Package: pango

GEnum pango:attr-type


(gobject:define-genum "PangoAttrType" attr-type
  (:export t
   :allow-undeclared-values t
   :type-initializer "pango_attr_type_get_type")
  (:invalid 0)
  (:language 1)
  (:family 2)
  (:style 3)
  (:weight 4)
  (:variant 5)
  (:stretch 6)
  (:size 7)
  (:font-desc 8)
  (:foreground 9)
  (:background 10)
  (:underline 11)
  (:strikethrough 12)
  (:rise 13)
  (:shape 14)
  (:scale 15)
  (:fallback 16)
  (:letter-spacing 17)
  (:underline-color 18)
  (:strikethrough-color 19)
  (:absolute-size 20)
  (:gravity 21)
  (:gravity-hint 22)
  (:font-features 23)
  (:foreground-alpha 24)
  (:background-alpha 25)
  (:allow-breaks 26)
  (:show 27)
  (:insert-hyphens 28)
  (:overline 29)
  (:overline-color 30)
  (:line-height 31)
  (:absolute-line-height 32)
  (:text-transform 33)
  (:word 34)
  (:sentence 35)
  (:baseline-shift 36)
  (:font-scale 37))  


Does not happen.
Font family name list.
Font slant style.
Font weight.
Font variant, normal or small caps.
Font stretch.
Font size in points scaled by the pango:+scale+ value.
Font description.
Foreground color.
Background color.
Whether the text has an underline.
Whether the text is struck-through.
Baseline displacement.
Font size scale factor.
Whether fallback is enabled.
Letter spacing.
Underline colo.
Strikethrough color.
Font size in pixels scaled by the pango:+scale+ value.
Base text gravity.
Gravity hint.
OpenType font features.
Foreground alpha.
Background alpha.
Whether breaks are allowed. Since 1.44
How to render invisible characters. Since 1.44
Whether to insert hyphens at intra-word line breaks. Since 1.44
Whether the text has an overline. Since 1.46
Overline color. Since 1.46
Line height factor. Since 1.50
Line height. Since 1.50
How Pango treats characters during shaping. Since 1.50
Override segmentation to classify the range of the attribute as a single word. Since 1.50
Override segmentation to classify the range of the attribute as a single sentence. Since 1.50
Baseline displacement. Since 1.50
Font-relative size change. Since 1.50


The pango:attr-type enumeration distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values for custom attributes using the pango:attr-type-register function.

See also
