Package: pango
GEnum pango:direction
Declaration(gobject:define-genum "PangoDirection" direction (:export t :type-initializer "pango_direction_get_type") (:ltr 0) (:rtl 1) (:ttb-ltr 2) (:ttb-rtl 3) (:weak-ltr 4) (:weak-rtl 5) (:neutral 6)) Values
Details The pango:direction enumeration represents a direction in the
Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage. For example, the return value of the pango:unichar-direction and pango:find-base-dir functions cannot be :weak-ltr or :weak-rtl, since every character is either neutral or has a strong direction. On the other hand the :neutral value does not make sense to pass to the pango:itemize-with-base-dir function. The :ttb-ltr, :ttb-rtl values come from an earlier interpretation of this enumeration as the writing direction of a block of text and are no longer used. See the pango:gravity enumeration for how vertical text is handled in Pango. | See also |