Package: gtk

Class gtk:list-view


Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The enable-rubberband property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Allow rubberband selection.
Default value: false
The factory property of type gtk:list-item-factory (Read / Write)
Factory for populating list items.
The header-factory property of type gtk:list-item-factory (Read / Write)
Factory for creating header widgets. Since 4.12
The model property of type gtk:selection-model (Read / Write)
Model for the items displayed.
The show-separators property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Show separators between rows.
Default value: false
The single-click-activate property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Activate rows on single click and select them on hover.
Default value: false
The tab-behavior property of type gtk:list-tab-behavior (Read / Write)
Behavior of the Tab key. Since 4.12
Default value: :all


The gtk:list-view widget is a widget to present a view into a large dynamic list of items. The gtk:list-view widget uses its factory to generate one row widget for each visible item and shows them in a linear display, either vertically or horizontally. The show-separators property offers a simple way to display separators between the rows.

The gtk:list-view widget allows the user to select items according to the selection characteristics of the model. For models that allow multiple selected items, it is possible to turn on rubberband selection, using the enable-rubberband property.

If you need multiple columns with headers, see the gtk:column-view widget.

To learn more about the list widget framework, see the List Widget Overview section.


This is a complete example of how to use the gtk:list-view widget. The example is included in the GTK 4 demo, which comes with the GTK library.
(defun activate-cb (listview position)
  (let* ((model (gtk:list-view-model listview))
         (appinfo (g:list-model-item model position))
         (display (gtk:widget-display listview))
         (context (gdk:display-app-launch-context display)))
    (unless (g:app-info-launch appinfo nil context)
      (let* ((message (format nil "Could not launch ~a"
                                  (g:app-info-display-name appinfo)))
             (dialog (make-instance 'gtk:alert-dialog
                                    :message message)))
          (gtk:alert-dialog-show dialog (gtk:widget-root listview))))))

(defun create-application-list () (let ((store (g:list-store-new "GAppInfo")) (apps (g:app-info-all))) (dolist (app apps) (g:list-store-append store app)) store))

(defun do-list-view-applauncher (&optional (application nil)) (let* ((factory (gtk:signal-list-item-factory-new)) (model (create-application-list)) (listview nil) (scrolled (make-instance 'gtk:scrolled-window :margin-start 12 :margin-top 12)) (window (make-instance 'gtk:window :title "Application launcher" :application application :child scrolled :default-width 640 :default-height 320 :margin-start 24 :margin-top 6 :margin-bottom 6))) (g:signal-connect factory "setup" (lambda (factory item) (declare (ignore factory)) (let* ((box (gtk:box-new :horizontal 12)) (image (make-instance 'gtk:image :icon-size :large))) (gtk:box-append box image) (gtk:box-append box (gtk:label-new "")) (setf (gtk:list-item-child item) box)))) (g:signal-connect factory "bind" (lambda (factory item) (declare (ignore factory)) (let* ((image (gtk:widget-first-child (gtk:list-item-child item))) (label (gtk:widget-next-sibling image)) (appinfo (gtk:list-item-item item))) (gtk:image-set-from-gicon image (g:app-info-icon appinfo)) (setf (gtk:label-label label) (g:app-info-display-name appinfo))))) (setf listview (gtk:list-view-new (gtk:single-selection-new model) factory)) (g:signal-connect listview "activate" #'activate-cb) (setf (gtk:scrolled-window-child scrolled) listview) (gtk:window-present window)))

CSS nodes

├── row[.activatable]
├── row[.activatable]
╰── [rubberband]    
The gtk:list-view implementation uses a single CSS node named listview. It may carry the .separators style class, when the show-separators property is set. Each child widget uses a single CSS node named row. For rubberband selection, a node with name rubberband is used.

The main listview node may also carry style classes to select the style of list presentation: .rich-list, .navigation-sidebar or .data-table.


The gtk:list-view implementation uses the :list role, and the list items use the :list-item role of the gtk:accessible-role enumeration.

Signal Details

The "activate" signal
lambda (listview position)    :run-last      
The gtk:list-view widget.
An unsigned integer with the position of the item to activate.
The signal is emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListView|list.activate-item action. This allows for a convenient way to handle activation in a listview. See the gtk:list-item-activatable function for details on how to use this signal.

Returned by

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
