Stores text and attributes for display in a
gtk:text-view widget.
You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview which
gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text
widget and how they work together.
gtk:text-buffer object can support undoing changes to the text buffer content, see the
gtk:text-buffer-enable-undo function.
Signal Details
The "apply-tag" signal
lambda (buffer tag start end) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- tag
- The gtk:text-tag applied tag.
- start
- The gtk:text-iter start iterator of the range the tag is applied to.
- end
- The gtk:text-iter end iterator of the range the tag is applied to.
The signal is emitted to apply a tag to a range of text in a text buffer.
Applying actually occurs in the default handler. Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
start and
end iterators, or has to revalidate them.
The "begin-user-action" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted at the beginning of a single user visible operation
on a text buffer.
The "changed" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted when the content of a text buffer has changed.
The "delete-range" signal
lambda (buffer start end) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- start
- The gtk:text-iter start iterator of the range to be deleted.
- end
- The gtk:text-iter end iterator of the range to be deleted.
The signal is emitted to delete a range from a text buffer. Note that if
your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
start and
end iterators, or has to revalidate them. The default signal handler revalidates the
start and
end iterators
to both point to the location where text was deleted. Handlers which run
after the default handler do not have access to the deleted text.
The "end-user-action" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted at the end of a single user visible operation on
the text buffer.
The "insert-child-anchor" signal
lambda (buffer location anchor) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- location
- The gtk:text-iter position to insert anchor in buffer.
- anchor
- The gtk:text-child-anchor object to be inserted.
The signal is emitted to insert a
gtk:text-child-anchor object
in a text buffer. Insertion actually occurs in the default handler. Note
that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
location iterator, or has to revalidate it. The
default signal handler revalidates it to be placed after the inserted
The "insert-paintable" signal
lambda (buffer location paintable) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- location
- The gtk:text-iter position to insert paintable in buffer.
- paintable
- The gdk:paintable object to be inserted.
The signal is emitted to insert a
gdk:paintable object in a text
buffer. Insertion actually occurs in the default handler. Note that if
your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
location iterator, or has to revalidate it. The default signal handler revalidates it to be placed after the inserted
The "insert-text" signal
lambda (buffer location text len) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- location
- The gtk:text-iter position to insert text in buffer.
- text
- The string with the UTF-8 text to be inserted.
- len
- The integer with the length of the inserted text in bytes.
The signal is emitted to insert text in a text buffer. Insertion actually
occurs in the default handler. Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
location iterator, or has
to revalidate it. The default signal handler revalidates it to point to
the end of the inserted text.
The "mark-deleted" signal
lambda (buffer mark) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- mark
- The gtk:text-mark object that was deleted.
The signal is emitted as notification after a
object is deleted.
The "mark-set" signal
lambda (buffer location mark) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- location
- The gtk:text-iter location of mark in buffer.
- mark
- The gtk:text-mark object that is set.
The signal is emitted as notification after a
object is set.
The "modified-changed" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted when the modified bit of a text buffer flips.
The "paste-done" signal
lambda (buffer clipboard) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- clipboard
- The gdk:clipboard object.
The signal is emitted after a paste operation has been completed. This is
useful to properly scroll the view to the end of the pasted text.
The "redo" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted when a request has been made to redo the previously
undone operation.
The "remove-tag" signal
lambda (buffer tag start end) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
- tag
- The gtk:text-tag object to be removed.
- start
- The gtk:text-iter start iterator of the range the tag is removed from.
- end
- The gtk:text-iter end iterator of the range the tag is removed from.
The signal is emitted to remove all occurrences of
tag from a range
of text in a text buffer. Removal actually occurs in the default handler.
Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the
start and
end iterators, or has to revalidate
The "undo" signal
lambda (buffer) :run-last
- buffer
- The gtk:text-buffer object which received the signal.
The signal is emitted when a request has been made to undo the previous
operation or set of operations that have been grouped together.