Package: gtk

Class gtk-stack


gtk-container, gtk-widget, gtk-buildable, g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The hhomogeneous property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
True if the stack allocates the same width for all children.
Default value: true
The homogeneous property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Homogeneous sizing.
Default value: true
The interpolate-size property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether or not the size should smoothly change when changing between differently sized children. Since 3.18
Default value: false
The transition-duration property of type :uint (Read / Write)
The animation duration, in milliseconds. 10
Default value: 200
The transition-running property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether or not the transition is currently running.
Default value: false
The transition-type property of type gtk-stack-transition-type (Read / Write)
The type of animation used to transition.
Default value: :none
The vhomogeneous property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
True if the stack allocates the same height for all children.
Default value: true
The visible-child property of type gtk-widget (Read / Write)
The widget currently visible in the stack.
The visible-child-name property of type :string (Read / Write)
The name of the widget currently visible in the stack.
Default value: nil


The gtk-stack widget is a container which only shows one of its children at a time. In contrast to the gtk-notebook widget, the gtk-stack widget does not provide a means for users to change the visible child. Instead, the gtk-stack-switcher widget can be used with the gtk-stack widget to provide this functionality.

Transitions between pages can be animated as slides or fades. This can be controlled with the gtk-stack-transition-type function. These animations respect the gtk-enable-animations setting.

CSS nodes

The gtk-stack implementation has a single CSS node named stack.

Child Property Details

The icon-name child property of type :string (Read / Write)
The icon name of the child page.
Default value: nil
The name child property of type :string (Read / Write)
The name of the child page.
Default value: nil
The needs-attention child property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Sets a flag specifying whether the child page requires the user attention. This is used by the the gtk-stack-switcher widget to change the appearance of the corresponding button when a page needs attention and it is not the current one.
Default value: false
The position child property of type :int (Read / Write)
The index of the child page in the parent.
Allowed values: >= -1
Default value: 0
The title child property of type :string (Read / Write)
The title of the child page.
Default value: nil

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
