Package: gtk

Function gtk-icon-theme-choose-icon-for-scale

Lambda List

gtk-icon-theme-choose-icon-for-scale (theme names size scale flags)


theme -- a gtk-icon-theme object
names -- list of strings with icon names to lookup
size -- an integer with the desired icon size
scale -- an integet with the desired scale
flags -- a gtk-icon-lookup-flags value modifying the behavior of the icon lookup

Return Value

A gtk-icon-info instance containing information about the icon, or nil if the icon was not found.


Looks up a named icon for a particular window scale and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. The icon can then be rendered into a pixbuf using the gtk-icon-info-load-icon function. The gtk-icon-theme-load-icon function combines these two steps if all you need is the pixbuf.

If the argument names contains more than one name, this function tries them all in the given order before falling back to inherited icon themes.

See also
