Package: gdk

Accessor gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients

Lambda List

gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients (object)


(gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients object) => coefficients
(setf (gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients object) coefficients)


object -- a gdk:cicp-params object
coefficients -- an unsigned integer with the matrix coefficients value


Accessor of the matrix-coefficients slot of the gdk:cicp-params class. The gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients function gets the matrix coefficients of object. The (setf gdk:cicp-params-matrix-coefficients) function sets the matrix coefficients.

Supported values are:
  • 0: RGB
  • 2: unspecified
Since 4.16

See also
