Package: gtk

Function gtk-text-iter-search

Lambda List

gtk-text-iter-search (iter str &key flags limit direction)


iter -- a gtk-text-iter with the start of search
str -- a search string
flags -- the gtk-text-search-flags flags affecting how the search is done
limit -- a gtk-text-iter instance with the bound for the search, or nil for the end of the text buffer
direction -- the value :forward indicates forward search and the value :backward backward search

Return Value

search-p -- a boolean whether a match was found
match-start -- a gtk-text-iter instance with the start of match, or nil
match-end -- a gtk-text-iter instance with the end of match, or nil


This is a convenience function of the Lisp implementation which combines the functions gtk-text-iter-forward-search and gtk-text-iter-backward-search into one single function.

The direction of the search is indicated with the keyword argument direction which has a default value of :forward for forward search. For backward search the direction takes the value :backward.

In addition the arguments flags and limit are keyword arguments with a default value nil.

See also
