gtk:cell-editable interface must be implemented for widgets to be usable when editing the contents of a
gtk:tree-view cell widget.
It provides a way to specify how temporary widgets should be configured for
editing, get the new value, etc.
gtk:cell-editable implementation is deprecated since 4.10,
List views use widgets for displaying their contents. See the
gtk:editable interface for editable text widgets.
Signal Details
The "editing-done" signal
lambda (editable) :run-last
- editable
- The gtk:cell-editable object on which the signal was emitted.
The signal is a sign for the cell renderer to update its value from the
editable argument. Implementations of the
class are responsible for emitting the signal when they are done editing, for example, the
gtk:entry widget is emitting it when the user presses the
Enter key. The
gtk:cell-editable-editing-done function is a convenience method for emitting the
The "remove-widget" signal
lambda (editable) :run-last
- editable
- The gtk:cell-editable object on which the signal was emitted.
The signal is meant to indicate that the cell is finished editing, and
the widget may now be destroyed. Implementations of the
gtk:cell-editable class are responsible for emitting the signal
when they are done editing. It must be emitted after the
"editing-done" signal, to give the cell renderer a chance to
update the value of the cell before the widget is removed. The
gtk:cell-editable-remove-widget function is a convenience method for emitting the
"remove-widget" signal.