Package: pango

Function pango:font-description-size

Lambda List

pango:font-description-size (desc)


(pango:font-description-size desc) => size
(setf (pango:font-description-size desc) size)


desc -- a pango:font-description instance
size -- an integer for the size of the font in points, scaled by the pango:+scale+ constant


The pango:font-description-size function gets the size field of a font description in points or device units. The (setf pango:font-description-size) function sets the size field. This is mutually exclusive with the pango:font-description-set-absolute-size function.

A size value of (* 10 pango:+scale+) is a 10 point font. The conversion factor between points and device units depends on the system configuration and the output device. For screen display, a logical DPI of 96 is common, in which case a 10 point font corresponds to a 10 * (96 / 72) = 13.3 pixel font. Use the pango:font-description-set-absolute-size function if you need a particular size in device units.

You must call the pango:font-description-size-is-absolute function to find out which is the case. Returns 0 if the size field has not previously been set or it has been set to 0 explicitly. Use the pango:font-description-set-fields function to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

See also
