Package: gtk

Function gtk:text-buffer-insert-with-tags

Lambda List

gtk:text-buffer-insert-with-tags (buffer iter text &rest tags)


buffer -- a gtk:text-buffer object
iter -- a gtk:text-iter iterator in the text buffer
text -- a string with the UTF-8 text
tags -- a list with gtk:text-tag objects or strings with the tag names to apply to text


Inserts text into the text buffer at the position iter, applying the list of tags to the newly inserted text. Equivalent to calling the gtk:text-buffer-insert function, then the gtk:text-buffer-apply-tag function on the inserted text. The gtk:text-buffer-insert-with-tags function is just a convenience function.


The Lisp implementation does not call the gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags() function, but uses the gtk:text-buffer-insert and gtk:text-buffer-apply-tag functions. The gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name() function is included in this function and not implemented in the Lisp library.

See also
