Package: gio
Class g-app-launch-context
Superclassesg-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented SubclassesDirect Slots
Integrating the launch with the launching application.
This is used to handle for instance startup notification and launching the
new application on the same screen as the launching window. Signal DetailsThe "launch-failed" signalThe signal is emitted when a g-app-info launch fails. The startup notification ID is provided, so that the launcher can cancel the startup notification.lambda (context startup-notify-id) :run-last
The "launched" signalThe signal is emitted when a g-app-info object is successfully launched. The argument platform-data is an g-variant dictionary mapping strings to variants, i.e. a{sv}, which contains additional, platform-specific data about this launch. On UNIX, at least the "pid" and "startup-notification-id" keys will be present.lambda (context info platform-data) :run-last
| Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |