Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item

Lambda List

gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item (object)


(gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item object) => setting
(setf (gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item object) setting)


object -- a gtk-app-chooser-button widget
setting -- a boolean whether the dropdown menu should show the default application


Accessor of the show-default-item slot of the gtk-app-chooser-button class.

The slot access function gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item returns whether the dropdown menu of the button should show the default application. The slot access function (setf gtk-app-chooser-button-show-default-item) sets whether the dropdown menu of the button should show the default application for the given content type at top.

See also
