mask :meta-mask)


A gtk-accel-group object represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel gtk-window widget with the gtk-window-add-accel-group function. Usually you will not need to create a gtk-accel-group object directly. Instead, when using the gtk-ui-manager class, GTK automatically sets up the accelerators for your menus in the gtk-accel-group object of the UI manager.

Note that accelerators are different from mnemonics. Accelerators are shortcuts for activating a menu item. They appear alongside the menu item they are a shortcut for. For example "Ctrl+Q" might appear alongside the "Quit" menu item. Mnemonics are shortcuts for GUI elements such as text entries or buttons. They appear as underlined characters, see the gtk-label-new-with-mnemonic function. Menu items can have both accelerators and mnemonics, of course.

Signal Details

The "accel-activate" signal
 lambda (group acceleratable keyval modifier)    :detailed      
The signal is an implementation detail of the gtk-accel-group class and not meant to be used by applications.
The gtk-accel-group object which received the signal.
The g-object on which the accelerator was activated.
An unsigned integer with the accelerator keyval.
The gdk-modifier-type modifier combination of the accelerator.
True if the accelerator was activated.
The "accel-changed" signal
 lambda (group keyval modifier func)    :detailed      
The signal is emitted when an entry is added to or removed from the accelerator group. Widgets like the gtk-accel-label widget which display an associated accelerator should connect to this signal, and rebuild their visual representation if func is theirs.
The gtk-accel-group object which received the signal.
An unsigned integer with the accelerator keyval.
The gdk-modifier-type modifier combination of the accelerator.
The g-closure callback function of the accelerator.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
