SuperclassesDocumented Subclasses
Direct Slotsaccept-labelThe accept-label property of type :string (Read / Write) Label for the accept button of the file dialog. default-filterThe default-filter property of type gtk:file-filter (Read / Write)
The default filter, that is, the filter that is initially active in the file chooser dialog. If the default filter is nil, the first filter of the filters property is used as the default filter.
If that property contains no filter, the dialog will be unfiltered. If the filters property is not nil, the default
filter should be part of the list. If it is not, the dialog may choose to not make it available. filtersThe filters property of type g:list-model (Read / Write) The list of filters. initial-fileThe initial-file property of type g:file (Read / Write)
The initial file, that is, the file that is initially selected in the file
chooser dialog. This is a utility property that sets both initial-folder and initial-name properties. initial-folderThe initial-folder property of type g:file (Read / Write)
The initial folder, that is, the directory that is initially opened in the file chooser dialog. initial-nameThe initial-name property of type :string (Read / Write)
The initial name, that is, the filename that is initially selected in the file chooser dialog. modalThe modal property of type :boolean (Read / Write) Whether the file chooser dialog is modal. Default value: true titleThe title property of type :string (Read / Write) A title that may be shown on the file chooser dialog. Default value: nil Details The gtk:file-dialog object collects the arguments that are needed to
present a file chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog
and whether it should be modal. The dialog is shown with the gtk:file-dialog-open function, the gtk:file-dialog-save function, etc. These APIs follow the GIO async
pattern, and the result can be obtained by calling the corresponding finish function, for example the gtk:file-dialog-open-finish function.
Since 4.10 |
| Returned bySlot Access Functionsgtk:accept-label | gtk:default-filter | gtk:filters | gtk:initial-file | gtk:initial-folder | gtk:initial-name | gtk:modal | gtk:title |
Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |