Package: gtk

Interface gtk:actionable


gobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses

Direct Slots

The action-name property of type :string (Read / Write)
The name of the associated action, like "app.quit".
Default value: nil
The action-target property of type g:variant (Read / Write)
The parameter for action invocations.
Allowed values: a g:variant parameter
Default value: cffi:null-pointer


The gtk:actionable interface provides a convenient way of associating widgets with actions on a gtk:application-window widget or gtk:application instance. It primarily consists of two properties: action-name and action-target. There are also some convenience APIs for setting these properties.

The action will be looked up in action groups that are found among the widgets ancestors. Most commonly, these will be the actions with the "win." or "app." prefix that are associated with the gtk:application-window widget or the gtk:application instance, but other action groups that are added with the gtk:widget-insert-action-group function will be consulted as well.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
