Package: gtk
Accessor gtk:text-buffer-enable-undo
Lambda Listgtk:text-buffer-enable-undo (object) SyntaxArgumentsDetails Accessor of the enable-undo slot of the gtk:text-buffer class. The gtk:text-buffer-enable-undo function gets whether the text buffer is
saving modifications to the text buffer to allow for undo and redo actions. The (setf gtk:text-buffer-enable-undo) sets whether or not to enable undoable
actions in the text buffer. If enabled, the user will be able to undo the last number of actions up to the gtk:text-buffer-max-undo-levels value. See the gtk:text-buffer-begin-irreversible-action and gtk:text-buffer-end-irreversible-action functions to create changes to the text buffer that cannot be undone. | See also |