Package: pango
GEnum pango:attr-type
Declaration(gobject:define-genum "PangoAttrType" attr-type (:export t :allow-undeclared-values t :type-initializer "pango_attr_type_get_type") (:invalid 0) (:language 1) (:family 2) (:style 3) (:weight 4) (:variant 5) (:stretch 6) (:size 7) (:font-desc 8) (:foreground 9) (:background 10) (:underline 11) (:strikethrough 12) (:rise 13) (:shape 14) (:scale 15) (:fallback 16) (:letter-spacing 17) (:underline-color 18) (:strikethrough-color 19) (:absolute-size 20) (:gravity 21) (:gravity-hint 22) (:font-features 23) (:foreground-alpha 24) (:background-alpha 25) (:allow-breaks 26) (:show 27) (:insert-hyphens 28) (:overline 29) (:overline-color 30) (:line-height 31) (:absolute-line-height 32) (:text-transform 33) (:word 34) (:sentence 35) (:baseline-shift 36) (:font-scale 37)) Values
Details The pango:attr-type enumeration distinguishes between different
types of attributes.
Along with the predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values for custom attributes using the pango:attr-type-register
function. | See also |