Package: pango

Function pango:itemize

Lambda List

pango:itemize (context text start length attrs iter)


context -- a pango:context object holding information that affects the itemization process
text -- a string for the text to itemize, must be valid UTF-8
start -- an integer for the first byte in text to process
length -- an integer for the number of bytes, (not characters, to process after start, this must be >= 0
attrs -- a pango:attr-list instance for the set of attributes that apply to text
iter -- a cached pango:attr-iterator attribute iterator, or nil

Return Value

The list of pango:item instances.


Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent directional level and shaping engine. Each byte of text will be contained in exactly one of the items in the returned list. The generated list of items will be in logical order, the start offsets of the items are ascending.

The iter argument should be an iterator over attrs currently positioned at a range before or containing start. The iter argument will be advanced to the range covering the position just after start + length, i.e. if itemizing in a loop, just keep passing in the same iter.

See also
