Package: gtk
Class gtk:alert-dialog
Superclassesgobject:object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t Documented Subclasses
Direct SlotsDetails The gtk:alert-dialog object collects the arguments that are needed
to present a message to the user. The message is shown with the gtk:alert-dialog-choose function. This API
follows the GIO async pattern, and the result can be obtained by calling the gtk:alert-dialog-choose-finish function. If you do not need to wait for a button to be clicked, you can use the gtk:alert-dialog-show function. Examples(defun create-alert-dialog (parent) (let ((dialog (make-instance 'gtk:alert-dialog :message "Alert Alert Alert" :detail "The detail of the alert dialog." :buttons '("Cancel" "OK") :cancel-button 0 :default-button 1 :modal t)) (cancellable (g:cancellable-new))) ;; Cancel the alert dialog after waiting 10 seconds for user response (g:timeout-add-seconds 10 (lambda () (g:cancellable-cancel cancellable) glib:+source-remove+)) ;; Show the alert dialog (gtk:alert-dialog-choose dialog parent cancellable ;; The GAsyncReadyCallback function (lambda (source result) ;; Get the result (let ((result (gtk:alert-dialog-choose-finish source result))) (format t "Alert dialog result is ~a~%" result))))))Since 4.10 | Inherited Slot Access FunctionsSee also |