Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-popover-relative-to

Lambda List

gtk-popover-relative-to (object)


(gtk-popover-relative-to object) => relative-to
(setf (gtk-popover-relative-to object) relative-to)


object -- a gtk-popover widget
relative-to -- a gtk-widget object


Accessor of the relative-to slot of the gtk-popover class.

The gtk-popover-relative-to slot access function returns the widget the popover is currently attached to. The (setf gtk-popover-relative-to) slot access function sets a new widget to be attached to the popover. If the popover is visible, the position will be updated.


The ownership of popovers is always given to their relative-to widget, so if the relative-to argument is set to nil on an attached popover, it will be detached from its previous widget, and consequently destroyed unless extra references are kept.

See also
