Package: pango

Function pango:tab-array-decimal-point

Lambda List

pango:tab-array-decimal-point (tabs index)


(pango:tab-array-decimal-point tabs index) => char
(setf (pango:tab-array-decimal-point tabs index) char)


tabs -- a pango:tab-array instance
index -- an integer with the index of a tab stop
char -- a character with the decimal point to use


The pango:tab-array-decimal-point function gets the Unicode character to use as decimal point. The (setf pango:tab-array-decimal-point) function sets the Unicode character to use as decimal point.

This is only relevant for tabs with :decimal alignment, which align content at the first occurrence of the decimal point character. The default value of 0 means that Pango will use the decimal point according to the current locale.

Since 1.50

See also
