Package: gtk
Interface gtk:file-chooser
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented SubclassesDirect SlotsDetails The gtk:file-chooser interface is an interface that can be
implemented by file selection widgets.
The main widgets that implement this interface are the gtk:file-chooser-widget and gtk:file-chooser-dialog widgets. You do not need to write a widget that implements the gtk:file-chooser
interface unless you are trying to adapt an existing file selector to expose
a standard programming interface. The gtk:file-chooser interface allows for shortcuts to various places in the filesystem. In the default implementation these are displayed in the left pane. It may be a bit confusing at first that these shortcuts come from various sources and in various flavours, so lets explain the terminology here:
File Names and EncodingsWhen the user is finished selecting files in a gtk:file-chooser widget, the program can get the selected filenames as g:file objects.Examples(defun create-file-chooser-dialog (parent) (let ((filter-all (gtk:file-filter-new)) (filter-picture (gtk:file-filter-new)) (dialog (gtk:file-chooser-dialog-new "File Chooser Dialog" parent :open "Open" 100 "Cancel" :cancel))) (setf (gtk:window-modal dialog) t) (g:signal-connect dialog "response" (lambda (dialog response) (format t " Response is ~a~%" response) (unless (eq :cancel (gtk:response-type-keyword response)) (format t "Selected file is ~a~%" (gtk:file-chooser-namestring dialog))) (gtk:window-destroy dialog))) ;; Add a file filter (setf (gtk:file-filter-name filter-all) "All Files") (gtk:file-filter-add-pattern filter-all "*") (gtk:file-chooser-add-filter dialog filter-all) ;; Add a second file filter for pictures (setf (gtk:file-filter-name filter-picture) "All Pictures") (gtk:file-filter-add-pixbuf-formats filter-picture) (gtk:file-chooser-add-filter dialog filter-picture) ;; Present the dialog (gtk:window-present dialog))) Warning | Slot Access Functions
Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |