Package: gtk
Interface gtk:section-model
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclassesgtk:filter-list-model, gtk:flatten-list-model, gtk:map-list-model, gtk:multi-selection, gtk:no-selection, gtk:single-selection, gtk:slice-list-model, gtk:sort-list-model Direct Slots
Details The gtk:section-model interface is an interface that adds support
for sections to list models. A gtk:section-model object groups successive items into so-called sections. List widgets like the gtk:list-view and gtk:grid-view widget then allow displaying section headers for these
sections by installing a header factory. Many GTK list models support sections inherently, or they pass through the sections of a model they are wrapping. When the section groupings of a model change, the model will emit the "sections-changed" signal by calling the gtk:section-model-sections-changed function. All sections in the given range then need to be queried again. The "items-changed" signal has the same effect, all sections in that range are invalidated, too. Since 4.12 SignalsThe "sections-changed" signallambda (model pos n-items) :run-last
| Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |