Package: pango

GEnum pango:tab-align


(gobject:define-genum "PangoTabAlign" tab-align
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "pango_tab_align_get_type")
  (:left 0)
  (:right 1)
  (:center 2)
  (:decimal 3))  


The text appears to the right of the tab stop position.
The text appears to the left of the tab stop position until the available space is filled. Since 1.50
The text is centered at the tab stop position until the available space is filled. Since 1.50
Text before the first occurrence of the decimal point character appears to the left of the tab stop position, until the available space is filled, the rest to the right. Since 1.50


The pango:tab-align enumeration specifies where the text appears relative to the tab stop position.

See also
