Package: pango
Function pango:shape
Lambda Listpango:shape (text len analysis) ArgumentsReturn ValueThe pango:glyph-string instance with the results Details Given a segment of text and the corresponding pango:analysis instance returned from the pango:itemize function, convert the
characters into glyphs. You may also pass in only a substring of the item from the pango:itemize
function. It is recommended that you use the pango:shape-full function instead, since that API allows for shaping interaction happening across text item boundaries. Note that the extra attributes in the analyis that is returned from the pango:itemize function have indices that are relative to the entire paragraph, so you need to subtract the item offset from their indices before calling the pango:shape function. Note(setq str "Zwölf Ägypter auf der Straße") => "Zwölf Ägypter auf der Straße" (length str) => 28 (babel:string-size-in-octets str) => 31 => 28 | See also |