Up: cl-cffi-gtk API documentation

Package gio

This is the API documentation of a Lisp binding to GIO. GIO is striving to provide a modern, easy-to-use VFS API that sits at the right level in the library stack, as well as other generally useful APIs for desktop applications (such as networking and D-Bus support). The goal is to overcome the shortcomings of GnomeVFS and provide an API that is so good that developers prefer it over raw POSIX calls. Among other things that means using GObject. It also means not cloning the POSIX API, but providing higher-level, document-centric interfaces.

About This Package

File Operations
Files types and applications
Data models
Application support

File Operations


File and Directory Handling.

Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager. ...

The g-file interface is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a virtual file system. ...

Constructs a g-file object for a given path. ...

Constructs a g-file object for a given URI. ...

Creates a g-file object with the given argument from the command line. ...

Creates a g-file object with the given argument from the command line. ...

Gets the base name, the last component of the path, for a given g-file object. ...

Gets the local pathname for file, if one exists. ...

Gets the parse name of the file. ...

Files types and applications


Platform-specific content typing.

A content type is a platform specific string that defines the type of a file. On UNIX it is a mime type like "text/plain" or "image/png". On Win32 it is an extension string like ".doc", ".txt" or a perceived string like "audio". Such strings can be looked up in the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. On macOS it is a Uniform Type Identifier such as com.apple.application.

Gets the human readable description of the content type. ...

Gets the MIME type for the content type, if one is registered. ...

Gets the icon for a content type. ...

Gets the symbolic icon for a content type. ...

Gets the generic icon name for a content type. ...

Gets a list of strings containing all the registered content types known to the system. ...


Application information and launch contexts.

Information about an installed application and methods to launch it with file arguments. ...

Integrating the launch with the launching application. ...

Utility function that launches the default application registered to handle the specified URI. ...



Interface for icons.

The g-icon interface is a very minimal interface for icons. ...

Gets a hash for an icon. ...

Checks if two icons are equal. ...

Generates a textual representation of the icon that can be used for serialization such as when passing the icon to a different process or saving it to persistent storage. ...

Generate a g-icon object from the str argument. ...

Serializes a g-icon object into a g-variant value. ...

Deserializes a g-icon object previously serialized using the g-icon-serialize function. ...


Icons pointing to an image file.

The g-file-icon class specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon. ...

Accessor of the file slot of the g-file-icon class. ...

Creates a new icon for a file. ...


Loadable Icons.

Extends the g-icon interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams. ...


Icon theming support.

The g-themed-icon class is an implementation of the g-icon interface that supports icon themes. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the g-themed-icon class. ...

Accessor of the names slot of the g-themed-icon class. ...

Accessor of the use-default-fallbacks slot of the g-themed-icon class. ...

Creates a new themed icon for the icon name. ...

Creates a new themed icon for names. ...

Creates a new themed icon for name, and all the names that can be created by shortening iconname at '-' characters. ...

Prepend a name to the list of icons from within icon. ...

Append a name to the list of icons from within icon. ...


An implementation of GIcon for icons with emblems.

The g-emblemed-icon class is an implementation of the g-icon interface that supports adding an emblem to an icon. ...

Accessor of the gicon slot of the g-emblemed-icon class. ...

Creates a new emblemed icon for icon with the emblem emblem. ...

Gets the main icon for emblemed. ...

Gets the list of emblems for the icon. ...

Adds emblem to the list of g-emblem objects. ...

Removes all the emblems from icon. ...


An object for emblems.

The g-emblem-origin enumeration is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to a g-emblem object. ...

The g-emblem class is an implementation of the g-icon class that supports having an emblem, which is an icon with additional properties. ...

Accessor of the icon slot of the g-emblem class. ...

Accessor of the origin slot of the g-emblem class. ...

Creates a new emblem for icon. ...

Creates a new emblem for icon. ...


Resource framework.

The g-resource-flags flags give information about a particular file inside a resource bundle. ...

The g-resource-lookup-flags flags determine how resource path lookups are handled. ...

Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is really part of the application, rather than user data. ...

Loads a binary resource bundle and creates a g-resource instance representation of it, allowing you to query it for data. ...

Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and returns a pointer that lets you directly access the data in memory. ...

Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the resource. ...

Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and if found returns information about it. ...

Registers the resource with the process-global set of resources. ...

Unregisters the resource from the process-global set of resources. ...

Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and returns a pointer that lets you directly access the data in memory. ...

Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources. ...

Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and if found returns information about it. ...



A g-permission object represents the status of the permission of the caller to perform a certain action. ...

Accessor of the allowed slot of the g-permission class. ...

Accessor of the can-acquire slot of the g-permission class. ...

Accessor of the can-release slot of the g-permission class. ...

Data models


The g-list-model interface is an interface that represents a mutable list of g-object instances. ...

Gets the type of the items in the list. ...

Gets the number of items in the list. ...

Get the item at position. ...

Get the item at position. ...

Emits the "items-changed" signal on list. ...


The g-list-store object is an implementation of the g-list-model interface that stores all items in memory. ...

Accessor of the g-list-store slot of the g-list-store class. ...

Creates a new list store with items of itype type ...

Inserts the item into the list store at position. ...

Appends the item to the list store. ...

Removes the item from the list store that is at position. ...

Removes all items from the list store. ...

Looks up the given item in the list store by looping over the items until the first occurrence of item. ...

Application support


Core application class.

Flags used to define the behaviour of a g-application instance. ...

The g-application class is the foundation of an application. ...

Accessor of the action-group slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the application-id slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the flags slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the inactivity-timeout slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the is-busy slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the is-registered slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the is-remote slot of the g-application class. ...

Accessor of the resource-base-path slot of the g-application class. ...

Checks if the id argument is a valid application identifier. ...

Creates a new g-application instance. ...

Attempts registration of the application. ...

Increases the use count of the application. ...

Decrease the use count of the application. ...

Immediately quits the application. ...

Activates the application. ...

This results in the "open" signal being emitted in the primary instance. ...

Runs the application. ...

Sends a notification on behalf of the application to the desktop shell. ...

Withdraws a notification that was sent with the g-application-send-notification function. ...

Adds main option entries to be handled by the application. ...

Adds an option to be handled by the application. ...

Adds a g-option-group instance to the command line handling of the application. ...

Sets the parameter string to be used by the command line handling of the application . ...

Adds a summary to the application option context. ...

Adds a description to the application option context. ...

Accessor of the default application for the process. ...

Increases the busy count of the application. ...

Decreases the busy count of the application. ...

Marks the application as busy while the property on the object is true. ...

Destroys a binding between the property and the busy state of the application that was previously created with the g-application-bind-busy-property function. ...


A command line invocation of an application.

The g-application-command-line class represents a command line invocation of an application. ...

The command line that caused this "command-line" signal emission. ...

Determines if the command line represents a remote invocation. ...

The options sent along with the command line. ...

Platform-specific data for the command line. ...

Gets the list of arguments that was passed on the command line. ...

Gets the working directory of the command line invocation. ...

Gets the contents of the 'environ' variable of the command line invocation, as would be returned by the g-environ function. ...

Gets the options that were passed to the function g-application-command-line. ...

Creates a g-file object corresponding to a filename that was given as part of the invocation of the command line. ...

Gets the value of a particular environment variable of the command line invocation, as would be returned by the function g-getenv. ...

Gets the platform data associated with the invocation of cmdline. ...


A group of actions.

The g-action-group interface represents a group of actions. ...

Lists the actions contained within the action group. ...

Checks if the named action exists within the action group. ...

Checks if the named action within the action group is currently enabled. ...

Queries the type of the parameter that must be given when activating the named action within the action group. ...

Queries the type of the state of the named action within the action group. ...

Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of the named action within the action group. ...

Queries the current state of the named action within the action group. ...

Request for the state of the named action within the action group to be changed to the parameter argument. ...

Activate the named action within the action group. ...

Emits the "action-added" signal on the action group. ...

Emits the "action-removed" signal on the action group. ...

Emits the "action-enabled-changed" signal on the action group. ...

Emits the "action-state-changed" signal on the action group. ...


Interface for action containers.

The g-action-map interface is implemented by g-action-group implementations that operate by containing a number of named g-action instances, such as a g-simple-action-group object. ...

Looks up the action with the given name in the action map. ...

A convenience function for creating multiple g-simple-action instances and adding them to a g-action-map object. ...

Adds an action to the action map. ...

Removes the named action from the action map. ...


A simple g-action-group implementation.

The g-simple-action-group class is a hash table filled with g-action objects, implementing the g-action-group and g-action-map interfaces. ...

Creates a new, empty, action group. ...

Looks up the action with the name name in the action group. ...

Adds an action to the action group. ...

Removes the named action from the action group. ...

A convenience function for creating multiple g-simple-action instances and adding them to the action group. ...


An action interface.

The g-action interface represents a single named action. ...

Accessor of the enabled slot of the g-action class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the g-action class. ...

Accessor of the parameter-type slot of the g-action class. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the g-action class. ...

Accessor of the state-type slot of the g-action class. ...

Checks if the action name is valid. ...

Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of the action. ...

Request for the state of the action to be changed to value. ...

Activates the action. ...

Parses a detailed action name into its separate name and target components. ...

Formats a detailed action name from an action name and a target value. ...


An implementation of the g-action interface.

A g-simple-action object is the obvious simple implementation of the g-action interface. ...

Accessor of the enabled slot of the g-simple-action class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the g-simple-action class. ...

Accessor of the parameter-type slot of the g-simple-action class. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the g-simple-action class. ...

Accessor of the state-type slot of the g-simple-action class. ...

Creates a new action. ...

Creates a new stateful action. ...

Sets the state hint for the action. ...


A GAction reflecting a GObject property.

A g-property-action is a way to get a g-action with a state value reflecting and controlling the value of a GObject property. ...

Accessor of the enabled slot of the g-property-action class. ...

If true, the state of the action will be the negation of the property value, provided the property is boolean. ...

The name of the action. This is mostly meaningful for identifying the action once it has been added to a g-action-map object. ...

The object slot of the g-property-action class is not readable and not writable. ...

The type of the parameter that must be given when activating the action. ...

The property-name slot of the g-property-action class is not readable and not writable. ...

The state of the action, or nil if the action is stateless. ...

The variant type of the state that the action has, or nil if the action is stateless. ...

Creates an action corresponding to the value of property property-name on the object. ...


An abstract class representing the contents of a menu.

The g-menu-model class represents the contents of a menu - an ordered list of menu items. ...

Queries if model is mutable. ...

Query the number of items in model. ...


An implementation of the abstract g-menu-model class.

The g-menu class is an implementation of the abstract g-menu-model class. ...

Creates a new g-menu object. ...

Marks menu as frozen. ...

Convenience function for inserting a normal menu item into the menu. ...

Convenience function for prepending a normal menu item to the start of the menu. ...

Convenience function for appending a normal menu item to the end of the menu. ...

Inserts a menu item into the menu. ...

Prepends the menu item to the start of the menu. ...

Appends the menu item to the end of the menu. ...

Convenience function for inserting a section menu item into menu. ...

Convenience function for prepending a section menu item to the start of the menu. ...

Convenience function for appending a section menu item to the emd of the menu. ...

Convenience function for inserting a submenu menu item into the menu. ...

Convenience function for prepending a submenu menu item to the start of the menu. ...

Convenience function for appending a submenu menu item to the end of the menu. ...

Removes an item from the menu. ...

Removes all items in the menu. ...

The g-menu-item object is an opaque structure type. ...

Creates a new g-menu-item object. ...

Creates a new g-menu-item object representing a section. ...

Creates a new g-menu-item object representing a submenu. ...

Creates a g-menu-item object as an exact copy of an existing menu item in a g-menu-model object. ...

Sets or unsets the "label" attribute of the menu item. ...

Sets or unsets the icon on the menu item. ...

Sets or unsets the "action" and "target" attributes of the menu item. ...

Sets the "action" and possibly the "target" attribute of the menu item. ...

Sets or unsets the "section" link of the menu item to section. ...

Sets or unsets the "submenu" link of the menu item to submenu. ...

The function g-menu-item-attribute-value queries the named attribute on the menu item. ...

The function g-menu-item-link queries the named link on item. ...


User Notifications, pop up messages.

Priority levels for g-notification objects. ...

The g-notification class is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user -- typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell. ...

Creates a new notification with title as its title. ...

Sets the title of the notification. ...

Sets the body of the notification. ...

Sets the icon of the notification. ...

Sets the priority of the notification. ...

Deprecated in favor of the g-notification-set-priority function. ...

Sets the default action of the notification to action. ...

Adds a button to the notification that activates the action in action when clicked. ...

Exported Symbol Index

g-action, Interface
g-action-activate, Function
g-action-change-state, Function
g-action-enabled, Accessor
g-action-group, Interface
g-action-group-action-added, Function
g-action-group-action-enabled, Function
g-action-group-action-enabled-changed, Function
g-action-group-action-parameter-type, Function
g-action-group-action-removed, Function
g-action-group-action-state, Function
g-action-group-action-state-changed, Function
g-action-group-action-state-hint, Function
g-action-group-action-state-type, Function
g-action-group-activate-action, Function
g-action-group-change-action-state, Function
g-action-group-has-action, Function
g-action-group-list-actions, Function
g-action-map, Interface
g-action-map-add-action, Function
g-action-map-add-action-entries, Function
g-action-map-lookup-action, Function
g-action-map-remove-action, Function
g-action-name, Accessor
g-action-name-is-valid, Function
g-action-parameter-type, Accessor
g-action-parse-detailed-name, Function
g-action-print-detailed-name, Function
g-action-state, Accessor
g-action-state-hint, Function
g-action-state-type, Accessor
g-app-info, Interface
g-app-info-launch-default-for-uri, Function
g-app-launch-context, Class
g-application, Class
g-application-action-group, Accessor
g-application-activate, Function
g-application-add-main-option, Function
g-application-add-main-option-entries, Function
g-application-add-option-group, Function
g-application-application-id, Accessor
g-application-bind-busy-property, Function
g-application-command-line, Class
g-application-command-line-arguments, Accessor
g-application-command-line-create-file-for-arg, Function
g-application-command-line-cwd, Function
g-application-command-line-environ, Function
g-application-command-line-get-arguments, Function
g-application-command-line-get-platform-data, Function
g-application-command-line-getenv, Function
g-application-command-line-is-remote, Accessor
g-application-command-line-options, Accessor
g-application-command-line-options-dict, Function
g-application-command-line-platform-data, Accessor
g-application-default, Function
g-application-flags, Accessor
g-application-flags, GFlags
g-application-hold, Function
g-application-id-is-valid, Function
g-application-inactivity-timeout, Accessor
g-application-is-busy, Accessor
g-application-is-registered, Accessor
g-application-is-remote, Accessor
g-application-mark-busy, Function
g-application-new, Function
g-application-open, Function
g-application-quit, Function
g-application-register, Function
g-application-release, Function
g-application-resource-base-path, Accessor
g-application-run, Function
g-application-send-notification, Function
g-application-set-option-context-description, Function
g-application-set-option-context-parameter-string, Function
g-application-set-option-context-summary, Function
g-application-unbind-busy-property, Function
g-application-unmark-busy, Function
g-application-withdraw-notification, Function
g-content-type-description, Function
g-content-type-generic-icon-name, Function
g-content-type-icon, Function
g-content-type-mime-type, Function
g-content-type-symbolic-icon, Function
g-content-types-registered, Function
g-emblem, Class
g-emblem-icon, Accessor
g-emblem-new, Function
g-emblem-new-with-origin, Function
g-emblem-origin, Accessor
g-emblem-origin, GEnum
g-emblemed-icon, Class
g-emblemed-icon-add-emblem, Function
g-emblemed-icon-clear-emblems, Function
g-emblemed-icon-emblems, Function
g-emblemed-icon-gicon, Accessor
g-emblemed-icon-icon, Function
g-emblemed-icon-new, Function
g-file, Interface
g-file-basename, Function
g-file-get-parse-name, Function
g-file-icon, Class
g-file-icon-file, Accessor
g-file-icon-new, Function
g-file-new-for-commandline-arg, Function
g-file-new-for-commandline-arg-and-cwd, Function
g-file-new-for-path, Function
g-file-new-for-uri, Function
g-file-path, Function
g-filesystem-preview-type, GEnum
g-icon, Interface
g-icon-deserialize, Function
g-icon-equal, Function
g-icon-hash, Function
g-icon-new-for-string, Function
g-icon-serialize, Function
g-icon-to-string, Function
g-list-model, Interface
g-list-model-item, Function
g-list-model-item-type, Function
g-list-model-items-changed, Function
g-list-model-n-items, Function
g-list-model-object, Function
g-list-store, Class
g-list-store-append, Function
g-list-store-find, Function
g-list-store-insert, Function
g-list-store-item-type, Accessor
g-list-store-new, Function
g-list-store-remove, Function
g-list-store-remove-all, Function
g-loadable-icon, Interface
g-menu, Class
g-menu-append, Function
g-menu-append-item, Function
g-menu-append-section, Function
g-menu-append-submenu, Function
g-menu-freeze, Function
g-menu-insert, Function
g-menu-insert-item, Function
g-menu-insert-section, Function
g-menu-insert-submenu, Function
g-menu-item, Class
g-menu-item-attribute-value, Function
g-menu-item-link, Function
g-menu-item-new, Function
g-menu-item-new-from-model, Function
g-menu-item-new-section, Function
g-menu-item-new-submenu, Function
g-menu-item-set-action-and-target-value, Function
g-menu-item-set-detailed-action, Function
g-menu-item-set-icon, Function
g-menu-item-set-label, Function
g-menu-item-set-section, Function
g-menu-item-set-submenu, Function
g-menu-model, Class
g-menu-model-is-mutable, Function
g-menu-model-n-items, Function
g-menu-new, Function
g-menu-prepend, Function
g-menu-prepend-item, Function
g-menu-prepend-section, Function
g-menu-prepend-submenu, Function
g-menu-remove, Function
g-menu-remove-all, Function
g-notification, Class
g-notification-add-button, Function
g-notification-new, Function
g-notification-priority, GEnum
g-notification-set-body, Function
g-notification-set-default-action, Function
g-notification-set-icon, Function
g-notification-set-priority, Function
g-notification-set-title, Function
g-notification-set-urgent, Function
g-permission, Class
g-permission-allowed, Accessor
g-permission-can-acquire, Accessor
g-permission-can-release, Accessor
g-property-action, Class
g-property-action-enabled, Accessor
g-property-action-invert-boolean, Accessor
g-property-action-name, Accessor
g-property-action-new, Function
g-property-action-object, Accessor
g-property-action-parameter-type, Accessor
g-property-action-property-name, Accessor
g-property-action-state, Accessor
g-property-action-state-type, Accessor
g-resource, GBoxed
g-resource-enumerate-children, Function
g-resource-flags, GFlags
g-resource-info, Function
g-resource-load, Function
g-resource-lookup-data, Function
g-resource-lookup-flags, GFlags
g-resources-enumerate-children, Function
g-resources-info, Function
g-resources-lookup-data, Function
g-resources-register, Function
g-resources-unregister, Function
g-simple-action, Class
g-simple-action-enabled, Accessor
g-simple-action-group, Class
g-simple-action-group-add-entries, Function
g-simple-action-group-insert, Function
g-simple-action-group-lookup, Function
g-simple-action-group-new, Function
g-simple-action-group-remove, Function
g-simple-action-name, Accessor
g-simple-action-new, Function
g-simple-action-new-stateful, Function
g-simple-action-parameter-type, Accessor
g-simple-action-set-state-hint, Function
g-simple-action-state, Accessor
g-simple-action-state-type, Accessor
g-themed-icon, Class
g-themed-icon-append-name, Function
g-themed-icon-name, Accessor
g-themed-icon-names, Accessor
g-themed-icon-new, Function
g-themed-icon-new-from-names, Function
g-themed-icon-new-with-default-fallbacks, Function
g-themed-icon-prepend-name, Function
g-themed-icon-use-default-fallbacks, Accessor