Package: pango

GEnum pango:weight


(gobject:define-genum "PangoWeight" weight
  (:export t
   :allow-undeclared-values t
   :type-initializer "pango_weight_get_type")
  (:thin 100)
  (:ultralight 200)
  (:light 300)
  (:semilight 350)
  (:book 380)
  (:normal 400)
  (:medium 500)
  (:semibold 600)
  (:bold 700)
  (:ultrabold 800)
  (:heavy 900)
  (:ultraheavy 1000))  


The thin weight.
The ultralight weight.
The light weight.
The semilight weight.
The book weight.
The default weight.
The normal weight.
The semibold weight.
The bold weight.
The ultrabold weight.
The heavy weight.
The ultraheavy weight.


An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 1000, but there are some predefined values.


The enumeration allows undeclared values. Therefore, it is possible to pass any integer to functions that expect a pango:weight value.

See also
