Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:window-startup-id

Lambda List

gtk:window-startup-id (object)


(setf (gtk:window-startup-id object) id)


object -- a gtk:window widget
id -- a string with the startup ID


Accessor of the startup-id slot of the gtk:window class. The (setf gtk:window-startup-id) function sets a string with the startup notification identifier.

Startup notification identifiers are used by the desktop environment to track application startup, to provide user feedback and other features. This function changes the corresponding property on the underlying gdk:surface object. Normally, startup identifier is managed automatically and you should only use this function in special cases like transferring focus from other processes. You should use this function before calling the gtk:window-present function or any equivalent function generating a window map event.

This function is only useful on X11, not with other GTK targets.

See also
