Package: pango
Function pango:font-description-weight
Lambda Listpango:font-description-weight (desc) SyntaxArgumentsDetails The pango:font-description-weight function gets the weight field of a
font description. The (setf pango:font-description-weight) function sets the weight field. The
weight field specifies how bold or light the font should be. In addition to the values of the pango:weight enumeration, other intermediate
numeric values are possible. Examples(setq desc (pango:font-description-new)) => #<PANGO:FONT-DESCRIPTION {1005A11E63}> (pango:font-description-weight desc) => :NORMAL (setf (pango:font-description-weight desc) 450) => 450 (pango:font-description-weight desc) => 450 | See also |