Package: gio

Function g-application-command-line-getenv

Lambda List

g-application-command-line-getenv (cmdline name)


cmdline -- a g-application-command-line object
name -- a string with the environment variable to get

Return Value

A string with the value of the variable, or nil if unset or unsent.


Gets the value of a particular environment variable of the command line invocation, as would be returned by the function g-getenv. The strings may contain non UTF-8 data.

The remote application usually does not send an environment. Use the :send-enviroment flag to affect that. Even with this flag set it is possible that the environment is still not available, due to invocation messages from other applications.


(defvar cmd (make-instance 'g-application-command-line)) => CMD
(g-application-command-line-getenv cmd "HOME") => "/home/dieter"
(g-application-command-line-getenv cmd "unkown") => NIL    

See also
