Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:file-chooser-action

Lambda List

gtk:file-chooser-action (object)


(gtk:file-chooser-action object) => action
(setf (gtk:file-chooser-action object) action)


object -- a gtk:file-chooser widget
action -- a gtk:file-chooser-action value


Accessor of the action slot of the gtk:file-chooser interface. The gtk:file-chooser-action function gets the type of operation that the file chooser is performing. The (setf gtk:file-chooser-action) function sets the type of operation. The user interface is adapted to suit the selected action. For example, an option to create a new folder might be shown if the action is :save but not if the action is :open.


The gtk:file-chooser implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Use the gtk:file-dialog object instead.

See also
