Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-editable-start-editing

Lambda List

gtk:cell-editable-start-editing (editable event)


editable -- a gtk:cell-editable object
event -- a gdk:event instance that began the editing process, or nil if editing was initiated programmatically


Begins editing on a cell editable. The gtk:cell-renderer object for the cell creates and returns a gtk:cell-editable object from the gtk:cell-renderer-start-editing function, configured for the gtk:cell-renderer type.

The gtk:cell-editable-start-editing function can then set up the editable argument suitably for editing a cell, for example, making the Esc key emit the "editing-done" signal.

Note that the editable argument is created on-demand for the current edit. Its lifetime is temporary and does not persist across other edits and/or cells.


The gtk:cell-editable implementation is deprecated since 4.10, Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
