Package: gtk

Class gtk:color-chooser-dialog


Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The show-editor property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
True when the color chooser dialog is showing the single-color editor. It can be set to switch the color chooser into single-color editing mode.
Default value: false


The gtk:color-chooser-dialog widget is a dialog for choosing a color. It implements the gtk:color-chooser interface and does not provide much API of its own.

Figure: GtkColorChooserDialog

To create a gtk:color-chooser-dialog widget, use the gtk:color-chooser-dialog-new function. To get or change the initially selected color, use the gtk:color-chooser-rgba function.


Clicking on the drawing area opens a color chooser dialog to select a background color for the drawing area. The default palettes are replaced for this color chooser dialog.
(let ((message "Click to change the background color.")
      (bg-color (gdk:rgba-parse "White"))
      ;; Color palette with 9 Red RGBA colors
      (palette1 (list (gdk:rgba-parse "IndianRed")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "LightCoral")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "Salmon")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "DarkSalmon")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "LightSalmon")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "Crimson")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "Red")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "FireBrick")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "DarkRed")))
      ;; Gray palette with 9 gray RGBA colors
      (palette2 (list (gdk:rgba-parse "Gainsboro")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "LightGray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "Silver")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "DarkGray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "Gray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "DimGray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "LightSlateGray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "SlateGray")
                      (gdk:rgba-parse "DarkSlateGray"))))

(defun do-color-chooser-dialog (&optional application) (let* ((area (make-instance 'gtk:drawing-area)) (window (make-instance 'gtk:window :title "Color Chooser Dialog" :application application :child area :default-width 400)) (gesture (make-instance 'gtk:gesture-click))) ;; Draw the background color and a hint on the drawing area (gtk:drawing-area-set-draw-func area (lambda (widget cr width height) (declare (ignore widget width height)) (let (;(cr (pointer cr)) (red (gdk:rgba-red bg-color)) (green (gdk:rgba-green bg-color)) (blue (gdk:rgba-blue bg-color))) ;; Paint the current color on the drawing area (cairo:set-source-rgb cr red green blue) (cairo:paint cr) ;; Print a hint on the drawing area (cairo:set-source-rgb cr (- 1 red) (- 1 green) (- 1 blue)) (cairo:select-font-face cr "Sans") (cairo:set-font-size cr 12) (cairo:move-to cr 12 24) (cairo:show-text cr message)))) ;; Add the controller to the drawing area (gtk:widget-add-controller area gesture) ;; Create and run a color chooser dialog to select a background color (g:signal-connect gesture "pressed" (lambda (gesture n x y) (declare (ignore gesture n x y)) (let ((dialog (make-instance 'gtk:color-chooser-dialog :transient-for window :use-alpha nil))) ;; Add a custom palette to the dialog (gtk:color-chooser-add-palette dialog :vertical 1 palette1) ;; Add a second coustom palette to the dialog (gtk:color-chooser-add-palette dialog :vertical 1 palette2) ;; Set the actual background color for the color chooser (setf (gtk:color-chooser-rgba dialog) bg-color) ;; Connect handler to the response signal of the dialog (g:signal-connect dialog "response" (lambda (dialog response) (when (= -5 response) ; the :ok value ;; Change the background color for the drawing area (format t "new color is ~a~%" (gtk:color-chooser-rgba dialog)) (setf bg-color (gtk:color-chooser-rgba dialog)) (gtk:widget-queue-draw area)) (gtk:window-destroy dialog))) (gtk:widget-show dialog)))) ;; Show the window (gtk:window-present window))))


The gtk:color-chooser-dialog implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Use the gtk:color-dialog object instead.

Returned by

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
