Package: gdk
Class gdk:cicp-params
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclasses
Direct SlotsDetails The gdk:cicp-params object contains the parameters that define a
colorstate according to the ITU-T H.273 specification.
See the documentation of individual properties for supported values. The 'unspecified' value (2) is not treated in any special way, and must be replaced by a different value before creating a color state. The gdk:cicp-params object can be used as a builder object to construct a color state from Cicp data with the gdk:cicp-params-build-color-state function. The function will return an error if the given parameters are not supported. You can obtain a gdk:cicp-params object from a color state with the gdk:color-state-create-cicp-params function. This can be used to create a variant of a color state, by changing just one of the Cicp parameters, or just to obtain information about the color state. Since 4.16 | Returned bySlot Access Functions
Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |