Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:window-icon-name

Lambda List

gtk:window-icon-name (object)


(gtk:window-icon-name object) => name
(setf (gtk:window-icon-name object) name)


object -- a gtk:window widget
name -- a string with the name of the themed icon


Accessor of the icon-name slot of the gtk:window class. The gtk:window-icon-name function returns the name of the themed icon for the window. The (setf gtk:window-icon-name) function sets the icon for the window from a named themed icon. See the gtk:icon-theme documentation for more details. On some platforms, the window icon is not used at all.

Note that this has nothing to do with the WM_ICON_NAME property which is mentioned in the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM).

See also
