Package: gtk
Class gtk-ui-manager
Superclassesgtk-buildable, g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclasses
Direct SlotsDetails A gtk-ui-manager object constructs a user interface, menus and
toolbars, from one or more UI definitions, which reference actions from one
or more action groups. See the GTKUIManager documentation for a description of the UI definitions. WarningGtkUIManager as GtkBuildableExample: An embedded gtk-ui-manager UI definition <object class="GtkUIManager" id="uiman"> <child> <object class="GtkActionGroup" id="actiongroup"> <child> <object class="GtkAction" id="file"> <property name="label">_File</property> </object> </child> </object> </child> <ui> <menubar name="menubar1"> <menu action="file"> </menu> </menubar> </ui> </object> <object class="GtkWindow" id="main-window"> <child> <object class="GtkMenuBar" id="menubar1" constructor="uiman"/> </child> </object> Signal DetailsThe "actions-changed" signallambda (manager) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted whenever the set of actions changes.
The "add-widget" signallambda (manager widget) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted for each generated menubar and toolbar. It is not emitted for generated popup menus, which can be obtained by the function gtk-ui-manager-widget.
The "connect-proxy" signallambda (manager action proxy) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted after connecting a proxy to an action. This is intended for simple customizations for which a custom action class would be too clumsy, e.g. showing tooltips for menuitems in the statusbar.
The "disconnect-proxy" signallambda (manager action proxy) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted after disconnecting a proxy from an action.
The "post-activate" signallambda (manager action) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted just after the action is activated. This is intended for applications to get notification just after any action is activated.
The "pre-activate" signallambda (manager action) :no-recurseThe signal is emitted just before the action is activated. This is intended for applications to get notification just before any action is activated.
| Slot Access FunctionsInherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |