Package: gtk
Class gtk:toggle-button
Superclassesgtk:button, gtk:widget, gobject:initially-unowned, gtk:accessible, gtk:buildable, gtk:constraint-target, gtk:actionable, gobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclasses
Direct SlotsDetails The gtk:toggle-button widget is a gtk:button widget which
will remain "pressed-in" when clicked.
Clicking again will cause the toggle button to return to its normal state. ![]() A toggle button is created by calling either the gtk:toggle-button-new or gtk:toggle-button-new-with-label functions. If using the former, it is advisable to pack a widget, such as a gtk:label or a gtk:image widget, into the container of the toggle button. See the gtk:button documentation for more information. The state of a gtk:toggle-button widget can be set and retrieved using the gtk:toggle-button-active function. GroupingToggle buttons can be grouped together, to form mutually exclusive groups. Only one of the buttons can be toggled at a time, and toggling another one will switch the currently toggled one off. To add a toggle button to a group, use the gtk:toggle-button-group function.Examples(defun do-toggle-button-action (&optional application) (let* ((vbox (make-instance 'gtk:box :orientation :vertical :spacing 12 :margin-top 12 :margin-bottom 12 :margin-start 48 :margin-end 48)) (window (make-instance 'gtk:window :title "Toggle Buttons with Action" :child vbox :application application :resizable nil)) (label (make-instance 'gtk:label :margin-top 9 :margin-bottom 6 :label "<b>Button ? is active</b>" :use-markup t :use-underline t)) (action (g:simple-action-new-stateful "toggled" (g:variant-type-new "s") (g:variant-new-string "top"))) (button nil)) ;; Configure the "toggled" action (g:action-map-add-action application action) (g:signal-connect action "activate" (lambda (action parameter) (g:action-change-state action parameter))) (g:signal-connect action "change-state" (lambda (action parameter) (let ((str (g:variant-string parameter))) (cond ((string= str "top") (setf (gtk:label-label label) "<b>Button Top is active</b>")) ((string= str "center") (setf (gtk:label-label label) "<b>Button Center is active</b>")) (t (setf (gtk:label-label label) "<b>Button Bottom is active</b>"))) (setf (g:action-state action) parameter)))) ;; Create three grouped toggle buttons (setf button (gtk:toggle-button-new-with-mnemonic "Button _Top")) (gtk:actionable-set-detailed-action-name button "app.toggled::top") (gtk:box-append vbox button) ;; Create and add the second radio button to the group (setf button (gtk:toggle-button-new-with-mnemonic "Button _Center")) (gtk:actionable-set-detailed-action-name button "app.toggled::center") (gtk:box-append vbox button) ;; Create and add the third toggle button to the group (setf button (gtk:toggle-button-new-with-mnemonic "Button _Bottom")) (gtk:actionable-set-detailed-action-name button "app.toggled::bottom") (gtk:box-append vbox button) ;; Add a label which shows the status of the toggle buttons (gtk:box-append vbox label) ;; Make the "app.toggled::center" action active (g:action-activate (g:action-map-lookup-action application "toggled") (g:variant-new-string "center")) ;; Present window (gtk:window-present window))) CSS nodesSignal DetailsThe "toggled" signallambda (toggle) :run-first
| Returned bySlot Access FunctionsInherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |